My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 103 Rescue Squad

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The days seem to suddenly become more comfortable, people's lives have not been disturbed too much, and everything seems to be back to normal.

Chu Ming stayed in his factory to practice. During the period, he held a meeting of elders to arrange the work in the near future.

Regarding the news of the establishment of the Dawn Organization, Chu Ming has not announced it to the public yet.

He felt that the time had not yet come.

The announcement of the Dawn Organization must be made in a high-profile manner after an important event that can attract everyone's attention.

In this way, it can deepen people's impression and favor of the Shuguang organization, which is inherently superior.

Of course, Chu Ming's move was not to pretend to be aggressive, but to improve the style and status of the Shuguang Organization from the source.

Don't let others think that the Shuguang organization is worse than the Hongmeng organization.

At the same time, Chu Ming arranged work tasks for Qin Mingcheng, Liao Bo, Pang Quanyong, Zhou Zhihao, Xu Mingliang and others, asking them to pay attention to the recent developments of the common people.

When you are full and warm, when there is no external threat, some people may become swollen because of their own strength.

Under the arrangement of Qin Mingcheng and others, they recruited a large number of people from the book friend group, set up a rescue team, and made preparations to maintain order.

These people come from all over the country, and they are the first group of people who joined the Chu Ming book friend group, belonging to the veteran level.

At the beginning, everyone thought that this kind of thing would never happen.

But as time passed, many problems began to surface, and some things became more and more difficult to control.

On this day, in the Garden District of Pearl City.

As usual, Wu Qingping went for a walk in the park downstairs after dinner.

There are many people living in this community. After get off work, everyone likes to take a walk in the park here and embrace the nature.

But today, the park seems to be much more lively than before.

Wu Qingping saw a group of people in front of them, talking loudly, as if they were arguing, but because there were too many people watching, it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

Out of curiosity, Wu Qingping approached, and after getting closer, he was surprised to find that there were dozens of people fighting in groups.

With the popularization of ancient martial arts training techniques, some unstable factors finally began to surface.

Everyone feels that after they have a few moments, their emotions can easily become impulsive.

A little trivial matter can also fight.

No one thought that the cause of so many people participating in gang fights was a cup of milk tea.

After Wu Qingping questioned the old men who were watching the fun, he finally understood the outline of the matter and almost laughed out loud.

By the way, a single man in the community ordered a cup of milk tea to take away, but a girl took it wrong.

As a result, the man checked the surveillance, posted a screenshot of the girl, and shouted to catch the thief.

The girl is very wronged.

Obviously, it was my boyfriend who bought milk tea for me, but I just accidentally took the wrong one, and someone posted a screenshot of the surveillance because of such a trivial matter.

As for?

The girl was in a very bad mood, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she yelled at her boyfriend.

You said you are free to buy some milk tea?

You bought milk tea, don’t you know it will be delivered to me? Do I have to get it myself?

Take a look, did you take the wrong one?

Now that someone has sent the screenshot, is it embarrassing?

How could the boyfriend bear this anger? In the final analysis, it was because of that cheapskate, because of a cup of broken milk tea, he dared to post a screenshot of his girlfriend.

Do you understand portrait rights?

This is not wanting to live!

And so, a fight started.

The park square in the community has now turned into a martial arts arena. Everyone is a seventh-rank martial artist, and the fights are quite exciting.

At least it looks much better than Wumao special effects.

Those who watched the excitement didn't think it was a big deal, shouting to cheer up, while taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Finally, I have the material to send to Moments.

Things are getting worse,

As relatives and friends from both sides joined the battle, more and more people participated, and the scene became more and more noisy, and it was about to get out of control.

Wu Qingping took a few steps back subconsciously, the scene is messy now, don't let yourself get involved.

At this moment, a burst of high-pitched and exciting background music suddenly sounded, and a young man in a gray shirt rushed over from a distance.

This person is tall and tall, and he looks very energetic. He is carrying a black rectangular equipment on his back, and his posture is very cold.

Wu Qingping's expression changed, and he immediately looked towards the person who came.

However, when he saw clearly what the black rectangular equipment behind the opponent was, he couldn't help but be filled with question marks.

"That is, a large portable speaker?"

The corners of Wu Qingping's mouth twitched. In this day and age, there are really everyone. Is it okay to bring your own background music? .

As soon as he arrived here, the figure of that person fell directly into the center of the battle group. After a set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, everyone was overturned to the ground.

Wu Qingping was shocked by the opponent's flowing palms, he hastily took out his mobile phone and took a quick shot, hoping to record the opponent's vigorous figure.

It's a pity that he moved too slowly, and the opponent had already finished fighting.

Wu Qingping recalled the opponent's actions just now, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt familiar.

"This is Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

Regarding the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, there is no one in China who doesn't know anything from ninety-nine palms to just walking.

But there are really not many who play as smoothly as the young man in front of him.

In particular, the young man's control over his strength was very precise. He overturned everyone, but only separated the angry crowd, and did not really hurt them.

At this moment, everyone looked at the young man in amazement, frightened by his terrifying palm technique.

Who is this person and why is he so powerful?

Just now it seemed to be the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. Could it be that he is the direct descendant of the ancestor of Guwu?

A young man carefully got up from the ground. He patted the dust on his clothes and asked in a low voice:

"This hero has something to say, I have a question to discuss, can we turn off the music first?"

Xu Mingliang smiled awkwardly, and turned off the music with a click.

The scene instantly became quiet.

Xu Mingliang felt a little guilty. Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood. It was really inappropriate to play such cheerful music at this time.

Among the crowd, Zhou Zhihao who came here together stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

The person who shot was none other than Xu Mingliang, a member of the rescue team sent by Chu Ming.

Ever since he mastered the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he threw the nunchaku he had been obsessed with for a long time into the road ditch.

The practice of martial arts is not like the ancient martial art of body training, which has strong requirements on the qualifications of the practitioners.

There are many people who have obtained the practice method of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, but very few of them are able to practice successfully.

Xu Mingliang didn't expect that he turned out to be a martial arts prodigy.

After he obtained the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, his strength level has been continuously improved, and now he has practiced the first eight palms.

One must know that Qin Mingcheng and others who were the first to come into contact with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms have only mastered the first five palms.

Xu Mingliang came from behind and had a faint tendency to become the number one master under Chu Ming.

No, when you go out to perform rescue missions, no matter where you go, you will have more face!

This rescue team must not weaken the name of Gu Wu Patriarch.

The scene was so noisy that no one noticed that a young man with a long sword quietly appeared in the shade of a tree in the distance.

He stared at the two with cold eyes, and the killing intent in his heart was fleeting.

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