My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 169 Isn't this a coincidence?

My novel has been encrypted by S-class text volume Chapter 169 Isn't it a coincidence?

If one party encounters an unmatched opponent, the other three parties will come to support them.

Regarding the situation on the earth, the four kings of beasts already know very well. After all, there are alien beasts fighting humans in every space portal.

In the eyes of the four kings of beasts, the human beings on the earth are weak, and even warriors are vulnerable.

The only tricky thing is the legendary mushroom bomb.

Of course, none of the four beast kings had ever seen that kind of mushroom bomb, and they didn't know how powerful it was.

However, the news of this kind of mushroom bomb was brought back by the quasi-beastmaster of the true vein state. Since even the quasi-beastmaster of the true vein state could not be killed, the power should not be very powerful.

Therefore, the only person on earth worthy of the fear of the Four Great Beastmasters should be the boy who built a fort on the Golden Grassland.

After inquiring about the news during this period, they already knew that the young boy was named Chu Ming, the boss of the Huaxia Shuguang Organization, and he had the title of Patriarch of Ancient Martial Arts.

Patriarch Gu Wu's reputation on the earth is very high, almost no one does not know his name.

The news they got from humans was similar to before, and it turned out that the ancestor Gu Wu was in another world, not on the earth.

When Hanshan Beastmaster claimed to have met Patriarch Guwu, the other Beastmasters were still shocked.

However, this shock did not affect their actions.

You know, the only obstacle to invading the earth now is probably the ancient martial ancestor.

If he can be killed, there will be no worries about invading the earth in the future.

Judging from the battle between the giant-tailed beast king and Gu Wu Patriarch, the strength of Gu Wu Patriarch should be higher than that of the other major beast kings.

However, since the giant-tailed beast king was able to retreat completely, it was enough to prove that the strength of the ancestor Gu Wu was not much higher than the beast king in the sky.

If the four beast kings join forces, it will be very easy to destroy each other.

So, after receiving the call for help from the Dry Mountain Beastmaster, the Giant Tail Beastmaster, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, and the Crypt Beastmaster set off at the same time,

Immediately to Europe.

When fighting the giant-tailed beast king, Chu Ming did not pursue the giant-tailed beast king in order to kill more beasts at the true pulse level, and let him escape from the battlefield.

Even Chu Ming didn't expect that this incident gave them an illusion.

During this period of time, Chu Ming's strength has improved again, making his strength seriously underestimated.

Therefore, when Hanshan Beastmaster fought Chu Ming, he also thought that he could support other Beastmasters to rescue him.

Who would have thought that a face-to-face would be killed.

The other Beastmasters didn't know that the Hanshan Beastmaster had died, so they were all on their way.

The three kings of beasts rushed over from North America, South America, and Africa respectively. Due to the different distances, there must be different times when they came here.

For Chu Ming, this kind of time difference is tantamount to sending him to his death.

If the four beast kings attack at the same time, Chu Ming may find it difficult.

But it's embarrassing to send them one by one.

Only the animal head can be left behind!

The first to arrive on the battlefield was the giant-tailed beast king, which was in charge of invading North America and was the closest to Europe, so it rushed over first.

After the Giant-tailed Beastmaster arrived here, the tentacles on his forehead began to vibrate crazily, trying to contact the Hanshan Beastmaster.

However, the Hanshan Beastmaster is already dead, so of course there is no way to respond.

"Who are you looking for?"

Chu Ming's brows glowed, and his tyrannical mental power surged out, conveying his words in the form of mental fluctuations.

The giant-tailed beast king was startled, his scarlet eyes looked at Chu Ming in horror, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

"Are you looking for the Hanshan Beastmaster?"

With a sneer on the corner of Chu Ming's mouth, he stared at the giant-tailed beast king with piercing eyes, and continued to transmit his voice mentally.

This time, the giant-tailed beast king was completely stunned.

Gu Wu Patriarch actually understands the orc language!

Moreover, the other party also knew the title of Hanshan Beast King, how did he do it?

In fact, as early as when the Hanshan Beastmaster sent a distress message to the global Beastmasters, Chu Ming had already intercepted their conversation.

When the mental power is strong enough to a certain level, it can completely override the mental power of other people.

The energy wave sound transmission between alien beasts is actually a very simple way of sound transmission, but the frequency is different, which is difficult for humans to capture.

However, Chu Ming's mental power is too strong now, he can intercept the sound transmission of energy waves in various frequency bands.

In fact, if Chu Ming is willing, he can also reverse the sound transmission and directly force a dialogue with the alien beast in communication.

Chu Ming did not hinder the Hanshan Beast King's request for help, because he knew that this kind of request for help was just to send his teammates to die.

Sure enough, after the Hanshan Beastmaster was killed, the Giant Tailed Beastmaster rushed over.

While Chu Ming sent a spiritual sound transmission to the giant-tailed beast king, his fingers quietly connected in the void, and sword lights burst out from his fingertips, and disappeared into the void.

The giant-tailed beast king yelled at Chu Ming. On the surface, he looked ferocious, but in fact he felt a little weak in his heart.

"The Hanshan Beastmaster was really killed?"

"Probably not?"

"Could it be that the human being in front of me is deliberately cheating?"

"But why didn't the Hanshan Beastmaster respond?"

"Have you already left?"

In an instant, countless thoughts flooded into the giant-tailed beast king's mind, which made him extremely vigilant, and his fighting spirit also weakened a bit.

However, the Giant-tailed Beastmaster didn't flee the scene immediately. Because he had battle experience with Chu Ming, he knew that the other party couldn't help him in a short time, so his flustered heart stabilized a bit.

"Human, why do you speak our orc language?"

Hanshan Beastmaster bared his fangs at Chu Ming and asked in a cold voice.

In fact, the Hanshan Beastmaster was deliberately delaying time.

It knew that it couldn't beat the opponent, so it deliberately found a topic to talk to Chu Ming, waiting for the arrival of other beast kings.

Chu Ming saw the other party's thoughts at a glance.

He just wanted to say, isn't this a coincidence!

I just want to procrastinate too!

He kept waving his fingers, and the sword energy escaped into the void one by one, intertwined into Dao Geng gold threads in the distance, and woven into a large golden net.

The Great Geng Sword Formation reappeared.

However, Chu Ming hadn't activated the sword array yet, so all the golden silk threads were hidden in the void, without showing his figure.

Chu Ming was waiting. If the Da Geng Sword Array was used well, it would be extremely easy to kill these beast kings by himself.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering beast roar from the south, and the Crypt Beast King in Africa rushed over.

Seeing that he had a helper, the giant-tailed beast king immediately showed great joy.

It opened its bloody mouth wide, revealing its sharp fangs, and its scarlet eyes were full of ridicule.

Stupid human beings, have you been fooled? Do you think this king really wants to chat with you?

It's just delaying time on purpose!

Now my companion is here, you are finished!

The giant-tailed beast king was proud of his perfect plan.

In the distance, the Crypt Beast King came at lightning speed, as fast as a thunderbolt, like a comet, blasting towards this place with a long tail flame.

The giant-tailed beast king was full of momentum, and he was ready to attack with all his strength.

When the Crypt Beast King arrives, he will launch a violent attack.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ming couldn't help but sneer in his heart. With a slight movement of his fingers, majestic skill rippled out and passed along a golden Gengjin silk thread.

Great Geng Sword Formation, start!

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