My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 185 The Orc Council

Sanctuary, Mo'ao Island.

The bright moon was in the sky, the aura was surging, and all kinds of powerful beast shadows appeared here, and the terrifying momentum surged, which was simply earth-shattering.

Countless strange beasts with powerful auras gathered here, and the evil spirit was unprecedentedly dignified.

Descendants of Sanctuary beasts such as Qiongqi, Jiong, and Yuyu gathered together to discuss the robbery of the descendants of Taotao.

This is the sanctuary of the Scarlet Desolation Continent, and it is the gathering place for the descendants of the beasts of the sanctuary. Only the alien beasts above the sky realm are eligible to enter this place.

In other words, the strength of the hundreds of alien beasts in the sanctuary is above the soaring state.

Baimao Qiongqi roared: "The gluttonous sub-clan has brought our orc army to fight against humans. Its descendants have suffered catastrophe. We cannot stand by and watch."

He shook the five tails behind him fiercely, held up the single horn on his forehead, and responded: "If it is a human secret realm, I think it is necessary to go and have a look. After all, the human race in Chihuang Continent is so strong, their There may be something good in the secret realm."

The giant fish responded: "My people have already investigated. The human race in the secret realm looks different from the human race in our Scarlet Desolation Continent. Shouldn't they be the same race?"

The squid stretched its wings lightly, and suddenly it turned into a white light soaring into the sky, and the crystal water curtain turned into a portrait, which was the image of a person on earth.

All the beasts were silent when they saw this image.

It turned out to be a race that walked upright!

The human race in the Scarlet Desolation Continent looks completely different from the people on Earth. To be precise, even the race is not necessarily the same.

The humans here are actually half-orcs.

The upper body is a human, the lower body is a beast, the strength is very sturdy, and he is the leader of all races in the Chihuang Continent.

As for the image on the water screen of the squid fish, the human race in the secret realm is completely different, looking weak and weak.

The reason why half-orcs are scary is that they have the bodies of ten thousand races, and they can release the innate skills of all races. When they cooperate with each other, they are extremely powerful.

However, if the ten thousand races want to have this kind of combat power, they can only cooperate with each other.

However, the tacit understanding between different races is insufficient,

The combination is not as good as the half-orc.

Even if they are of the same orc race, their strength is far inferior to that of a half-orc in a real battle.

Half-orcs are equivalent to a family with the power of all races, so they are extremely difficult to deal with.

The human bodies on the water curtain are fixed, they are not half-orcs, and at most they have a kind of natural ability, which is nothing to be afraid of.

When seeing the portraits of the people on earth, many strong alien beasts all showed expressions of disdain.

Humans in this form are far different from half-orcs, so they should be easy to deal with.

Seeing the expressions of the beasts, the squid immediately showed vigilance.

Although it has the body of a fish, it possesses extreme speed, whether it is in the sky or in the water, it has an absolute speed advantage.

Xingyu said: "Everyone, don't take it lightly. Although the human body is not to be feared, since they can destroy the descendants of Taotie, they should also have certain strength."

Hearing this, a giant fox with nine tails asked loudly, "Where did you get this information? Is it reliable?"

Yingyu responded: "When my people went out on patrol, they encountered the descendants of Taotie, the Southern Wilderness Beast King.

According to the news brought by the Nanhuang Beastmaster, most of the descendants of the sub-clan Taotie have died, and there is only one Beastmaster in the Soaring Realm left in Nanhuang, and the other Beastmasters have all died in battle.

The strength of ordinary people is weak, but some warriors are very terrifying, possessing extremely powerful destructive power and various innate skills.

Most of the beast kings died under a kind of palm-like talent.

That is an extremely terrifying innate supernatural power. Human warriors can issue a huge energy mahamudra, which is unrivaled. "

Listening to the introduction of the giant fish, all the beasts were silent.

"In other words, the human beings in the secret realm have innate skills?"

The nine-tailed fox asked in a concentrated voice.

Generally speaking, the trigger talent skills of strange beasts are all on specific organs.

For example, the innate skills of the sub-clan Taotie are born on the two tentacles, and the vibration of the tentacles can emit spiral light waves, which are extremely powerful.

For example, the Nine-Tailed Fox's innate skills are born on the two front paws, and when the front paws are swung, they can burst out with extremely powerful tearing force, which can directly tear the mountain into pieces.

The innate skill of the giant fish is on the wings, which can split the sky with the spread of the wings.

From this point of view, the human beings in the secret realm should have innate skills in their hands.

"The Southwestern Desolation is the most barren place in the Chihuang Continent. The gluttonous subspecies there are all abandoned orcs. Even if they are all killed, they will not attract the attention of the gluttonous king."

Qiongqi said in a rough voice, his huge eyes flickered fiercely, as if he was very impatient with the discussion of this matter.

In Qiongqikailai, all the members of the orc clan in the sanctuary have to recharge their batteries. At some point, there will be a call from the front line, and everyone will go to the battlefield.

At that time, what they have to face is the terrifying army of half-orcs.

So at this time, it's best not to make extravagant problems.

With a flash, the fish came to the opposite side of Qiongqi, and said in an enthusiastic voice: "King Qiongqi, don't you think this is an opportunity for us?"

Qiongqi's eyes were fierce, and he asked in puzzlement, "What opportunity?"

The squid replied: "The reason why half-orcs are scary is mainly because their bodies have inherent advantages. If we find their weaknesses through the human race in the secret realm, wouldn't it be a great achievement?"

Hearing this, the eyes of all the different beasts lit up.


The reason why half-orcs are powerful is because they use their lower body well.

If the orcs can find the weakness of the half-orcs' upper body through the humans in the secret realm, they will definitely achieve remarkable results in future battles.

In this way, it is necessary to send troops to the southwest frontier!

Qiongqi stood up slowly, and the mountain-like body immediately brought a large shadow, while blocking the moonlight, it also brought darkness behind it.

"Yingyu, do you think it is more appropriate to send out that team?"

"It's hundreds of millions of miles to go to the southwest frontier, so we need to send a group with a speed advantage over there."

Xingyu smiled triumphantly, and said: "Why don't our Xingyu clan go out to fight?"

Hearing this, all the beasts were unhappy.

Nine-Tailed Fox sneered, "Are you kidding me? Although you Clan of Yuyu are good at flying, my Nine-Tailed Clan is good at running. If you really want to compete in speed, you may not be our opponents."

"Oh? So, the King of Nine Tails wants to go to war?"

The squid asked in a low voice.

Nine-tailed fox suddenly froze, afraid to answer.

Although Nine-Tailed Fox felt that it was easy to destroy the human race in the secret realm, he felt that there was no benefit to be gained.

However, it won't be long before there will be news from the front that the Nine-Tails will go to fight the orcs.

In this way, it would be a good job to go to the southwest desert.

So, the Nine-Tailed Fox smiled proudly, and said, "Okay, my Nine-Tailed Clan has taken over the task of conquering the human race in the secret realm!"

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