My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 130 The Desperate Devil Zhou

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In the sky, blood was like a waterfall, and a body was split in two, falling from both sides of the sword towards the ground.

Zhou Motou hit with one blow, and his heart suddenly showed great joy.

He guessed that Chu Ming's melee combat power was weak, but he didn't expect it to be so weak.

The opponent's body was split in half with a single knife, which showed that the opponent had no power to parry at all.

That's it?

A hint of disdain appeared in Zhou Motou's heart.

It's a pity that my Heavenly Demon leader regarded you as a person, but it turns out that you are just a strong outsider and a show of air.


Suddenly, Motou Zhou realized that something was wrong. He always felt that when he made the knife just now, there was a trance in front of his eyes.

He hurriedly looked towards the body that was hit, and found that not only the body had changed, but the color of his clothes had also changed.

"This is?"

Seeing this scene, Devil Zhou's complexion changed drastically.

He suddenly discovered that the person he had cut in half just now was not Chu Ming at all, but Wang Qiuyang.

He suddenly turned around, looked towards the direction where Wang Qiuyang was before, and found that Chu Ming was standing there in his spare time.

"Chu Ming and Wang Qiuyang switched places?"

"How can this be!"

Zhou Motou, as the leader of the Heavenly Demon, has been in the ancient martial arts world for so many years, and has never seen such a strange technique.

On the ground, Chu Ming's whole body was full of fighting spirit, and the power in his body surged like waves.

After a short confrontation, Chu Ming found that Demon Zhou had extremely rich combat experience, and the other party could see his shortcomings in close combat at a glance.

That being the case, then I should also give full play to my own strengths, and use my strengths to attack its weaknesses.

"The Great Desolation Prisoner Sky Finger!"

Chu Ming let out a roar, and the power in his body erupted like a volcano.

Chu Ming's shortcomings are obvious, and his advantages are equally shocking. His majestic skill and sharp long-range attack skills are unsurpassable myths.

He was full of momentum, and pointed a finger at Demon Zhou!

In an instant, the situation in the nine heavens changed, and a huge energy finger appeared out of thin air.

A strong aura and coercion emerged from the fingers, and the aura firmly locked on Demon Zhou, and an earth-shattering killing aura poured down.

Devil Zhou raised his head suddenly, and his expression changed in horror.

On that thick finger, there is a power that can destroy the world, enough to threaten his life.

Zhou Motou's figure quickly fell, and his feet landed firmly on the ground.

The next moment, he took a deep breath, and endless black lights erupted from his body, and black flames were burning in his eyes, making him look like a ghost from hell.

"Heavenly Demon Killing Heaven Slash!"

Zhou Motou exhaled and opened his voice, his voice was like a muffled thunder, and he slashed at the huge energy finger imprint angrily.

With a piercing buzzing sound, a cold and extremely cold knife gang appeared, with an incomparable terrifying aura, and slashed away at the Great Desolate Prisoner in the sky.


After a loud noise, the two completely different energies clashed fiercely, and immediately exploded.

Where the knife gang touched the fingerprint, a group of special energy ripples exploded, like a meteorite falling into the sea, instantly stirring up thousands of waves.

Energy ripples swept across all directions, causing gusts of wind to blow across Tiangang Mountain.

The wind was mixed with ice and snow, making the cold wind as sharp as a sharp knife, leaving traces on the buildings in the distance.

The buildings on Binggang Mountain were crumbling, and the roof was almost blown off by this energy shock wave.

Chu Ming stood proudly in front of Wu Xi and Gu Yue, his waist straightened, and a sharp light radiated from his bright eyes.

"Heh, the strength is not bad. It is actually able to stop the Great Desolation Prisoner's Sky Finger with a hundred years of skill. It is worthy of the name of the leader of the Heavenly Demon."

Chu Ming snorted coldly, and his inner strength soared again.

It seems that one hundred years of skill is not enough to destroy the Heavenly Demon leader,

That being the case, it will take two hundred years.

"Buddha's Palm!"

Chu Ming's momentum exploded, and he slapped Zhou Motou fiercely, and the Tathagata God's Palm, which contained two hundred years of skill, raged wildly in the sky.

Chu Ming has more than a thousand years of skill, not because he is reluctant to use it, but because he is worried that Binggang Mountain will not be able to bear it.

After all, this is where the gate of Binggang Mountain is located. If he strikes with all his strength, the entire mountain may collapse.

He came here to rescue, not to destroy, this must be made clear.

After being tested by the Great Desolate Prisoner's Sky Finger with a hundred-year-old skill just now, he felt that the strength of Binggang Mountain was not bad, and it should be able to withstand the impact of two-hundred-year-old skill.

So, without hesitation, he activated the Tathagata Palm, which is two hundred years old.

On the ground, Demon Zhou was panting heavily, his arms trembling due to lack of strength.

In fact, the blow just now had exhausted all his strength.

Although Devil Zhou is more powerful than the general Vaulting Realm experts, he still has certain limits.

In terms of physical strength, in the true pulse state, each level up can increase one hundred years of skill.

Theoretically speaking, the physical strength of the Soaring Realm can contain a thousand-year skill, but in reality, it is impossible for someone to have a thousand-year skill.

The accumulation of skills takes time, and it is impossible for someone to live for a thousand years. Even if there are skills to increase skills, the amount of increase is limited.

According to the aura exuded by Zhou Motou, he should have nearly three hundred years of skill in his body, which is quite a powerful existence in the Soaring Realm.

But when it comes to Chu Ming, three hundred years of skill is not enough.

Devil Zhou fought Gu Yue first, and then fought Chu Ming head-on several times, especially when he forcibly blocked the Great Desolation Prisoner's Sky Finger, which almost exhausted the power in his body.

Now, Devil Zhou is panting like a cow, and his face is dripping with sweat.

Chu Ming's strength has refreshed his cognition, not only the martial arts are superb, but the strength of the skill is even more unbelievable.

Seeing another blow of a more powerful energy mahamudra strike, Devil Zhou finally felt a sense of powerlessness.

Just now, just one finger drained my skill, and now a palm print appears, so how can I hit it?

He felt that when facing Chu Ming, no matter how hard he tried, he could not shake the opponent's strength.

"No, you have to get out of here!"

As the leader of Tianmo, Zhou Motou acted very decisively.

When he found that there was nothing he could do, he decided to leave here.

Until now, Chu Ming is still able to do a job with ease, who knows how many cards he still has not used?


Devil Zhou roared loudly, wanting to leave this place.

However, to his horror, a special energy came from all directions, binding him firmly in place.

While the energy big handprint in the sky was rapidly condensing, it actually locked the air mechanism on him, preventing him from escaping from this place.

"how so?!"

Zhou Motou frowned, his complexion changed drastically.

He was horrified to find that with the power he possessed now, he couldn't break free from this energy bondage.


"Heavenly Demon Devouring Heart Dafa!"

Demon Zhou acted like a maniac, roaring crazily!

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