My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 114 The seal is broken, and the demon appears

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On the bustling street, dozens of members of the sect stood proudly, with a murderous aura on their bodies.

Fighting here is obviously not allowed. Whether you are attacking or defending, you must avoid ordinary eyes as much as possible.

"Grandma Hua, can we have a battle outside the city?"

Wu Yazi, head of the Wuyou faction, said in a cold voice.

Qi Shenglong, the head of the Seven Heroes Sword School, put his arms around his shoulders, staring at Hua Pozi with his sharp eyes.

Whether she agrees to fight outside the city or not, today's battle is inevitable.

Nowadays, common customs and ancient martial arts have begun to merge, and ancient martial arts no longer have to deliberately avoid common customs as usual.

If it really doesn't work, it's okay to fight in the streets of this county.

Grandma Zhou's body was full of chills, and she said in a cold voice: "You should know that Zhou Guoping is an ordinary person, you must not kill him."

"We won't kill him. Our purpose of finding him is to completely solve the future troubles."

Wu Yazi snorted coldly.

Grandma Zhou narrowed her eyes slightly, her cloudy eyes were full of murderous intent, she whispered to Zhou Guoping who was behind her, "I will try to hold them back later, you have to find a way to get out of here."

Zhou Guoping had already been stunned by the battle in front of him. He didn't know why these people came to him.

Grandma Zhou continued: "After you leave here, go find Chu Ming, he is the dragon among men, follow him, and your life will be safe in this life."

Before she finished speaking, Grandma Zhou said to the person in front of her, "You and I will fight outside the city now, please!"



Everyone responded and immediately took action.

Grandma Zhou grabbed Zhou Guoping's shoulders, jumped up, stepped on the balcony on the second floor, and rushed to the roof in an instant.

Next, Grandma Zhou became so imposing that she grabbed the tall and burly Zhou Guoping as if she was carrying a small chicken, and plundered away into the distance.

Wu Yazi and Qi Shenglong looked at each other and jumped into the air.

On the ground, dozens of disciples from the Wuyou Sect and the Seven Heroes Sword Sect set off at the same time, chasing in the direction the three left.

The crowd was flying like lightning, and they quickly passed the reinforced concrete buildings and came to the wilderness.

However, Grandma Zhou didn't intend to stop at all, and continued to speed up.

Although she was carrying a person, her speed was no slower than Wu Yazi and Qi Shenglong.

"not good!"

Wu Yazi and Qi Shenglong saw that Pozi Hua had no intention of stopping, and immediately knew that they had been tricked.

Running at such a speed, although the two of them could keep up, their disciple was far away.

"The remnants of the Tianmo Sect are really despicable and shameless, they have no credibility at all!"

Wu Yazi roared loudly, his body speed suddenly soared.

"It's irrational for you to talk about credit with the remnants of the Tianmo Sect. Hurry up and stop them."

Qi Shenglong's momentum soared, and his speed reached the extreme in an instant.

In front, Grandma Zhou was carrying a person after all. As time went by, the speed gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer, Grandma Zhou exploded with all her strength and threw Zhou Guoping out of her hand.

The gentle strength supported Zhou Guoping to fall forward, making it fall to the ground in a smooth and steady manner.

Zhou Guoping kept running to relieve the tyrannical impact of speed.

He wanted to stop to help, but behind him came Grandma Zhou's unquestionable voice: "Keep running, don't look back!"

Zhou Guoping was shocked, and subconsciously ran forward.

However, after running a few steps, he stopped.

"I am an upright man, how can I escape by myself when something happens?"

"I have no father or mother all my life. It was my grandma who raised me and has been with me to this day."

"Grandma is the closest person to me. If I lose her, I will have nothing."

"I can't leave."

"How can I leave?"

"To die,

I want to die with grandma too! "

Thinking of this, Zhou Guoping suddenly turned around and took out the three-edged army thorn that he had treasured for many years.

He asked for this from Xia Wei when the restaurant was opened in the Hongmeng training camp, and he kept it with him carefully.

Today, it will finally come in handy.

At this moment, he seemed to suddenly understand why grandma took him to open a restaurant in the Hongmeng training camp.

It turned out that grandma wanted to use the Hongmeng organization to resist the attacks of these sects.

Now that Hongmeng has fallen, there is no place for him to hide.

That being the case, let's fight.

Since he was very young, Zhou Guoping has always been attacked in strange ways. He doesn't understand why this happens. He just wants to become stronger and keep those who attack him away.

However, my grandma didn't let me practice martial arts, and even when I went to the Hongmeng training camp, she didn't let me receive formal training.

He didn't know the secret about himself until he met the girl from Binggang Mountain in Taiheng Mountain.

However, when he asked about grandma, grandma kept silent, just letting him feel at ease and find a small county town to live a good life.

After stabilizing, marry a wife and have children, and live a life like an ordinary person.

However, I have stabilized myself, will others allow me to spend the rest of my life in peace?

Will not.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop. As long as the wind is there, the leaves will keep shaking.

If so, then take the initiative.

Let me see, what is the reason that makes people from countless sects flock to me.

Zhou Guoping ran back holding the three-edged army thorn, he looked at the thin figure in front of him, tears welled up in his eyes.

Ahead, a fierce battle was erupting, Grandma Zhou blocked Wu Yazi and Qi Shenglong with one enemy and two.

Grandma Zhou was calm and relaxed, as long as she dragged the two of them for a while and took Zhou Guoping to escape from this place, she would be able to escape unscathed.

In the air realm, it is easy to defeat the opponent, but it is even more difficult to kill the opponent.

Grandma Zhou thought that as long as she paid a certain price, she would be able to save herself from danger.

However, what makes Grandma Zhou feel helpless is that Zhou Guoping, who was originally sent out by her, came back by herself.

As a result, Wu Yazi and Qi Shenglong, who were extremely anxious, looked overjoyed.

"Haha, Hua Pozi, it doesn't matter if you've been smart all your life, that child is extremely stupid, you really don't want to work hard for this kind of person."

Listening to the taunting voice from the opposite side, Grandma Zhou didn't pay too much attention to it. At this moment, all her attention was on Zhou Guoping behind her.

"Stop it quickly, otherwise, everyone will die!"

Grandma Zhou shouted coldly at the two people in front of her.

Wu Yazi and Qi Shenglong looked at each other, and couldn't help but sneer.

What bullshit did you say to drive you to a dead end, now let's stop?

Do you think we are three-year-old children?

On the periphery of the battlefield, Zhou Guoping, holding a triangular army thorn, was already standing on the spot in a daze.

He stared at the figure of grandma without blinking his eyes, the tossing and turning, the dexterous steps, the balance of power between gestures, everything was so familiar.

This is the first time Zhou Guoping has seen his grandma make a full shot.

But for some reason, when he saw the exercises performed by the other party, he felt an extremely excited sense of familiarity in his heart.

It seemed that this kind of cultivation technique had been melted in his blood, and it would burst forth at any time.




His heart was beating like a drum, and a trace of blood appeared in Zhou Guoping's eyes.


The seal was broken, and an extremely tyrannical force, like a volcano that had been suppressed for many years, erupted at this moment!

"I came from hell, the seal was broken when I landed, and I will go by the wind in the future, and the devil blood will splash on Xiantai!"

"Heavenly Demon Divine Art!"


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