My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 189 Nine Tailed King

The golden grassland is boundless, with an area of ​​more than five million square kilometers.

This piece of grassland alone can be worth half of China, plus the surrounding beast forest, barren woodland, ancient caves and dry sea mountains and deserts, the total area has exceeded the land area of ​​the earth.

Such a vast land is just a wilderness in the wilderness in this world.

Further inside is the sanctuary, beyond the sanctuary there is Buzhou, and beyond Buzhou there is heaven.

The size of this world is beyond human imagination.

What kind of powerful creatures are hidden in such a big world, in fact, humans don't know.

Just like now, at the edge of the Golden Grassland, hundreds of Nine-Tailed Foxes in the Sky Realm quietly appeared. Each Nine-Tailed Fox was extremely powerful, completely crushing any Beastmaster here.

The only surviving Southern Wilderness Beast King crawled on the ground tremblingly, expressing his submission to the Nine-Tailed Fox King.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King held his head high, not bothering to look at the Southern Wilderness Beast King at all.

If it wasn't for the sake of the Taotie Beastmaster, it wouldn't bother to summon the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is actually a sub-clan of the Taotie Beastmaster, and has a blood relationship with the Taotie, but it is not deep.

Except for it, the Golden Beastmaster, Giant Tail Beastmaster, Dry Mountain Beastmaster, and Crypt Beastmaster all died in battle, at the hands of the same human being.

Of course, their titles of Beastmasters are based on the location of their fiefdoms. To be precise, they all have a common title: Gluttonous Beastmaster.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King didn't care about these things. The reason why it chose to come here was not because it had a good relationship with the Gluttonous Beast King, but because it wanted to avoid the next conscription.

Over the years, the battle between the orcs and the half-orcs has intensified. From time to time, news will come from the front, asking the remaining orcs to go to the front for support.

The nine-tailed fox didn't want to fight the orcs on the front line, so he chose to deal with the humans in the secret realm.

For this vast world, the earth is a small place, so it is appropriate to call it a secret place.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King felt the strong killing atmosphere in front of him, and his heart was full of fighting spirit.

Can't beat the mighty half-orcs,

It shouldn't be difficult to kill a weak Homo erectus like you!

Just as the Nine-Tailed Fox King was about to order an attack, the Southern Wilderness Beast King who had been lying on the ground suddenly got up and said in a panic:

"King Nine-Tails, I can't go in this direction. There is a very powerful young human with an extremely powerful innate skill. Many of my Beast King brothers died in his hands."


The nine-tailed fox king twitched his eyebrows, his long snow-white eyebrows twitched, and a sharp light appeared in his bright eyes.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster immediately explained: "That human's innate skills are in his hands. Every time he waves his hand, a huge energy handprint will fall from the sky. The power is extremely powerful and almost unmatched."

The antennae on the forehead of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster trembled, and when he mentioned the huge energy handprint, a trace of fear instinctively appeared in its eyes.

However, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster quickly adjusted his mood, and continued: "Actually, you can completely avoid this person, King Giant Tail.

To enter the earth, there are currently found six passages.

One of them is too small, and it is too difficult for us orcs to get into it, so it can be ignored.

There are a total of five passages that can really allow us orcs to pass quickly.

In addition, there are four space passages, which seem to correspond to the four positions of the earth.

If we want to enter the earth, we can choose to enter it through other channels. "

It seems that the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster was really frightened by Chu Ming's methods, and now even if a powerful foreign aid came, it didn't want to confront Chu Ming head-on.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King wanted to mock the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, but he held back after thinking about it.

It brought its clansmen here for hundreds of millions of miles, but it didn't come here to die.

In case that human boy is really as powerful as the other party said, he will definitely suffer a disadvantage in confronting that person.

That being the case, what are you waiting for, go to another place and enter the earth.

Thus, under the leadership of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, hundreds of nine-tailed foxes plundered in another direction.

The alien beasts in the soaring realm can already fly in the air, but the nine-tailed fox is good at running, and their running speed on the ground is even faster than their flying speed.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King was very cautious. It didn't invade the earth immediately, but asked the Southern Wilderness Beast King to take it through all the space passages.

After the Nine-Tailed Fox King finished his investigation, he knew that the Southern Wilderness Beast King was not lying, and the defenses in the other four passages were completely different from the ones he had seen before.

"King Nine Tails, from which channel do you want to attack the Earth?"

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster was flustered and a little annoyed at the same time.

It was the one who sent the news to the sanctuary at the beginning. Its original plan was to let the strong men in the sanctuary take action, kill Chu Ming directly, and remove the threat here while taking revenge.

From then on, I am the only king here.

But I didn't expect that just now I was scared and said something that shouldn't be said.

Originally thought that King Nine-Tails would not pay attention to his rhetoric, and rushed forward directly with his clansmen.

But no.

This powerful King of Nine Tails seems to be more cowardly than himself.

There were more than 300 vacant-level Beastmasters following behind, but it didn't rush forward all at once.

It's completely different from what I thought.

As expected of a strong man from the sanctuary, he was sure enough.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King stared at the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster with gloomy eyes, and said in a cold voice: "This king looked at the defense forces outside the other four passages, and they were useless.

Therefore, the king decided to launch an attack on the four channels at the same time.

First kill all the human fighters stationed in the passage, and then quickly evacuate to observe the reaction of the human race in the secret realm.

If they take the initiative, we retreat.

If they can't hide, we'll kill them. "

Listening to the arrangement of King Nine Tails, the Beastmaster of the Southern Wilderness was really powerless to complain.

In other words, I have already made it very clear that the young man in the central passage of the Golden Grassland on the entire earth is a bit threatening, and everyone else is weak.

Don't you dare to attack directly after all this?

Killing people and running away, it is said that I was not so cowardly when I broke into the earth.

However, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster soon realized what was going on.

It had heard before that there would be a conscription in the sanctuary every once in a while, and then send troops to the Buzhou battlefield to fight the half-orcs living in Buzhou.

Perhaps the Nine-Tails King came here to avoid conscription. In this way, it is reasonable for the other party to deliberately delay the time.

After understanding the cause and effect, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster immediately knew what to do.

So, the Southern Wilderness Beast King sighed in admiration, and said, "The Nine-Tail King's arrangement is really wonderful. In this way, our beast clan will be invincible."

The Nine-Tailed Fox King snorted coldly, and immediately said to the hundreds of orc members who were flying in the sky behind him: "Follow the plan, kill all the guards and return here to gather immediately."

Many members of the orc clan in the flying realm led away one after another, and a terrifying attack was about to be staged.

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