My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 129 Ancient Martial Ancestor VS Demon Lord

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Above the iceberg, Demon Zhou fell into chaos.

He held his head in his hands, his whole body was full of evil spirits, the black light in his eyes flickered wildly, sometimes the demonic flames surged to the sky, and sometimes he returned to clarity, his aura fluctuated up and down.

Chu Ming didn't care about Devil Zhou. For him, no matter how Devil Zhou changed, he was no match for him.

Therefore, Chu Ming didn't bother to sneak up on him.

Young people should talk about martial arts.

Of course, the most important reason was that now was the critical period for Gu Yue to reconnect his broken arm, so he couldn't act rashly.

Chu Ming tore off the blood-stained clothes on Gu Yue's upper body, revealing his right shoulder with stubble.

The god-level Black Jade Ointment was poured out from the bottle and spread evenly on the wound.

Next, Chu Ming took Gu Yue's right arm back along the wound.


A heart-piercing scream sounded, Gu Yue's painful veins were exposed, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Wu Xi immediately grasped Master's other hand anxiously, her eyes were full of worry.

Chu Ming showed embarrassment, and said weakly, "I'm sorry, I forgot to give your master painkillers."

Wu Xi's heart skipped a beat, she looked at the pained master, and then at Chu Ming who was pressing the master's broken arm tightly with both hands, for a while she didn't know what to say.

Chu Ming hurriedly added: "But don't worry, Black Jade Intermittent Ointment has the effect of relieving pain. It has been applied now, and it will take effect soon."

Chu Ming's words were quickly confirmed. Gu Yue really felt that the pain in her right shoulder was weakening, the feeling of body tearing gradually disappeared, and her whole body began to become numb.

"Don't move, I'll fix the bones for you, don't move at all!"

Chu Ming said coldly, and immediately closed his eyes slightly, and the godhead between his eyebrows began to emit a faint crystal light.

With strong mental strength, Chu Ming could clearly 'see' every bone and blood vessel in the opponent's broken arm.

Chu Ming directly controlled all the details through mental power, and connected the other party's broken bones and meridians meticulously.

If there is no accident, the broken arm connected by Chu Ming has a 100% chance of recovery.

The black jade intermittent ointment is working, the cell activity at the broken arm is increasing, and the broken part begins to recombine.

Chu Ming once again exchanged a bottle of heavenly golden sore medicine, and sprinkled it evenly on the junction of the right shoulder and arm. The broken skin on the outside was recovering rapidly and growing together again.

However, this is just the appearance.

On the surface, the severed arm seems to be connected, but in fact, it is still very fragile inside.

Might as well snap it all off.

Therefore, the arm cannot move at all until the arm is fully grown.

A hundred days of injury, this is a broken arm, even with the help of God-level Black Jade Ointment, it must take a long time to recover.

Chu Ming glanced at the main hall of Binggang Mountain, and with a thought, a table in the room exploded and turned into four or five scattered boards flying over.

Chu Ming took the board casually, and quickly made a jig to fix Gu Yue's entire upper body.

Next, the power in Chu Ming's body surged, and the majestic power turned into an energy cage, completely restraining Gu Yue's upper body.

In this way, even if Gu Yue wanted to move, he couldn't do anything.


Chu Ming clapped his hands and stood up, feeling very good.

Wu Xi was already dumbfounded.

This kind of healing method is simply unheard of.

so amazing!

A broken arm can also be reconnected. Is Chu Ming a miracle doctor?

Wu Xi had mixed feelings in her heart, she looked at Chu Ming affectionately, choked up and said, "Chu Ming, thank you."

Chu Ming smiled lightly, and said, "You're welcome to help people to the end. The main reason is that your master is lucky!"

Chu Ming was right. Gu Yue's luck was indeed good. If he didn't have such an outstanding apprentice, how could he have attracted the ancient martial ancestor from thousands of miles to help him?

After Gu Yue was cured, it was time for Chu Ming to settle accounts with Devil Zhou.

At this moment, Devil Zhou has repressed Zhou Guoping's memory and regained control of his body.

Motou Zhou stood there vigilantly, with the ghostly sword across his chest, and he was extremely shocked.

The other party actually recalled his suppressed memory with just one sentence, which shows that the other party's mental power is very strong.

Devil Zhou reconfirmed Chu Ming's strength and found a very interesting thing.

The other party's mental power is terrifyingly strong, and the power in his body is even more vast.

However, the other party's body is extremely weak, and it turns out that it is only the strength of the second grade of True Pulse Realm.

It's just unbelievable.

A martial artist of the second rank of the True Vein Realm can crush a large number of people to death with a single finger.

The reason why the other party has this situation is very likely to be the same as myself.

It should be an old devil who used a special secret method to regain a young body.

"May I ask which senior you descended from? Why don't you name it, maybe you and I have met before."

Devil Zhou stared at Chu Ming vigilantly, and asked in a cold voice.

Hearing the other party's question, Chu Ming couldn't help feeling amused.

It has to be said that Devil Zhou has a good eye, he should have noticed the strangeness of his body.

The main body strength is clearly weak, but in other respects it is terrifyingly strong.

Well, it is indeed like an old monster reborn.

Chu Ming is too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, no matter what the other party says, the strong karma will not be fake, and all these karma must be eliminated today!

It's all merit!

Chu Ming laughed loudly, stepped on the Youlong Qingguang sword and shot up into the sky, roaring loudly: "I am the ancestor of ancient martial arts, everyone in the world knows it, why are you pretending to be stupid?"

Before he finished speaking, Chu Ming pointed with one hand, and the six-meridian sword erupted, and the sword light burst out from his fingertips.

Zhou Motou snorted coldly, and the ghost-headed sword slashed out horizontally. The blazing blade smashed the Six Meridians Sword into pieces in an instant, and his figure shot up into the sky in a flash, and shot towards Chu Ming.

Devil Zhou has extremely rich combat experience. Now that he has seen Chu Ming's weakness, of course he will start the Thunderbolt operation.

No need to think about it, Chu Ming is definitely not good at melee combat, because his physical strength is too weak.

Devil Zhou wants to get as close as possible to the opponent, as long as he gets close to the opponent, he has a chance to kill him.

The moment the battle started, Wang Qiuyang on the ground moved again.

History is always strikingly similar.

Back then when Gu Yue was fighting fiercely with Demon Zhou in the sky, he launched an attack on Wu Xi, which distracted Gu Yue and resulted in a disastrous defeat.

Now that Gu Yue was lying on the ground unable to move, Wu Xi still stayed there, the timing was exactly the same as before.

That being the case, what are you waiting for.

Seeing that Demon Zhou was getting closer and closer to Chu Ming, Wang Qiuyang expected that Chu Ming would never be able to separate himself. After seeing the opportunity, he launched another thunderous blow.

Wang Qiuyang was extremely proud that the timing of this blow was just right.

If Chu Ming came to rescue him forcefully, Devil Zhou would launch a fatal blow, and the end would definitely be the same as Gu Yue's.

If Chu Ming didn't come to rescue him, it would be a great achievement for him to kill Wu Xi and Gu Yue who was recovering.

Now that you are on the thief boat, you will go all the way to the dark.

Now that the Heavenly Demon Sect has just been restored, maybe I can be a veteran, that's not bad.

After thinking clearly about the pros and cons, Wang Qiuyang's movements were extremely swift, like a goshawk preying on him, he rushed towards Wu Xi and Gu Yue at top speed.

Seeing this scene, Wu Xi's complexion changed drastically.

She prayed in her heart, Chu Ming must not be distracted to rescue, because the master was severely injured because of this.

In the sky, Chu Ming narrowed his eyes when he saw Wang Qiuyang's actions, and the killing intent in his heart was unstoppable.

Some people, you don't care at all, but at critical moments, they come out to bite you like poisonous snakes.

That being the case, there is no need to save his life.

"Shifting and repositioning!"

Chu Ming snorted coldly, and a special air machine enveloped Wang Qiuyang on the ground.

Wang Qiuyang only felt the light and shadow flowing in front of his eyes, and his body had appeared in the midair.

Before he could react, a ghost-headed broadsword mingled with endless evil spirit slashed across and struck his body with precision.


Two flowers bloomed with one knife, and blood rained down like rain!

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