My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 11 Skills soared

For a long time, the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon have been like thunder, and Chu Ming would never have thought that there would be another nineteen palms of subduing the dragon.

There is also an introduction below: The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were created by the master of the ancient martial arts, the Beggar Clan's leader. They are powerful and domineering, and they are the most majestic and yang palms in the world.

The system corrects and refines this technique, adding one palm to the eighteen palms, the power can be doubled, and the attack power can be superimposed when released continuously.

After reading the introduction, Chu Ming couldn't help but gasped.

The power is doubled, and it can be superimposed, so after that, the power may be astonishing.

With such a powerful technique, I feel like I can walk sideways if I have this set.

Chu Ming was overjoyed, took a look at the price of the Nineteen Palms of Jianglong, and immediately twitched the corner of his mouth.

It actually needs 100,000 reputation points.

That is to say, can one book of Nineteen Palms of Subduing Dragon compare to ten books of Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon?

Seeing the price, Chu Ming couldn't help sticking out his tongue, and quit the interface decisively.

With his current skill level, it would take a lot of effort to take the second palm. Eighteen palms are enough, and there is no need for an advanced version.

Chu Ming originally planned to exchange more secret books of exercises, but considering the factor of skill, he decided to save more reputation points to exchange for skills.

Practice the muscles, bones and skin externally, and practice the breath internally. This breath refers to skill.

No matter how many kung fu moves, if you can't use them, it is equal to zero. The key point now is to make your kung fu more profound.

After pondering for a while, Chu Ming felt that he wanted to exchange the exercise "Lingbo Weibu" as well.

If you don't learn the fighting skills well, the running skills are very important. This Lingbo Weibu is undoubtedly the top work in this respect.

Chu Ming's current foundation is weak, a set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms can attack, and a set of Lingbo Weibu can escape, which is enough for the current state.

When the prestige value is more, then exchange for a set of "Golden Bell Cover" to enhance the defense.

At that time, when there are attack, defense and escape, it will be considered stable.

[Ding, the host chose Lingbo Weibu, do I need to exchange it? 】

Chu Ming directly agreed and chose to exchange.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging Lingbo Weibu, the reputation value is -10000, the exercises have been released, please check. 】

Chu Ming was overjoyed, and immediately began to practice Lingbo Weibu in the room.

Lingbo Weibu is an extremely high-level light exercise, based on the eighth, eighth and sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, the steps have a certain mysterious meaning.

Chu Ming walked in the direction of the hexagrams in a specific order, walking exactly a big circle from the first step to the last step.

Perhaps it was because the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon just now consumed too much, and Chu Ming felt dazzled and dizzy before he finished the lap, and his body almost collapsed.

"what happened?"

Chu Ming almost collapsed, what the hell, it takes skill to perform Lingbo Weibu?

In other words, in the world of ancient martial arts, skill is everything?

When I used to watch martial arts TV dramas, those Jianghu people shouted about internal strength every day, but they didn't feel much at that time.

Only now did Chu Ming realize that most of the kung fu moves were motivated by internal force.

Such as the ancient martial arts body training technique, which belongs to strengthening the body, does not consume skill when activated.

Also, those fighting skills don't consume any skill.

Only those exercises with special functions, like special effects, will consume energy.

For example, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon can shoot powerful energy in the air, which belongs to the category of special effects.

Lingboweibu can make the body erratic, and the enemy cannot lock the target, which also belongs to the category of special effects.

If the special effects are removed and only superficial skills are used, it should not consume skills.

So Chu Ming gave it a try, following the move routine of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, but he didn't raise his energy, and the moves could be successfully played.

However, this kind of move is useless except for its ornamental value.

This is what people often call a flower shelf.

At the same time, Chu Ming used the same method to move his legs according to the pace of Lingbo's micro-steps, and the dizziness really disappeared.

But from a distance, Chu Ming was just circling in circles, which looked like a Yangko dance, which was very ridiculous.

Chu Ming finally understood that skill is everything.

After checking the system, Chu Ming still has more than 30,000 reputation points.

Therefore, Chu Ming entered the second floor of the system mall, intending to exchange all the remaining reputation points for success power.

[One-year skill], [Ten-year skill], [Hundred-year skill], [Thousand-year skill]...

The system shows that 10,000 reputation points are needed to redeem one-year skills, 100,000 reputation points are needed to exchange ten-year skills, and so on.

Chu Ming now only has more than 30,000 reputation points left, which can be redeemed in three times, for a total of three years of skill.

After understanding all this, Chu Ming started to exchange.

[Ding, the host has chosen a year of skill, do I need to exchange it? 】

Chu Ming directly agreed and chose to exchange.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging one-year skills, the reputation value is -10000, and the skills have increased. 】

As the system prompt sounded, Chu Ming suddenly felt a warm current spread all over his body, and the feeling of weakness caused by performing Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and Lingbo Weibu disappeared immediately.

Chu Ming was overjoyed, he felt it carefully, and found that these warm currents finally gathered in his lower abdomen.

Could it be that this is the legendary dantian?

Chu Ming estimated that one year's skill should be able to support him to hit ten palms in a row.

As for Lingbo Weibu, it should also be able to support ten Zhoutian.

One week is 8864 steps, and ten weeks is 640 steps.

In other words, one year's skill can support Chu Ming's Lingbo Weibu to take 640 steps in a row, which should be enough for a battle.

No, one year's skill is still too weak, and you need to continue to exchange.

Therefore, Chu Ming exchanged all the remaining prestige points into skills, so that he had three years of skills as a support as soon as he debuted.

Prestige points are a good thing, but my novels and videos have been blocked one after another, and the way to obtain prestige points has been blocked by Hongmeng.

Chu Ming was quite speechless. If the Hongmeng organization hadn't blocked his novels and videos, he should have millions of reputation points by now, right?

No, I will have a good talk with Mu Yuan tomorrow to see if there is a compromise that will not affect my reputation and avoid the problem of excessive cultivation.

The third level of the ancient martial arts body training technique has been released. Chu Ming had been with Xia Wei before, and he didn't have time to practice.

Now he finally had a chance, so he began to practice the third layer of ancient martial arts.

Starting from the third floor, the speed of practice slowed down.

Perhaps it is because the first two layers are just the foundation, and it becomes more advanced from the third layer.

In fact, the first two levels of the ancient martial art of body training are really not special, the strength is doubled and quadrupled, and many exercises can do it.

However, generally speaking, body training techniques have certain limitations. When the strength reaches a certain level, it will become very difficult to improve further.

But every time the Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique increases to a level, its strength will still double as before, and this is the truly terrifying place.

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