My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 133 Naive Wu Duxiu

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On Binggang Mountain, Gu Yue sat alone in front of the jade table, looking at the table full of heavenly exercises, her mouth couldn't close in shock.

Heavenly skills.

Any one of the heaven-level exercises that would cause a bloodbath if taken outside, Chu Ming unexpectedly took out a lot.

Who exactly is Chu Ming?

Is Gu Wu Patriarch so brave?

Gu Yue suddenly felt that Chu Ming's status might be astonishingly great, and entrusting Wu Xi to him was really profitable.

Moreover, there are so many heaven-level exercises here, maybe I can try to continue practicing.

Maybe it can break the shackles of life and increase lifespan.

Gu Yue's heart was full of enthusiasm, and he had never been as excited as he is today after all the vicissitudes of life.

However, he had just connected his severed arm, so it is impossible to have the opportunity to practice in a short time, and he can only wait until the skill seal set by Chu Ming is lifted.


Gu Yue suddenly felt a little melancholy. She had been living an ordinary life, but she started to become anxious.

At the same time, in the sky, Chu Ming was flying in the sky with his dragon green lightsaber on his feet. Behind him stood a graceful girl who was Wu Xi.

Chu Ming flew with Wu Xi's sword flying, and Wu Xi's pretty face turned pale with fright. At this time, she was hugging Chu Ming tightly, for fear of accidentally falling off.

Feeling the gentle and jade-like figure behind him, Chu Ming felt at peace in his heart.

He never thought that one day he could be so close to such a beautiful girl.

Talent is an indispensable part of the development of the Shuguang organization. A woman as smart as Wu Xi can definitely become Chu Ming's right-hand man.

Chu Ming was in a good mood, Yu Jian was getting faster and faster, with a layer of skill protection covering his body, and Wu Xi was flying in the sky at a very high speed.

At the same time, the top of Shu Mountain.

The severely wounded Zhou Demon used his extreme speed and returned to the Shushan Sword School immediately.

This is the branch of the Heavenly Demon God Sect. When Wang Qiuyang was alive, he had already declared Shushan Sword Sect to surrender to Zhou Demon.

Now that Wang Qiuyang is dead, he has cheated his disciples.

After Devil Zhou came back, he immediately found Wu Duxiu, the highest-ranking member of Shushan Sword Sect, Wang Qiuyang's closed disciple.

Now Zhou Motou was seriously injured, not only did he expend a lot of energy, but also was hit by Chu Ming's yang finger on the shoulder, and the yang energy continued to erode his body.

The Heavenly Demon's divine skill is yin and cold, and it happened to be restrained by the most rigid and yang finger, which made it difficult for him to recover from the injury on his shoulder.

Devil Zhou found Wu Duxiu, and the two met alone in the master's room.

Devil Zhou is indeed an old guy who has been in the ancient martial arts world for many years, and his pretentious kung fu is superb. Even now that he is seriously injured and weak, he still doesn't show the slightest abnormality on the surface.

Wu Duxiu was so frightened that his mind trembled wildly, his legs trembled when he stood there, and he almost couldn't stand up.

"I have looked at the entire Shushan Sword School, and you are the only one with outstanding aptitude. Are you willing to be my closed disciple?"

Zhou Motou said in a cold voice, his words were full of unquestionable tone.

Hearing this, Wu Duxiu couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and asked: "Where is my master? I have a master, and Wang Qiuyang, the master of the Shushan Sword Sect, is my master."

Motou Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, with black flames rippling from the corners of his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Your master is dead!"


Wu Duxiu couldn't help but startled, and then his expression changed in horror.

Isn't it fine this morning? How do you say it's gone?

Devil Zhou said coldly: "Your master died at the hands of Patriarch Gu Wu. Before he died, he begged me to take you as his disciple so that you could learn the skills to avenge him."


Wu Duxiu choked up, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Devil Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, his face showing displeasure.

Crying and crying, like a woman.

If it weren't for the urgent need for healing, how could I talk so much nonsense to you, a stupid young man.

"Come, sit cross-legged here, and I will pass on to you the supreme martial arts of the Heavenly Demon Sect."

Devil Zhou said coldly.

When Wu Duxiu heard the words "Supreme Martial Arts", his heart was shocked, and the grief on his face gradually dissipated.

"The supreme martial art taught by the Heavenly Demon God sounds very powerful. Master, don't worry, when the apprentice has mastered the martial arts, I will avenge you!"

Wu Duxiu muttered to himself, while obediently sat on the carpet in the room.

Devil Zhou walked in front of Wu Duxiu with a calm demeanor, and said in a calm voice, "Slightly close your eyes and relax your mind. This seat will directly teach you the top skills of the Heavenly Demon Sect with the technique of enlightenment."

Wu Duxiu's spirit was greatly lifted, and a look of joy appeared in his heart.

He had heard a long time ago that the truly powerful exercises are not learned from books, but spread through empowerment.

Generally speaking, only when the strong of the older generation is about to fail, will they adopt this method to simply and rudely improve the strength of their disciples.

He had always dreamed of meeting such a strong man, but he never thought that his dream would come true soon, and the person who empowered him was the extremely powerful ancestor of the Heavenly Demon.

Thinking of this, Wu Duxiu was extremely excited.

"Hey, I'm getting stronger."

"I'm about to become a real strong man."

"Following the ancestor of Tianmo, I will soon be able to run rampant in the ancient martial arts world."

Wu Duxiu was delighted, he sat cross-legged, his brows facing the sky, his eyes were tightly closed, and he let go of his mind according to Zhou Demon's request.

Devil Zhou walked slowly in front of Wu Duxiu, stretched out a blood-stained finger, and gently pressed Wu Duxiu's forehead.

"Relax, I am teaching you the exercises now, the process may be a bit painful, I hope you can persevere."

Hearing Zhou Motou's words, Wu Duxiu gritted his teeth hard, and said in his heart: "Don't worry, I can definitely hold on."

Devil Zhou didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He found that the other party didn't resist at all, and immediately activated the Heavenly Demon Heart-eating Dafa, and the cold energy poured into his body along the center of the other's eyebrows.

"It's so cold, so cold!"

Wu Duxiu sensed a strange force invading his mind, and he instinctively wanted to mobilize his mental power to expel it.

However, he remembered the words of the Heavenly Demon leader, and immediately tried his best to hold back.

"This is the Heavenly Demon leader empowering himself, so he must persevere."

Wu Duxiu kept comforting himself, letting the opponent's mental power wreak havoc in his mind.

Gradually, something went wrong.

After that strange force poured into his mind, he actually started to crazily invade every nerve, and launched a berserk attack on his mental power.

Wu Duxiu turned pale with fright. He stood up and resisted, but found that it was too late.

The other party's strange energy has already occupied the entire brain, but his mental power is like an outsider, and he can only tremble in front of this strange power.

After a while, Wu Duxiu's closed eyes slowly opened, and a ray of magic flame rose from the corner of his eyes.

Wu Duxiu never imagined that he, who thought he was going to reach the pinnacle of life, was controlled by Demon Zhou and became his puppet ever since.

Things went smoothly beyond imagination, Devil Zhou couldn't help sighing inwardly: "Wang Qiuyang is really good enough to be able to train such a stupid disciple.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky in the world, naive! "

Devil Zhou snorted coldly, and said in a cold tone: "Immediately arrange ten young female disciples to be delivered to my room tonight."

Wu Duxiu's eyes flashed with magic flames, and he immediately took the order and left.

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