My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 191 Unbearable One Blow

Outside the space channel in North America, 10,000 drones took off and whizzed away into the distance.

The United Press has set up a high-altitude radar at the highest point of the defensive fortress. Although there is no satellite assistance, the high-altitude radar alone can cover a range of thousands of miles.

All objects within the coverage of the radar can be clearly fed back to their precise control panel.

Three thousand miles away from the Fangyuan Fortress, a hundred thousand strange beasts are rushing towards them.

It is invisible to human eyes due to the distance.

Fortunately, there is high-altitude radar, which can give early warning.

The 10,000 drones in the sky are aimed at attacking these 100,000 alien beasts.

In this battle, the United Press can be said to have greatly increased its confidence.

They knew that the beasts above the true pulse level had strong defenses, and it was difficult for ordinary missiles to kill them.

Therefore, the missiles carried by the UAV have strong penetrating capabilities.

Especially after the explosion, the sharp shrapnel can easily penetrate half a meter thick steel plate.

No matter how thick the beast's skin was, it would definitely be fatal if it was hit by this kind of armor-piercing bullet.

Among the defensive fortresses, Amoreston and Stephenson came here for the first time, looking at a large screen in front of them.

There are 100,000 strange beasts galloping across the land.

Because it is a radar scanning scene, the image is not clear, and people can only see vague shadows one by one, densely packed and extremely numerous.

On the other side of the screen, there is a picture sent back by the drone.

Three minutes later, the drone flying in the front had caught the trace of the strange beast. After the target was locked, it could be launched at any time.

"Report to the boss, the drone has locked the target, is it attacking?!"

The leader in charge of this drone operation asked aloud to Amerston.

At the same time, 10,000 United Press members are carefully controlling the drones they are driving, ready for a full-scale attack.

Every drone must be operated by at least one person,

Nowadays, 10,000 planes are flying into the air at once, flying too close to each other, and there is a disadvantage of mutual interference.

However, in order to completely annihilate the herd of alien beasts, this drawback was directly ignored.

Amerston immediately responded, "Attack!"


Hearing the leader's affirmative answer, the leaders of the drone camp shouted loudly:


Before the words fell, the soldiers of the United Press who were in charge of controlling the drone pressed the launch button in their hands one after another.

Immediately, all the drones thousands of miles away burst into flames, and countless missiles burst out, heading towards the group of alien beasts in the distance.

In an instant, missiles were flying all over the sky, and the long tail flames were extremely gorgeous, like a meteor shower, hitting the group of alien beasts.

On the land in the distance, a herd of alien beasts is running wildly.

Suddenly, a nine-tailed fox in the sky raised its head, and looked into the sky far away with sharp eyes.

At the same time, nearly a hundred nine-tailed foxes in the army of alien beasts raised their heads one after another, looking at the sky in the distance.

As alien beasts in the air realm, their sensing ability is particularly strong, and they have already sensed the danger the moment the missile is launched.




There were bursts of roars, and terrifying sound waves flew towards the far sky at high speed.

The berserk group of alien beasts stopped one after another, raised their heads in panic, and looked towards the sky.

The strength of the alien beast group is generally low, and they don't know what happened yet.

I don't even know why the noble Nine-Tailed Fox-sama sent out a sonic attack.

At this time, there were endless explosions in the distant sky, and missiles exploded in the air, like gorgeous fireworks, very eye-catching.

The missile launched by the drone was actually directly exploded by the sound waves emitted by the Nine-Tailed Fox.


The leading nine-tailed fox roared, and the army of alien beasts ran wildly again, rushing towards the human defense fortress.

This time, the alien beast group was shocked. They all saw the fireworks in the sky, which were human missiles.

With Lord Nine-Tailed Fox here, the missiles can't hurt him at all.

With no worries, the group of alien beasts rushed faster.

In the defensive fortress, the members of the United Press were waiting to see the results of the first round of attack. Unexpectedly, the missile exploded in the air before it even flew.

"what happened?"

Amston frowned and asked while stroking his beard.

The leader in charge of driving the drone responded: "I don't know, the missile we launched exploded inexplicably. It may be that the drone flew too close, and the missile was detonated in advance under the influence of each other."

The radar can only scan the figure of the group of alien beasts, but cannot scan the roar of the alien beasts.

Therefore, the members of the United Press did not know how the missile exploded.

Amoston's face was gloomy, and he cursed viciously, and immediately ordered: "A group of idiots, continue to attack, this time pay attention to the launch time interval!"

Hearing Amoreston's words, the soldiers in charge of controlling the drone all turned pale.

Under the leader's order, they once again launched a missile attack on the alien herd.

Learning from the previous lesson, the fighters did not launch at the same time this time, but launched row by row according to the location of the drones.

Immediately, the gorgeous tail flame ignited the sky again, and the powerful armor-piercing projectile was fired again.

On the ground, the group of alien beasts that were running wildly did not stop, and continued to run towards the direction of the defensive fortress.

Nearly a hundred nine-tailed foxes raised their heads alternately, and bursts of sharp howling sounded one after another, detonating the missiles that struck from high altitude.

Immediately, the sound of explosions came from a distance again, and all the powerful armor-piercing shells exploded in the sky.

Because the explosion range of the armor-piercing projectile is too large, if one explodes, the adjacent armor-piercing projectiles will never be spared.

As a result, the second round of drone attacks failed again.

The speed of the alien beast group was very fast, the two rounds of attacks by the drones failed, and they had no chance to launch a third round of attacks.

Because the herd of alien beasts had rushed over.

At this time, ordinary alien beasts also saw the drone in the sky, and the tentacles on the foreheads of many beasts in the true vein state trembled, and the vortex light waves sent out precise bombardment on the drone.

UAVs use cameras to transmit images and battlefield information back to the defense fortress. Since there are no satellites in the foreign world, all signal transmissions are outside the high-altitude radar.

This can lead to signal congestion, resulting in delayed image transmission.

What's more, 10,000 drones are launched into the sky at the same time, and a radar launch pad is simply not enough to deal with it.

Therefore, when faced with the vortex light wave attack of the alien beast group, these drones seemed a little stiff, and they didn't even know how to dodge.

As a result, 10,000 drones became live targets, constantly exploding in the sky.

The drone carried a large number of armor-piercing bombs, and one of them was detonated, causing a big explosion immediately.

The dense drone formation produced a chain reaction, with big explosions one after another.

Technological weapons are vulnerable in front of strange beasts.

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