My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 186 Return to Dawn Headquarters

Since the dawn organization built defensive fortresses on four continents, it has greatly stimulated the world's economy and made the entire earth more and more prosperous.

Of course, most of the wealth is concentrated in China, and the status of the Chinese people in the world is getting higher and higher.

At the very beginning, the workers who went to another world to build the fortress were very worried, for fear that they would become the prey of strange beasts when they arrived in another world.

But later they discovered that there was no threat at all in the alien world, and all the alien beasts were scared away.

As a result, the workers' courage gradually grew, and the construction of the defensive fortress became faster and faster.

As forts were built one after another, people's confidence became more and more powerful.

The strength of warriors lies within themselves. Most people only know that warriors are very strong, but they cannot feel a sense of security in them.

However, the fort is different.

With a large number of intercontinental missiles erected in the foreign world, people's sense of security has increased sharply, and it feels that the entire foreign world belongs to the earthlings.

In fact, apart from the ancient martial arts system, the scientific and technological weapon systems are similar on all continents.

To be precise, North America's technological defense system ranks first among all continents.

With the deployment of various strategic missiles and defensive missiles, the United Press of North America has become more and more confident, and gradually dissatisfied with the current power structure.

The main reason why North America was invaded by alien beasts was that they were not prepared and were caught off guard by the sudden attack of alien beasts.

Now that a defensive fortress has been built at the entrance of the alien world, and the powerful thermal weapons have been deployed, the North American United Press feels that it has the ability to protect itself.

Therefore, they began to reject the Shuguang Organization.

Of course, this kind of rejection can only be thought silently in their hearts, and they definitely dare not show it.

If only the United Press had this kind of thinking, maybe they would bear it.

However, when all the ancient martial arts organizations in the world have this idea and unite with each other, they will have enough confidence.

The leaders of the United Press of North America, the Amazon of South America, the Phoenix Group of Europe, and the Golden Lion Shield of Africa held a secret meeting.

Discuss the strategy to contain the Shuguang organization together.

There is no way, the Shuguang organization is developing too fast now, and it seems to have become the boss of this world.

Before the outbreak of the alien beasts, the strengths of all continents were about the same. Now they are still somewhat unconvinced when they suddenly give Huaxia their shoes.

The powerhouses of the four major ancient martial arts organizations communicated with each other, and found that everyone coincided with each other, and immediately made an important decision.

Therefore, the four major ancient martial arts organizations jointly called Huaxia, asking the Shuguang organization to withdraw from the defensive fortresses of all continents, and the defensive fortresses in various places were the responsibility of each continent.

Chu Ming was still sleeping late at home, but he was woken up early by a phone call.

The call was from Xiaoya.

Xiao Ya is the head of the intelligence department, and she is responsible for all external communication issues.

Xiaoya found Chu Ming with the help of a new type of communicator, and said with a solemn expression: "Boss, I received a notice from the Huaxia Corps this morning, and the other party reported that all continents have complaints about our defensive fortress."

Chu Ming stretched his waist, did not speak, and quietly listened to the other party's report.

Xiao Ya said concisely: "The herds of alien beasts in North America, South America, Africa, and Europe have all retreated, and the major organizations have found that there is no threat, so they asked us to withdraw.

The space passages inside the continents have already built defensive fortresses, and the defense system has basically been established, and they feel that they have the ability to defend.

They jointly found Huaxia, hoping that Huaxia would persuade us to give them back the defense rights of all continents. "

Listening to Xiao Ya's words, Chu Ming gradually understood.

Hehe, I feel that the Suguang Organization is useless.

The sky cleared, the rain stopped, and he felt that he could do it again.

Chu Ming has seen the defense methods of all continents. It is no exaggeration to say that even the beast kings in the sky state do not need to appear, and the alien beasts in the true vein state can break through their defenses.

Not to mention its power, but the terrifying speed of the True Vein Realm Alien Beast cannot be countered by hot weapons.

It would be a big mistake to regard strange beasts as fixed targets.

Based on Chu Ming's understanding of the alien beasts, the speed of the alien beasts in the Soaring Realm can completely surpass the speed of today's fast missiles.

In other words, human beings' hot weapons can't even catch up to them, let alone hit their targets.

"What does Huaxia Corps mean?"

Chu Ming asked softly.

Hearing Chu Ming's question, Xiaoya responded immediately: "The Huaxia Corps has not given an answer yet, claiming to discuss with us before giving a reply."

Chu Ming nodded silently.

From this point of view, Huaxia still can't save face, and doesn't want to suppress them directly.

With Huaxia's current strength, what you say is the imperial decree. In fact, there is no need to consider the feelings of all continents.

However, China has always maintained the image of a big country, and even if its strength reaches the peak of the world, it has not raised the idea of ​​enslaving the nations.

Chu Ming responded immediately: "People who practice martial arts should regard peace as the most important thing. Since all continents do not need the assistance of our Shuguang organization to deploy defenses, then withdraw all people from all over the place."

Hearing this, Xiao Ya's expression froze immediately, and she said urgently: "Boss, you can't do this. If this happens, all the painstaking efforts we have put in before will be in vain."

Chu Ming smiled lightly and said: "It's okay, if you don't do this, they will never know the value of the Shuguang Organization.

Don't worry, sooner or later they will beg us to go over.

Now get the fighters back, I have important things to do. "

Hearing Chu Ming's categorical words, Xiao Ya no longer hesitated, and immediately issued an announcement to the outside world, and dispatched the Shuguang soldiers stationed abroad to return.

For a moment, people from the four major organizations cheered, thinking that they had easily regained their sovereignty.

However, people living all over the world are very dissatisfied.

If you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work.

What if you can't keep it when the alien beast comes?

On the same day, large-scale demonstrations broke out in North America, South America, Africa and Europe, and the people strongly demanded that the fighters of the Dawn Organization come back.

But such marches are destined to lead nowhere.

All you get is a bunch of empty promises.

Chu Ming didn't bother to care about this.

It just happened that he wanted to gather all the fighters and teach them many martial arts and combat skills.

There are so many exercises in my body, it is really a waste not to use them to develop the Shuguang Organization.

At noon that day, Chu Ming returned to the West Zombie Alien Battlefield, which is the headquarters of Dawn.

Under Xiaoya's notification, Xu Mingliang and many young generals from the Combat Department gathered here, waiting for Chu Ming's summoning.

After Chu Ming came here, he found Xiao Ya immediately.

"Did I ask you to find the person you were looking for?"

Hearing Chu Ming's question, Xiao Ya responded immediately: "I found it, and the things are ready."

While talking, the two looked to the side.

There was a fat white man wearing glasses, holding a keyboard in his hand, sitting there with a blank face.

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