My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 132: Wu Xi goes down the mountain

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An unprecedented large avalanche erupted in the mountains near Binggang Mountain, the snow at the foot of the mountain spread, and countless glaciers directly rushed the ground out of the canyons.

After the snow melts, a large amount of snowmelt water is formed, which flows into the downstream river, causing flash floods.

Fortunately, there was no human habitation within hundreds of miles of Binggang Mountain, so no casualties were caused.

It's just that the little animals living here have suffered, and the good homeland has been destroyed like this.

On the Binggang Mountain, Chu Ming's Tiangang Big Dipper Formation protected everyone, including Hua Pozi, who was sucked into adulthood by Demon Zhou.

Hua Pozi fell to the ground tremblingly, the expression in her eyes was dim, and her heart was ashamed.

Having lost all of her essence, blood and skills, she is now a dying old woman, her life force is severely overdrawn, and she is on the verge of death.

With Wu Xi's support, Gu Yue stood up. His upper body was fixed by wooden boards and skills. His appearance looked a little funny, but his injuries were stabilized.

"Hua Pozi, you have been running around for him for so many years, you have paid so much, and you ended up like this in the end, do you think it is worth it?"

Gu Yue asked in a sad voice.

His beard and hair are all white, and the edge of his beard is still stained with blood, which looks extremely vicissitudes.

Hua Pozi sighed leisurely, and replied angrily: "There is no worth or not, only willing or not, no matter how he treats me, I will treat him as before."

"But he is no longer that him. Since accepting the inheritance of Tianmo Sect, he is no longer your Zhou Lang!"

"He is, and he will always be. Even if he has become a demon, I will always walk with him."

Gu Yue looked solemn and sighed slightly in her heart.

What's the point of having so many false names?

Even if the Heavenly Demon leader dominates the world, so what?

How can there be ordinary happiness?

Gu Yue looked at Hua Pozi with pity, and said in a low voice: "Twenty-two years ago, I thought your life was pitiful and spared your life, but now, even if you are about to die in your dying years, I have no choice but to do it.

Man, you can't make the same mistake twice, can you? "

Hua Pozi smiled sadly, and said: "For him, I am willing to continue to be wrong."


Gu Yue snorted coldly, and suddenly chopped off a three-foot green blade, piercing Hua Pozi's heart with a sword.

However, not a single drop of blood flowed out of Pozi Hua's body, and the essence and blood in her body had already been sucked dry by Demon Zhou.

Actually, even if Gu Yue didn't kill her, she would die soon.

However, Gu Yue had to do something.

Demon Zhou reappeared, and Pozi Hua was the chief culprit. If he couldn't kill this person with his own hands, I would be sorry for the dead disciples of Binggang Mountain.

Pozi Hua died, so did Wang Qiuyang of the Shushan Sword Sect, and Demon Zhou escaped successfully.

In the main hall of Binggang Mountain, Chu Ming sat in front of the jade table, drinking the hot tea made by Wu Xi.

"Senior Gu, Binggang Mountain is so deserted, why don't you recruit more disciples?"

Chu Ming asked out the doubts in his heart.

The tragic battle that year took place twenty-two years ago. For such a long time, Binggang Mountain has never recruited new disciples.

To be precise, only one disciple was recruited, and that was Wu Xi.

In fact, Wu Xi was picked up by Gu Yue when he went down the mountain, if not, he might not have accepted any of his apprentices.

After that battle that year, the disciples of Binggang Mountain did not die, and many people survived.

For various reasons, these people all went down the mountain, and in the end only Gu Yue was left alone.

Wu Xi grew up in Binggang Mountain since she was a child, and Gu Yue was her only relative, so she stayed on the mountain and never left.

Perhaps at this time, it was time for Wu Xi to leave.

Gu Yue didn't explain Chu Ming's question, perhaps because she didn't want to bring up the sad matter again.

"Wu Xi, next, follow Chu Ming down the mountain."

After thinking for a long time, Gu Yue finally spoke.

Hearing this, Wu Xi's complexion changed immediately, and she said, "Master,

Don't drive me down the mountain, I will always be with you. "

Gu Yue smiled vicissitudes, and said: "Silly boy, how can you stay on the mountain all the time, the outside is your world."

"It's Binggang Mountain!"

"Binggang Mountain no longer existed twenty-two years ago."

Gu Yue showed kindness on her face, looked at Wu Xi with a smile, and said, "Go, come back and have a look whenever you feel homesick, this is your home no matter what time it is."


There were tears in Wu Xi's eyes, and she was very sad in her heart.

Gu Yue knew very well in his heart that the times had changed now. With the opening of the space portal, the heaven and earth in other worlds began to contact the earth on a large scale, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth began to recover.

In the near future, countless strong men will emerge on the earth.

There is no doubt that young people will develop better, and their young bodies will benefit from this, so that their strength will be greatly improved.

As for himself, he is already an old man half buried in the ground. Even if his realm has reached the Soaring Realm, he still cannot get rid of the fact that his lifespan is about to run out.

It seems very rare to have strong people in the sky now, but in the near future, there will be a large number of strong people in the sky in China.

If he continued to guard Binggang Mountain, things like today might still happen.

Gu Yue couldn't bear to put her most beloved apprentice in danger, so she always wanted to arrange for her to go down the mountain as soon as possible.

Now that he has an opportunity, he certainly won't let it go.

Chu Ming sat on the side, frowning slightly, he could clearly sense Gu Yue's worry.

Perhaps it was because he failed to kill Devil Zhou, so the other party was worried that the latter would make a comeback and threaten Wu Xi's life.

Therefore, Chu Ming comforted: "Don't worry too much, senior. Demon Zhou has been severely injured by my Yiyang finger. It is impossible to make trouble in a short time. After I leave Binggang Mountain, I will definitely eradicate this hidden danger."

Gu Yue nodded with a smile, and said: "Let Wu Xi go down the mountain is something I've thought about for a long time, but I haven't been able to arrange it. Since you're here, I'll entrust her to you."

While speaking, Gu Yue took out a kung fu method from behind, solemnly handed it to Chu Ming, and said in a dignified voice:

"This is our Binggang Mountain's inner strength mentality and ice swordsmanship. I will hand them over to you today. If you meet someone with a destiny in the future, hand them over to him on my behalf. It can be regarded as leaving a trace of inheritance for my Binggang Mountain."

Chu Ming took the sword technique that Gu Yue handed over, and he couldn't help showing a strange look on his face.

Chu Ming had heard about Binggang Mountain before, and if he guessed correctly, the inner power and the cold ice sword method in his hands were both earth-level skills.

The prefecture level, in the ancient martial arts world, can already be regarded as the top.

In particular, Binggangshan's inner strength mentality and ice swordsmanship match very well, and when used together, they can exert the effect of heavenly skills.

If not, Tiangang Mountain twenty-two years ago would not have become the leader of the righteous way.

But to be honest, this level of skill is really nothing in front of Chu Ming.

Therefore, Chu Ming smiled awkwardly and asked, "Senior, have you ever thought about changing a set of inherited exercises for Binggang Mountain?"

Gu Yue: "???"

Chu Ming quickly glanced at the system mall, and then said: "There are many exercises suitable for Binggang Mountain, such as: Nine Nether Frost Art, Ice Soul Casting Heart Art, Thousand Illusion Ice Heart Art, Heavenly Art Crystal Ice Shadow Art, Ice Breaking Void Sword, Frost God Void Slash, Annihilation Myriad Freezing Technique..."

Gu Yue: "..."

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