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Chapter 10 Subduing the Dragon 18 Palms

In the restaurant, Chu Ming was chomping on the noodles, touching his forehead with his hands from time to time, and a big red bump ached.

An extremely embarrassing scene happened five minutes ago. Chu Ming approached Zhou Guoping and said that he would take him as his apprentice.

He felt that Zhou Guoping's life experience was somewhat similar to his own, and wanted to pass on the ancient martial arts to him.

After all, so many people have already learned it, and it doesn't hurt to add one more.

Zhou Guoping looked at Chu Ming, who was a few years younger than himself, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

What, do you look weak?

A brat also wants to be his master?

Zhou Guoping didn't refute, but just proposed to make two moves first to see how Chu Ming's strength is.

Chu Ming's ancient martial arts training has reached the second level, and his strength has greatly increased. He is very confident in his own strength.

So, the two sides fought, and Chu Ming was honored to be reduced to a sandbag and was beaten up by Zhou Guoping.

In other words, after practicing the ancient martial arts training to the second level, not only the strength increased sharply, but also the ability to resist blows became stronger.

For the violent beating just now, if it were someone else, they would have been lying on the ground and unable to move. Chu Ming still looked alive and well.

However, the big bag on his forehead made him look a little embarrassed.

"Hey, I still suffer from not having any moves!"

While eating noodles, Chu Ming cursed in his heart.

After the fight just now, Chu Ming could clearly feel that the strength of the opponent was not as good as his own, but his fists couldn't hit the opponent no matter what.

Just very angry!

On the opposite side, Xia Wei burst into laughter, as if he was very happy to see Chu Ming deflated.

"I'll just say you're playing dead. Zhou Guoping has been here for more than four years. He learns a few tricks from the soldiers on weekdays. It's more than enough to deal with a rookie like you."

Listening to Xia Wei's words, Chu Ming didn't say much, and continued to eat wildly.

He couldn't bear it anymore, he had to go back and exchange the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon, it was so embarrassing.

"Do you want to eat or not? If you don't, give me the eggs in your bowl!"

While talking, Chu Ming stretched his chopsticks into Xia Wei's bowl, trying to grab it.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xia Wei hurriedly moved away while protecting the egg in the bowl, and knocked Chu Ming's chopsticks away with his chopsticks.

Chu Ming was speechless, he just got angry everywhere without any moves.

He can't wait to enter the system mall now, exchange for a move of the Great Desolation Prisoner's Sky Finger, and stab the opponent to death with one finger.

Zhou Guoping walked past the two of them from time to time, and it could be seen that he was very happy to win the battle just now.

After all, I usually compete with people in the Hongmeng training camp, but I have never won.

Seeing the embarrassing look of the other party, Chu Ming became angry and whispered: "Don't be embarrassing in front of me, we will fight again tomorrow."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Zhou Guoping readily agreed, and the purpose of his wandering here is for this sentence.

It was obvious that he too was a militant.

Chu Ming suddenly understood why the other party opened a restaurant here, it was purely to learn martial arts for free.

After leaving the restaurant, Chu Ming came to the single dormitory, which has been arranged in advance and can be checked in with bags.

After entering the room, Chu Ming locked the door immediately, and then entered the system mall impatiently.

He now has more than 50,000 reputation points, and according to the system rules, he can exchange for five cultivation methods.

"First come the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon!"

Chu Ming snorted coldly in his heart, went directly to the system mall, and opened the exercise page.

For a while, a dense array of martial arts cheats was placed in front of Chu Ming.

"One Yang Zhi", "Six Meridians Excalibur", "Lingbo Microsteps", "Eighteen Palms Subduing the Dragon", "The Great Shift of the Universe", "Transferring Flowers and Trees", "Fighting and Turning Stars", "Electric Light and Poisonous Dragon Diamond", "Golden The Bell Jar, The Tathagata God's Palm, The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Sky Finger, The Beginning Free and Unfettered Sutra...

on the way back,

Chu Ming had already decided what to choose, and when the system mall opened, he directly chose to exchange for a copy of Eighteen Palms of the Dragon.

[Ding, the host chose the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, do I need to exchange them? 】

Chu Ming directly agreed and chose to exchange.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the reputation value is -10000, the exercises have been released, please check. 】

As the system prompt sounded, Chu Ming felt his head heat up, and a huge amount of information began to spread in his mind.

At this moment, Chu Ming had an inexplicably extra part of memory in his mind, which was the cultivation method of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Chu Ming was overjoyed, and immediately got up from the bed, moved the table to the wall, and began to practice the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

He straightened his waist, lowered his energy to his dantian, slightly bent his left leg, bent his right arm inward, drew a circle with his right palm, and pushed it outward with a whistling sound.

An invisible force appeared along with the palm, and with a bang, a big hole was blown open in the door, faintly showing the shape of a palm print.

The first palm of Subduing the Dragon, Kanglong has regrets!

With one palm, Chu Ming suddenly felt his legs go weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

He leaned on the edge of the bed and sat down, feeling that all his strength had been drained.

Is it because you are too vain?

During this period of time, I can't eat well, drink well, or sleep well, which may cause my body to become weak.

Well, it's just that the body is weak, and the kidneys should not be weak.

Even if it is false, it must not be admitted, this is the last dignity.

Chu Ming sat on the bed for a while, and the feeling of weakness finally disappeared.

He really didn't expect that this kind of kung fu would consume so much energy, and in his current state, he could only slap one palm?

No, I have just practiced the ancient martial arts body training technique, and my physical fitness has been greatly improved, so I shouldn't be so vain.

Does it need skill?

Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique is a technique for cultivating the physical body, which can greatly enhance strength and physical fitness, but it cannot increase skill.

If you want to use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms continuously, you need to have profound skills, otherwise the moves will become decorations.

Chu Ming thought for a while, he finally knew what was going on with the skill exchange in the system mall.

Although the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms consume a lot of energy, their power is quite impressive.

Looking at the big hole in the door, Chu Ming couldn't help but be speechless.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are too domineering. It's only the first time I try to practice, and it has such great power.

If one's own skills become more profound in the future, with this set of palm techniques, the output will be simply terrifying.

Chu Ming felt that this set of palm techniques was not suitable for practicing in the room.

Once the strength is not well controlled, it is easy to collapse the entire room.

Of course, with his current rookie skills, he can't make a second palm.

Chu Ming temporarily gave up his plan to continue practicing the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. He still has more than 40,000 points. He will exchange all the exercises first, and then find a place to practice after dawn.

Just as Chu Ming wanted to exit the interface of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the system prompt sounded again: "The host is about to exit, do you need to exchange for the advanced version of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

"Advanced version?"

Chu Ming frowned, not knowing what the advanced version was.

Out of curiosity, Chu Ming clicked in.

The system page changed instantly, and a book of exercises inlaid with gold appeared in front of Chu Ming's eyes, which was extremely extraordinary at first glance.

"Nineteen Palms Subduing the Dragon"!

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