My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 192 Vulnerabilities in the Missile Defense System

On top of the defensive fortress, dozens of cooperative fighters are watching with binoculars.

When the gorgeous fireworks appeared in the sky, they were all frightened and dumbfounded.

"The drone exploded?"

Amerston said with a pale face and panicked.

He couldn't understand why the drone phalanx that was launching a missile attack suddenly exploded inexplicably?

Could it be a technical problem?

Stephen Sun exclaimed: "Boss, the drone has been attacked, please activate the missile defense system immediately."

Awakening the dreamer with one word, Amoston immediately turned around and yelled at the members of the United Press behind him: "Turn on the missile defense system immediately."

Hearing Amoreston's words, the members of the United Press suddenly became busy.

Buttons of various colors were pressed, and a piercing air defense siren sounded throughout the fortress.

On the high platform, twelve huge radars swayed from side to side, targeting the grassland area in front of them.

The speed of the alien beast group was very fast, and with just this delay, it had already advanced nearly a hundred miles.

These strange beasts have entered the attack range of the missile defense system.


Amoston gave an order, and eight missiles launched into the air at the same time, roaring towards the front of the herd of alien beasts.

After the eight missiles were launched, another eight missiles were launched again, with the same target.

At the same time, countless rockets shot up into the sky on both sides, with long tail flames, and followed the missile's launch trajectory.

The number of alien beasts is only 100,000, and Hezhongshe wants to know the strength of these alien beasts.

The first round of attack is just a trial.

If these missiles and rockets fail to cause serious damage to the alien herd, then they will use nuclear bombs next.

Anyway, this is a different world, and the members of the United Press have no psychological pressure at all to use nuclear bombs.

The first round of missiles is launched,

Everyone looked solemnly at the battlefield, wanting to see the effect of the attack.

At the same time, the first eight missiles launched have reached the sky above the herd of alien beasts.

The Nine-Tailed Fox members immediately discovered the missiles coming from the air, and prepared to repeat their tricks, opening their mouths to emit bursts of terrifying sound waves.

The attack power of this sound wave is extremely strong, and a big explosion occurs the moment it meets the missile.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​flames appeared in the sky, and the deafening explosion sound instantly enveloped all directions.

This time, the Nine-Tailed Fox members made a mistake.

Because the power of the explosion is too great.

The violent explosion produced a berserk air wave, and even the Beastmaster of the Sky Realm cannot underestimate the terrifying shock wave.

As a result, nearly a hundred nine-tailed fox members frantically fled towards the left and right sides, like hundreds of crimson shadows, disappearing in an instant.

The Nine-Tailed Fox in the Soaring Realm escaped, and the strange beasts below the Real Vessel Realm would be miserable.

They are not as fast as the nine-tailed fox, and their strength is even farther apart.

Therefore, when ten missiles exploded at the same time, all ordinary beasts suffered.


There were bursts of shrill roars, and thousands of beasts were hit by the missile's armor-piercing shrapnel, directly penetrating their bodies.

At the same time, the scorching heat scorched the furs of countless beasts, and the scene was scorched.

Fortunately, the Nine-Tailed Fox detonated the missile ahead of time, and most of the missile's attack power had been consumed. Most of the beasts escaped the first round of attacks.

However, before the alien beasts had time to be happy, the second round of rocket attacks arrived again.

The group of alien beasts tossed and frantically fled towards the distance, trying to stay away from the rocket attack.

Although the attack power of the rockets is not as good as that of the strategic missiles, they are superior in their large number, and they are launched intensively, launching a covering attack on the group of alien beasts.

Many flying beasts had to stop, the tentacles on their foreheads trembled, sending out spiral light waves one after another, intercepting the rocket attacks in advance.

However, the rockets deployed in the defensive fortress all have powerful armor-piercing special effects.

Even though the alien beast detonated the rocket in advance, the powerful armor-piercing shrapnel still killed many ordinary alien beasts.

It was at this time that the third round of missile attacks arrived again.

This time, without the obstruction of the Nine-Tailed Fox, the strategic missile successfully landed in the herd of alien beasts, and a powerful explosion suddenly rose into the sky.

The endless flames devoured everything, and the tyrannical explosive power swept away everything.

In the distance, in the defensive fortress, the members of the United Society all showed great joy when they saw this scene.

Strategic armor-piercing missiles are really effective against alien beasts.

Amoston said happily: "The missiles and rockets are effective, and our defense system is fine. Continue to attack and blow them up for me."

Hearing Amoreston's words, all the members of the United Press showed excitement.

In their view, the bitter days of human beings are finally over, and from now on, the technological weapons of the United Society will sweep across the alien world and wipe out all alien beasts.

At this moment, Stephenson came to Amoston's side and gently grabbed the other's wrist.


Seeing Stephenson's solemn expression, Amerston immediately showed seriousness.

Didn't we play well? Why is the other party's expression so ugly?

Stephenson took Amoston's wrist and walked a few steps aside, whispering, "Get out of here with me quickly."

"what happened?"

Amerston questioned.

Stephen Sun quietly glanced to the side, making sure that others would not hear his words, and immediately said: "Boss, I saw through the telescope just now that many strange beasts were killed by missiles."

"Is this a good thing?"

Amerston didn't understand any more.

Stephenson's attitude became serious, and he lowered his voice and said, "I don't know if you saw it, boss. At the moment the missile exploded, many strange beasts avoided them. Their speed was as fast as a shadow. The telescope was extremely fast." Hard to catch.

Although the power of the missile is very strong, at most it can kill the beasts in the true pulse state.

Once the beast exceeds this range, the missile is useless at all. "

Amoreston's complexion became gloomy, he looked at the other party with unkind eyes, and said coldly, "What do you want to say?"

Stephen Sun said solemnly: "I suspect that among this group of strange beasts there is a flying-level beast king, so we must leave here as soon as possible, it is too dangerous."

"Leave? What about them?"

Amoston pointed his finger at the tens of thousands of Union Army troops in the defensive fortress.

Stephenson responded: "They want to stay and continue to meet the enemy. Let's retreat first. If they can stop the beast, we will come back."

Amerston also became hesitant.

As the boss of the United Press, he certainly knows the loopholes in the defense system here.

This defense system can at most block the alien beasts of the true pulse state, if there is a beast king of the flying state, it is very likely that it will not be able to stop it.

Of course, it's just possible that it can't be blocked, what if it is blocked.

Amoston felt melancholy in his heart, secretly cursing Gu Wu Patriarch in his heart.

Didn't it mean that all the beast kings in the sky realm were killed?

How come?

If we had known that there was still a Beastmaster in the Sky Realm, our Hezhong Society would not be in a hurry to get the defensive fortress back.

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