My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 116: Chu Ming Swells

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In another world, on the endless prairie, dozens of beasts from the Realm Realm are gathering together to discuss their future fate.

The Golden Beastmaster is dead, dying on Earth.

The group of alien beasts needs to elect a new beast king.

On this prairie, there has always been an unwritten rule, that is, there can only be one Soaring Realm Beastmaster.

Therefore, as the golden beast king was killed, the strange beasts on this grassland became leaderless.

Of course, it doesn't mean that apart from the Golden Beastmaster, other beasts don't have the aptitude to break through to the Void Realm.

It's because the golden beast king killed all the strange beasts that might threaten his status.

Now that the golden beast king is dead, the beasts of the true pulse state finally have a chance to be king.

Many True Vein Realm Alien Beasts gathered together, they discussed and decided to elect a new Beastmaster.

As a result, before they had time to choose a suitable Beastmaster, the Beastmaster of the Soaring Realm in the neighboring territory actually spoke out, announcing that he was responsible for the Golden Grassland.

It is the Black Horned Beastmaster, whose strength is comparable to that of the Golden Beastmaster, but its character is even more brutal.

After receiving the warning from the Black Horned Beast King, all the ambitious alien beasts withered away.

Now they have two paths to go.

First, before the arrival of the Black Horned Beast King, break through to the Sky Realm first.

Second, surrender at the feet of the Black Horned Beast King and live with peace of mind.

It is risky to choose the first path. If the strength is improved to the right position, but fails to break through in time, when the Black Horned Beast King arrives, he may be killed immediately.

It is very safe to choose the second path. In this way, you can only be a salted fish for a lifetime.

It has to be said that there are still quite a few alien beasts who have the dream of a king. After returning to their respective territories, many alien beasts in the true vein state began to devour other alien beasts frantically.

The evolution of alien beasts is so simple and rude, that is, to keep eating.

As long as enough energy is gathered in the body, the strength can be improved rapidly until the realm breaks through.

Golden Grassland, in a natural pit.

Chu Ming and others quietly hid in it, looking at the group of alien beasts killing each other, all of them showed puzzled expressions.

Are these beasts crazy?

Why did you fight yourself?

"Old Ancestor, do they have rabies?"

"We came out in a hurry, and we didn't get rabies vaccine!"

"If you get bitten, wouldn't it be cold?"

The four disciples of Wuyue Sword Sect said with worried faces that since they came to this prairie, they have been worried.

As for the five masters, they haven't said a word since they came. They are highly nervous and ready to escape at any time.

Chu Ming listened to everyone's words, and immediately smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, don't worry about rabies. If the beast bites you, it will eat you on the spot. There is no chance of rabies attack."


It hurts!

On the opposite side, a chaotic battle had ended, and a strange beast of the true vein state killed its opponent, and was frantically devouring the opponent's flesh and blood.

The other strange beasts retreated in fright and tried to stay away from here as much as possible.

The birth of every beast king is bound to be accompanied by a bloodbath.

The way of the king is to kill, kill all the way, conquer all the way.

The other beasts retreated, which gave Chu Ming an opportunity.

The strange beasts have all run away, so don't worry about being exposed.


Chu Ming let out a cold snort, and immediately rushed towards the quasi-beast king.

He took small steps on Lingbo, his figure was swaying like the wind, and he quickly drifted into the distance.

Seeing this scene, the heads of the Wuyue Sword Sect started to move one after another, each drew out their long swords, and rushed up following Chu Ming's footsteps.

At this moment, a sword light flashed.

From Chu Ming's fingertips, sword energy spurted out, and the sword energy from the six-veined sword directly pierced the quasi-beast king's head.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a real beast, merit +100, current task completion progress: 11000.

The mechanical system prompt sounded in his mind, and Chu Ming couldn't help feeling sad.

What the hell, at this speed, when will you be able to kill 1,000 real beasts?

There are quite a lot of strange beasts on the grassland, but there are not many strange beasts in the true pulse state.

In the final analysis, this golden grassland is too big.

Even if there are a lot of beasts in the true vein state scattered on this grassland, it is quite sparse.

Alien beasts have a strong sense of territory, and the alien beasts in the true pulse state can already be regarded as quasi-beast kings, and they all have their own territories.

As a result, the life of the alien beasts in the True Vessel Realm is very scattered.

Under normal circumstances, it would take a lot of time to find out the beasts in the true vein state one by one.

The remaining time of Chu Ming's task is far from enough.

If you want to complete the task within the specified time, you can only take some risks.

At this moment, the head of the Wuyue Sword Sect finally rushed over.

However, when they arrived here, the battle was over.

When the five people saw this scene, they were quite speechless.

In other words, if you can solve things with a single finger, don't make such a big fuss, okay?

Yue Youcai laughed dryly, and said, "Old Ancestor, you are extremely brave. It seems that our coming to another world this time should be useless."

Hearing Yue Youcai's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

Although they were indignant at Chu Ming's behavior, but there was some flattery, and they still had to shoot what should be filmed.

Chu Ming looked at the five smiling people, and said solemnly: "Who said you are useless, you are about to realize the value of life soon."

The five of them smiled and felt that Chu Ming was speaking politely to them.

Getting along with Gu Wu Patriarch is also very pleasant.

Everyone, you pat me, I pat you, business blows each other, how comfortable life is.

"Come on, let's go to the next place!"

Chu Ming waved to the four disciples hiding in the big pit, and a group of ten people rushed towards the deeper part of the golden grassland.

On the way, the nine people from the Five Sacred Sword Sect felt inexplicably frightened.

Because, when Chu Ming was on his way, he always asked everyone to hide their bodies, so as not to let the strange beasts discover the traces of everyone, so as to prevent them from being besieged by the strange beasts.

But now, the other party is running wildly on the grassland with great fanfare.

Isn't he afraid of being found by strange beasts?

Inflated, Chu Ming is definitely inflated!

At the same time, the alien beasts living on this grassland were shocked when they discovered this group of outsiders.

They all raised their heads high, the tentacles on their foreheads vibrated, and waves of special energy spread in all directions.

Immediately, the bodies of the strange beasts on the entire grassland trembled slightly, and they raised their heads one after another, and the tentacles on their foreheads vibrated.

Not long after, beasts roared again and again on the grassland, and waves of violent murderous aura shot up into the sky, rushing towards the group of outsiders.

Countless quasi-beast kings who tried to break through to the Soaring Realm also stopped killing. At this time, of course, killing outsiders would be more convincing to the group.

The earth trembled, smoke and dust billowed, and countless strange beasts swept towards the direction where Chu Ming and the others were like a torrent.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of all members of the Five Sacred Sword Sect changed drastically.

Chu Ming showed a faint smile, and said calmly: "Next, it's time for you to realize the value of life."

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