My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 9 Look at your deadly look!

Chu Ming's identity has already been investigated by the Hongmeng organization. He is an ordinary person, and it is impossible for him to have access to ancient martial arts.

Therefore, the origin of the ancient martial art of body training seems very strange.

Faced with Mu Yuan's inquiry, it is obviously impossible for Chu Ming to get away with it.

Since you can't mix it up, you simply don't mix it up.

Chu Ming frowned, his expression became indifferent, and he said solemnly: "This is a secret that cannot be revealed, and it will not benefit everyone if it is revealed."

Chu Ming tried his best to keep himself in a cold state, making himself look more fierce.

Sometimes, if you are a bit fierce, others will be afraid of you.

This trick is Chu Ming's exclusive skill, and it has been tried and tested repeatedly.

I think back when Chu Ming was still in despair, he used this trick to scare away many beautiful ladies who wanted to have an affair with him.

He kept thinking about those who had hurt him in the past few months, and the hatred in his heart increased, making his eyes look colder and more frightening.

Mu Yuan frowned, he realized that the young man in front of him was not simple, the other's cold eyes contained vicissitudes, it seemed that he had experienced many things.

Mu Yuan felt that he didn't need to be entangled in this kind of issue, as long as he could control the overflow of exercises and the other party's heavenly exercises could be used by him, that would be enough.

"Take him to rest, arrange a room for him, and let him train with the rookies tomorrow."

When Xia Wei heard this, he felt amnesty immediately, and immediately took Chu Ming and left the office of President Mu quickly.

Finally, there is no need to continue to be scolded.

This is the Yulong Mountain Training Base, where about 2,000 people train to select excellent fighters for the Hongmeng organization.

The selection conditions of the Hongmeng organization are very strict. After the two thousand people have undergone three months of intensive training, only fifty people can be left at most.

These fifty people will be taught by the Hongmeng organization. Those with good cultivation talents can join the Hongmeng team, and those with average cultivation talents will automatically become peripheral members of the Hongmeng organization.

Xia Wei looks mighty and extraordinary, but in fact he is just a peripheral member. Due to his outstanding work ability, he has mixed into the core level.

It is impossible for a real Hongmeng warrior to deal with mundane matters.

Walking on the brightly lit stone road, Xia Wei was not in a good mood.

He was scolded by President Mu just now, so it's no wonder he's in a good mood.

He managed to get into the core management, and if he was killed because of this matter, it would be really worthless.

Normally, Xia Wei is very careful in his work, and there are basically no obvious mistakes.

The reason why there was such a fuss this time was because Chu Ming, a bastard, was messing around.

You said that if you write novels, just write novels well, why post videos? Don't you understand the principle of doing what you do and loving what you do?

Xia Wei turned his head and glared at Chu Ming. Just as he was about to get angry, the other party spoke first.

Chu Ming rubbed his stomach, and said pitifully, "Brother, can we have a meal first, I've been tossing around for most of the night, and I'm a little hungry."

Xia Wei was annoyed on the spot.

Heh, you bastard made me suffer so badly, you still want to eat?

Well, indeed, I am a little hungry too.

All right, let's go have a meal first.

Xia Wei led Chu Ming to the restaurant next to the dormitory. Usually, everyone eats in the cafeteria, but the base also has a restaurant, which prepares delicate stir-fries for those who are tired of eating big pot dishes.

Generally, restaurants close after ten o'clock in the evening.

It was almost twelve o'clock now, the cook had already left work, and there were still a few shop assistants cleaning.

If it is an ordinary person, there will definitely be nothing to eat at this point.

However, Xia Wei is different. At this time, his status is highlighted.

"Hey, it's Team Leader Xia. It's so late and you haven't slept. What do you want to eat?"

A young man in beige overalls greeted him,

He wore a plastic apron in front of him and was mopping the floor just now.

His name is Zhou Guoping, a waiter in a restaurant.

It can be seen that Xia Wei is very familiar with the other party, and he was not polite after coming over, and sat down at the seat closest to the door.

"It doesn't need to be too troublesome, just cook two bowls of noodles. I went out to perform a mission today and came back late."

While talking, Xia Wei picked up the teapot on the table, weighed it and found that there was no water, and put it back gently.

Zhou Guoping nodded immediately upon hearing this and said, "Okay, wait a moment, you two, it will be ready soon."

Xia Wei nodded and said, "Remember to put more peppers for me!"

"No problem, I know Leader Xia's taste!"

Seeing Zhou Guoping leaving in a hurry, Chu Ming couldn't help feeling curious.

Can you add chili to the noodles? Chili noodles?

Not long after, a hunchbacked old woman came out, leaning on a cane in one hand and holding a transparent plastic bag with two bottles of mineral water in the other.

Seeing the grandma come out, Xia Wei immediately got up and greeted her respectfully.

"Grandma Zhou, why did you come out? It's so late, you should go to bed early."

Grandma Zhou looks very old, but she has a strong body and walks steadily with a cane.

"The tea can't stay overnight. I poured out the rest of the tea. Seeing that you have no water to drink, I will send you two bottles of water for free."

Grandma Zhou has a smile on her face, but she has few teeth.

Xia Wei hurriedly took the mineral water handed over by Grandma Zhou, thanking her repeatedly.

Chu Ming couldn't help being touched by it, Xia Wei looked menacing, and he was so respectful in treating the old man.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ming's impression of Xia Wei has changed somewhat.

After seeing off Grandma Zhou, Chu Ming and Xia Wei each opened mineral water and drank a few sips, waiting for the noodles to be served.

At this moment, Xia Wei, who had been indifferent all the time, seemed to have opened up the conversation box, and began to introduce the restaurant to Chu Ming.

"This restaurant has been built for more than four years. When Zhou Guoping first came here, he was still a fool of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Opening a restaurant here is different from going outside. It is difficult to go out after you come here. They all sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Grandma Zhou came here with her grandson four years ago. They signed a five-year agreement, and they can leave after April next year.

Of course, they can also renew their contract, but Zhou Guoping has reached the age of marriage, so they should leave.

Grandma Zhou is not an employee of the restaurant. She came here simply because she was worried and came to accompany her.

It is said that when Zhou Guoping was in kindergarten, Grandma Zhou followed her there for twenty years. "

Hearing Xia Wei's words, Chu Ming couldn't help but smile, and said, "Haha, so Zhou Guoping is still a baby boy, so his parents don't care?"

Xia Wei's face turned serious, with a hint of regret in his eyes, and said: "The year Zhou Guoping was born, his father died in a car accident, and his mother remarried, and she never came back."


Chu Ming lowered his head and took a sip of water, and the atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Looking at Grandma Zhou who was helping her grandson in the kitchen, a trace of warmth flowed through Chu Ming's heart.

What a sweet picture.

Chu Ming has a deep understanding of Zhou Guoping's life experience. He also lost his mother when he was very young.

My father has been busy with his career and rarely spends time with him. It seems that all he can do is keep giving money.

What Chu Ming needs is not these, what he wants is just a company.

I wish I had a grandma like this!

Chu Ming got up suddenly and walked towards the kitchen.

Xia Wei was startled, and immediately asked, "What do you want to do?"

Chu Ming paused, and said with a smile: "I was surprised to see Brother Zhou's skeleton, and I want to take him as an apprentice. Why, do you have any opinions?"

Xia Wei couldn't help but have black lines all over his head, and said with a sneer, "Look at you looking like you're dying!"

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