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Chapter 188: Dharma Transmission Ceremony

Inside the portal of Huaxia space, in the defense fortress.

Five hundred thousand Dawn warriors are gathering here to hold a solemn Dharma transmission ceremony.

Now, the entire Shuguang organization has a strength of 3 million people, most of whom are undergoing initial training in the alien battlefield, and only those who pass the assessment can enter the defensive fortress.

This is the bridgehead against alien worlds and China's first line of defense against alien beasts.

Chu Ming asked people to write out various exercises, the purpose is to spread these exercises and enhance the combat effectiveness of the Dawn Army.

And the vehicle for teaching the Dharma is also very common, which is an ordinary USB flash drive.

That's right, all the exercises that everyone typed out just now are in this USB flash drive.

There are a huge number of half a million people, standing in a neat square formation, occupying one-tenth of the area of ​​the entire defensive fortress.

The defensive fortress has already taken shape, and if it is fully built, it will be able to accommodate a population of more than five million people.

All the top executives of the Dawn Organization participated in this Dharma transmission ceremony.

At the front of the square array, Chu Tiankuo, Yu Chengfu, and Cheng Ergang stood proudly.

With the help of the Suguang organization's abundant food for alien animals, Yu Chengfu and Cheng Ergang finally broke through the shackles and stepped into the air realm one after another.

That is to say, the current Dawn Organization already has three experts in the Sky Realm, and their strength has soared.

The three of them stood at the forefront of the Dawn Legion, and they were General Dou Zhan of the Dou Zhan Department.

The second row is Xu Mingliang, Zhou Zhihao, Pang Quanyong, Murong Xue, and Xiao Ya.

These five people are the current ministers of various departments of the Shuguang Organization, and they are also important helpers for Chu Ming in managing the Shuguang Organization.

The strength of the five people is all in the True Vein Realm, and their combat power is above average. Compared with ordinary warriors, they are considered top-notch, but there are three veteran generals in the Tengkong Realm here, and they can only be ranked second.

The third row is Shao Chen, Han Fangkun, Lu Zhiming, Yang Guangqiang, and Tang Yulan.

These five people are warriors from various sects.

Since Zhou Motou, the leader of the Heavenly Demon, was born,

The ancient martial arts sects that were originally independent had to be closely linked.

However, with Demon Zhou being defeated by the Lightning Sect Master, and the Lightning Sect Master was forcibly taken away by Chu Ming when he seized the martial arts leader, the direction of the entire ancient martial arts sect became uncertain.

Among them, the most powerful Lightning Sect Master, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, and Qi Shenglong were all subdued by Chu Ming. Not long ago, Chu Ming took them abroad for a tour.

That battle consumed the four of them a lot, and after returning home, the four of them retreated.

Chu Ming left in such a hurry that he forgot to leave some things like Guiyuan fruit or viscera fruit for the four old masters.

With the rubbish skills they have, if they want to recover the exhausted skills, they will not be able to get out of the test in a few years.

Fortunately, Chu Ming has arranged for someone to send a piece of precious material to the four old masters. I believe that after they eat it, their constantly consumed skills can be quickly recovered, and their strength will also be greatly improved.

In fact, although Huaxia's ancient martial arts sect has not publicly stated, it has actually attached itself to the Shuguang organization.

The people of Gu Wu Sect were very anxious, because they had already realized that Gu Wu Patriarch didn't care about the name of the leader of Wulin at all, and he even looked down on Gu Wu Sect.

In fact, this is exactly the case, except for their masters, ordinary sect disciples are about the same level as Shuguang Warrior.

I believe it won't be long before the fighters of the Shuguang organization will far surpass the disciples of the sect.

Among the various sects, the one with the largest number of disciples is only a few hundred.

The number of fighters in the Suguang Organization can easily be in the millions, which is not an order of magnitude at all.

So, now looking back at Devil Zhou and Lightning Sect Master who wanted to be the leader of the martial arts alliance, it is simply a joke.

Except for the core members of the first three rows, all the rest are Dawn Warriors.

The 500,000 army stood proudly, exuding a strong aura of iron and blood, giving people a very shocking feeling.

In front of Chu Ming, Chu Tiankuo asked with a puzzled face, "Chu Ming, where is Xiao Wu, why didn't you see her?"

As Chu Ming's grandfather, Chu Tiankuo cared very much about the girls around Chu Ming.

Maybe one day she will become her grandson-in-law.

However, since Chu Ming went to fight in various continents, Wu Xi has disappeared, and I don't know if there is a conflict between the two.

Hearing Grandpa's question, Chu Ming responded immediately: "I have already passed some of the exercises to Wu Xi before, in order to break through to the Soaring Realm as soon as possible, she chose to retreat."


Chu Tiankuo looked suddenly enlightened, and thought to himself, he really deserves to be my grandson, and he knows how to treat the girl he likes.

Chu Ming stepped onto the high platform and saw that the soldiers had assembled, his expression became serious.

There was a glow between his brows, and a golden light spread in all directions, and his powerful mental power turned into waves of light, instantly covering the entire defensive fortress.

Chu Ming's mental strength is strong enough to cover the 500,000 troops present.

In order to let every soldier hear his own words, Chu Ming directly used the method of spiritual voice transmission.

Chu Ming paced back and forth on the high platform, and every step he took, his aura would increase a bit.

Especially under that tyrannical mental power, Chu Ming looked extremely powerful, and his body seemed to emit a fiery light, like a scorching sun in a clear sky.

Until a certain moment, Chu Ming stopped and said in a loud voice:

"Soldiers, we are now on an alien continent."

"Once upon a time, when humans faced powerful alien beasts, they could only hide in a corner and shiver."

"People at that time expected that it would be great if the strange beast didn't appear."

"For humans, alien beasts are terrifying."

"However, everything is relative. As long as we humans are strong enough, then we are the ones who are terrible."

"Today, we set foot on the continent of another world, ate the flesh and blood of alien beasts, and avenged our blood."

"In the future, we will become stronger, not only to repel the invasion of alien beasts, but also to rob the land of alien beasts."

"We want to establish a grand dominance of human beings in this foreign world."

"Now, I have taught you many martial arts and skills. I hope you will practice hard and improve day by day."

"When the soldiers become stronger, you all will fight this world with me!"


Chu Ming's voice was loud and powerful like a rainbow.

His mental strength swept the audience, making his sonorous voice penetrate into everyone's heart.

The soldiers listened to Gu Wu's speech, and everyone's blood boiled with excitement.

When hearing the question from Patriarch Gu Wu, all the warriors shouted hoarsely:




The sound of 500,000 soldiers shook the sky, causing turmoil in the sky, and a strong aura of iron and blood rose into the sky, like a shocking sharp blade, showing its sharpness.

In the distance, at the edge of the golden grassland, a group of powerful nine-tailed foxes quietly appeared.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King looked at the strong killing spirit in front of him, and immediately showed a strong fighting spirit.

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