My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 115 Grassland Killing

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Through cynicism,

Through all kinds of tribulations,

Until the seal is broken,

Slaughter the sky with my blood.

On the battlefield, a strange gust of wind erupted in vain, with Zhou Guoping as the center, sweeping across all directions in an instant.

Cold, bloodthirsty, dark, brutal...

The endless negative emotions raged here like a stormy sea, and everyone was terrified.

"This is?"

Wu Yazi's eyes were shocked, his face was as pale as paper.

Qi Shenglong also frowned, his lips trembled under the pressure of this cold breath.

Now, the fighting has been forced to stop, and everyone is looking at Zhou Guoping in horror.

At this moment, Zhou Guoping's eyes were bloodshot, his breath soared, his hair stood on end, the roots were crystal clear, and black evil spirit spread out from the corners of his eyes.

He stretched out his hands, black nails grew out along his fingers, the fingertips were as sharp as knives, exuding a frightening cold light.

Grandma Zhou was shocked when she saw this scene.

She knew that there was an evil force sealed in Zhou Guoping's body, but the latter's reaction now seemed a little different from what she expected.

Looking at Zhou Guoping who had completely lost his mind, an extremely absurd idea suddenly rose in her heart.

"Could it be?"

Grandma Zhou thought of a possibility, and shook her head vigorously immediately.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

That old ghost is obviously dead, he can't be alive.

"Hua'er, is that you?"

Suddenly, a vicissitudes and deep voice sounded in Zhou Guoping's body, the voice was extremely dull, like the words in the belly.

Hearing this voice, Grandma Zhou couldn't help shaking her body.

"Old devil, is that you?!"

Grandma Zhou staggered back two steps, her cloudy eyes were full of disbelief.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the expressions of Wu Yazi and Qi Shenglong beside them changed drastically.

The two almost didn't even think about it, they turned around and ran away.

The information is wrong!

Didn't it mean that all the power of the old devil was sealed in Zhou Guoping's body? Why is the old devil still alive?

This is unscientific, absolutely unscientific!

Of course, now is not the time to discuss these things, the most important thing is to escape first.

The old devil came to the world, and the disaster in the ancient martial arts world came!


In the distance, the young disciples of the Wuyou Sect and the Seven Heroes Sword Sect finally caught up. Seeing this scene, the two masters looked terrified and immediately shouted across the air.

Zhou Guoping, who was full of evil spirits, showed a gloomy smile, and the cold and cruel aura quickly swept across the entire battlefield, and he said grimly:

"Since you are here, don't leave, sacrifice your strength to the ancestor of the demon!"

A cold and bloodthirsty voice sounded, and the soles of 'Zhou Guoping' slammed on the ground, and his figure rose into the sky like a black goshawk.

The next moment, 'Zhou Guoping' violently threw out the triangular army thorn in his hand.

The tyrannical force wrapped the Triangle Army Spike, causing the Triangle Army Spike's flying speed to break through the sound barrier, tearing the void directly, and producing a series of sonic booms.

The Triangle Army stab was like a bolt of lightning, stabbing towards Wu Yazi's back.

Wu Yazi turned pale with fright, he didn't dare to meet him, his body flickered and he dodged away.

However, the young disciples in front of him were unable to dodge in time, and two of them were pierced through the body by the triangular army one after another, until the third one was firmly nailed to the ground.

Everyone's expressions changed in astonishment, the strength of this 'Zhou Guoping' was unbelievably strong, far surpassing the ordinary high-flying realm experts.

"Stay here, and watch my Heavenly Demon's bloodthirsty Dafa!"

'Zhou Guoping' roared loudly, his long black hair rippling wildly.

On his fingertips, streaks of black horses spread out from his jet-black nails, like poisonous snakes, quickly entangled towards everyone.

Wu Yazi roared again and again, the light of the sword in his hand flashed, and at the same time as the power in his body exploded, the light of the sword shot up into the sky.

"The worry-free years are passing by, and a little bit of cold light is shining!"

Wu Yazi used the Wuyou sword technique,

The strongest ultimate move was taken out directly.

The blazing sword light illuminated the sky, cutting off those black energy horses.


Wu Yazi didn't dare to love to fight, and directly flew into the distance to plunder.

He no longer cared about his apprentices.

On the other side, Qi Shenglong was also at full strength, his eyes were like lightning, his body was as tall as a mountain, with a long sword in his palm, his whole body was shining brightly.

"Seven Stars Sun, the sword pierces the sky, and the seven swords slash demons!"

As Qi Shenglong roared loudly, the long sword held in his palm suddenly flashed with light, and immediately one turned into two, two turned into four, and four turned into eight.

Eight beams of sword light vibrated together, seven of them shot up into the sky, and the entire area chanted swords into the sky.

Qi Shenglong held the last long sword in his hand, and stabbed violently in front of him.

Immediately, seven sword lights descended from the sky, with an incomparably sharp aura, angrily slashed at the black energy horse of 'Zhou Guoping'.

"Puff puff……"

The black energy beam was cut off, and a large space was cleared in front of Qi Shenglong.

At this moment, he couldn't care about anything else, and he used all the strength in his body to shoot wildly towards the distance.

After all, he is a strong man in the sky, and it is difficult for ordinary people to stop him when he is trying to escape with all his strength.

The most important thing is that the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon has just recovered, and his strength has not yet fully recovered, so he cannot keep everyone behind for the time being.

The head of the Soaring Realm ran away, but their dozens of disciples were miserable.

In the blink of an eye, black energy pulses reappeared, immediately enveloping everyone.

No matter how these disciples struggled, they couldn't break free from these black energy ties.

Suddenly, there was a strong suction force, and the bodies of the disciples restrained by the black horses shook in unison.

In the blink of an eye, the skin of these young disciples shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the essence and blood in their bodies had been sucked dry.

'Zhou Guoping' raised his head comfortably, he took a deep breath, and there seemed to be a muffled thunder in his body.

After devouring the blood essence of dozens of people, the strength of the Heavenly Demon Patriarch recovered by half.

With the revival of the Heavenly Demon Patriarch, there will be a fierce gust of wind in the ancient martial arts world!

At the same time, in another world, on the vast grassland.

After Chu Ming and his party came here, they all showed shocked expressions.

So beautiful!

For a long time, in the impression of everyone, the foreign world must be a very dangerous place.

But when I really came here, I realized that the vast prairie in the other world has such a beautiful scenery!

The high blue sky and white clouds float, and under the white clouds, strange beasts run.

There are strange beasts everywhere on the grassland, but their ranks are very low. With Chu Ming and others hiding their breath, they are unaware of the arrival of these strangers.

Seeing so many strange beasts here, everyone in the Five Sacred Sword Sect was terrified.

Don't underestimate these strange beasts, once there is any movement, it will definitely attract a lot of strange beasts' attention.

In case of being besieged here by a large number of alien beasts, death is not far away.

"Old Ancestor, what are we doing here?"

"Why don't you plant a national flag here and go back?"

"I saw it. This is an endless prairie. The area is not small. It's time for us to go back and draw a map."

"Okay, you've seen everything you need to see, you can go back and pretend."


Everyone followed behind Chu Ming, admonishing him in a low voice, hoping to leave this terrible place quickly.

Chu Ming was in an uplifted mood, his eyes flickering.

Glancing at the system time, there are still 6 days, 7 hours and 52 minutes left.

There is still plenty of time!

"Let's go, I'll take you to hunt the beasts in the True Vessel Realm. If you don't kill a thousand of them, you will never go back!"

Before he finished speaking, Chu Ming immediately plundered towards the depths of the prairie, without disturbing the low-level beasts living nearby.

All the members of the Wuyue Sword Sect smiled wryly in their hearts. Although they were unwilling in every possible way, they could only grit their teeth and follow.

Come all come, can only go one way to the dark.

After getting on Chu Ming's boat, it was a bit difficult to think about it.

Ever since, a prairie killing began.

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