My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 170 Killing Unforgiven

On the battlefield outside the European space portal, the Crypt Beastmaster galloped all the way from Africa.

It saw the giant-tailed beast king from a distance, and its heart was full of fighting spirit.

At the same time, the Crypt Beastmaster also immediately saw their enemy, Patriarch Gu Wu!

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, so there is no need to hesitate at this time, just do it directly.

The most important thing is that the Crypt Beast King galloped from Africa, the speed was getting faster and faster, and the aura of his body had climbed to the extreme.

At this time, it has a great momentum, and its power is unprecedented. Once it stops, the momentum it has accumulated along the way will be in vain.

Seeing that the Giant-tailed Beast King not far away was also ready, the Crypt Beast King charged directly towards Chu Ming without the slightest hesitation.

If nothing else, this one sprint is enough to blow the opponent's body.

The fiery breath rushed towards the face, and the piercing sound of piercing the air shocked all directions.

Because the Crypt Beast King was flying too fast, its body rubbed against the air at high speed, and bursts of flames burned on the surface of his body.

It gives people the intuitive feeling that a comet is coming violently.

Seeing the aura of the Crypt Beastmaster is so powerful, the giant-tailed Beastmaster who has always been guilty has greatly increased his confidence.

Since his teammates are so powerful, he can let go.


The giant-tailed beast king let out a roar, his momentum suddenly soared, and he was ready to sprint.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly shone with bright golden light, and a large golden net appeared quietly, directly across the path that the two great beast kings must pass.

This is streaks of golden sword energy, even if you are far away, you can feel the infinite sharpness hidden in it.

The giant-tailed beast king was startled, stopped in a hurry, and was shocked when he looked at the golden sword energy net in front of him.

When did the opponent set up such a powerful sword array?

very scary!

The Giant Tailed Beastmaster has stopped,

But its teammate Crypt Beastmaster obviously didn't have such luck.

The speed of the Crypt Beast King was too fast. Although it also saw the sword energy net that suddenly appeared from the void, it was impossible to stop it.

Since you can't stop, just hit it directly.

Thinking of this, the Crypt Beast King let out a sharp roar, the two tentacles above his forehead trembled wildly, blue ripples formed instantly, and spiral light waves burst out suddenly.


A beam of light burst out, sweeping towards the golden sword net.

The idea of ​​the Crypt Beastmaster is very simple, since there is a sword net blocking the way in front of it, just blow it away and it's over.

However, what the Crypt Beastmaster didn't expect was that when its spiral light wave was about to hit the sword net, the sword net suddenly trembled.

From a distance, the sword net looks like a grid of squares. At the place where the spiral light wave bombards, the grid suddenly enlarges, and it can actually expand and contract.

The menacing spiral light waves whizzed past the enlarged grid, and did not cause substantial damage to the sword net.

At the same time, Jianwang quickly returned to normal and became sharper than before.

In the distance, Chu Ming could not help but narrow his eyes with a smile.

It's really ridiculous that the opponent still wants to destroy his Da Geng sword formation with force.

Don't say that the opponent can't hit, even if he hits, it is impossible to break through the defense of Da Geng's sword array.


There was a sound of a long knife piercing the flesh, and the Crypt Beast King bumped into the Da Geng sword array without any accident.

Blood spurted out immediately, and its huge body was directly cut into four halves.

The fiercer the momentum, the faster the death.

Next to it, the giant-tailed beast king was terrified.

The most powerful teammate died before he could make a move. At this time, it didn't dare to stay any longer, and all its courage disappeared.

Then, the giant-tailed beast king turned around abruptly, and fled away at a high speed.

No matter where you go, leave this terrible place first.

"It's only now that I know how to escape, don't you think it's too late?"

Chu Ming snorted coldly and waved his big hand suddenly.

Immediately, the Da Geng sword formation suddenly shone brightly, and the sword net shrank rapidly.

Close the net!


Blood flew everywhere, and the huge body of the giant-tailed beast king was instantly torn apart, and he died in an instant.

The Giant-tailed Beastmaster didn't know that Chu Ming's Da Geng Sword Formation was prepared for him from the beginning, and the Crypt Beastmaster was just an unlucky guy.

With the closing of the Da Geng sword array, the giant-tailed beast king had nowhere to escape, and was directly cut into several pieces by the sharp silk thread of sword energy.

So far, three of the four big beast kings have been killed by Chu Ming.

In the end, there was only one Beastmaster in the Sky Realm left. The place where the opponent invaded the earth was in South America, and it would take a certain amount of time to get here.

However, now Chu Ming doesn't have to worry at all, it's just the last Beastmaster, and when it comes, it's just to deliver food.

"Keep killing!"

Chu Ming squinted his eyes, and the majestic mental power surged out, rendering his pupils golden, and he kept searching for the strange beasts in the sky.

The killing was staged again, and the earth became a desperate purgatory for alien beasts.

In the direction of the space portal, the Lightning Sect Master, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, and Qi Shenglong were all scared to death.

What is that big golden net, and why is it so powerful?

The four of them were completely startled, this was simply a trick of the gods.

Looking at Chu Ming, who was not a leap among the herd of alien beasts, the four of them were terrified.

The more I learned about Chu Ming, the more I realized that I didn't understand him.

Chu Ming is simply a mystery that people can never see through.

Before that, everyone already thought that Chu Ming was powerful enough, but after seeing the battle just now, they realized that they still underestimated Chu Ming's strength.

How strong is his strength?

The four of them looked at each other and felt that it was not important.

Chu Ming's strength has completely exceeded their imagination, and everyone will just be obedient in the future, don't think too much about it.

Time passed slowly, and after about ten minutes, Chu Ming, who was soaked in blood, returned to the four of them.

Perhaps it was because Chu Ming killed the three big beast kings one after another, and all the beasts in the European area were frightened. At this time, they all found a place to hide by themselves and never dared to come out again.

As a direct result, the four people guarding the space portal lost their jobs, and none of the strange beasts wanted to rush back to the other world.

In Yi Beast's heart, going out now is death, so it's better to find a place to hide.

Chu Ming glanced at the system tasks, and found that there were still more than 2,000 beasts in the True Vessel Realm to complete the task, and immediately sighed helplessly.

Hey, there are still too few alien beasts in the True Pulse Realm.

Chu Ming signaled that the four of them could unblock the space portal, and then his whole body was shaken, and a bright golden light shone between his brows.

"The alien beasts that broke into the earth, now give you a chance to leave, if you are still stranded on the earth within ten minutes, you will be killed without mercy!"

Chu Ming's mental power surged out, and a special wave of energy rippled in all directions.

Chu Ming directly used a huge amount of mental power to transmit sound to the entire European area.

Since Chu Ming has not yet found a way to distinguish the monomers, he uses a large-scale group sound transmission.

Ever since, whether it was humans or the beasts hiding here, Chu Ming's words rang in their minds. \u003c/div\u003e

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