My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 205 The general trend of the world in another world

The sudden system notification sound made Chu Ming feel a burst of joy.

Unexpectedly, the ancient martial arts system actually has a consultation function, and this function can only be activated after the complete release of the ancient martial arts training technique.

From this point of view, the Guwu system hopes that Chu Ming will fully release the Guwu body training technique, otherwise it will not give corresponding rewards.

If Chu Ming had spread the ancient martial art of refining the body earlier, the hidden function of the ancient martial system must have been activated long ago.

Chu Ming knew nothing about this world.

It would be great to have a system to consult with.

Chu Ming immediately asked Gu Wu System: "System, tell me about the situation in this world."

[Ding, if the host wants to know the basic situation of this world, he needs to consume reputation points: 7748 points, do you want to consult? 】


Chu Ming has a lot of reputation points, more than 7,000 points are really nothing.

It seems that the newly opened consultation function of the system is very conscientious, and there is no excessive asking price.

Following Chu Ming's response sounded in his heart, the system's reply came:

[This world is called the Chihuang Continent, and it is divided into three major continents, namely the Holy Beast Continent, the Half-Human Continent, and the Barren Continent. 】

[The Holy Beast Continent is respected by the orcs, and there are endless orcs living there. The highest power center is called the Sanctuary. 】

[Half-Human Continent is respected by the human race. The appearance of the human race there is far from that of the earth people. Most of them are a combination of human body and beast body. The highest power center is called the ancestral temple. 】

[Desolate Buzhou is very barren, and there are uncivilized beasts living in it. They only have the instinct of killing. Any outsider who breaks into it will die. 】

[Desolate Buzhou is terrifying, but as long as there is no foreign invasion, the super beasts inside will not come out.

The Holy Beast Continent and the Half-Human Continent have been fighting for years, and the war has lasted for more than two thousand years.

The members of the holy beast tribe Zhousheng multiply rapidly among the members of the orc clan, and can quickly replenish their troops on the battlefield.

The half-human Buzhou wins the talent of the human race, and the half-orc has a variety of talents and skills.

The cultivation speed is fast and the attack power is extremely powerful.

The area where the host is located is located in the southwestern border of the Holy Beast Continent. In the eyes of the orcs, this is a lonely and barren place. Few members of the orcs look at it, and only the gluttonous subspecies live here.

Now that the host has killed a large number of gluttonous subspecies and members of the nine-tailed fox clan, it is bound to arouse the vigilance of the sanctuary, and I am afraid that it will be crusaded by the holy beast continent. 】

Listening to the introduction of Gu Wu System, Chu Ming's expression became more and more dignified.

No wonder the alien beasts here are so weak. It turns out that this place is a wasteland in the Holy Beast Continent, and the powerful alien beasts have not come here.

It is estimated that the reason why the gluttonous subspecies lived here was because they were exiled here.

Knowing the basic situation of Chihuang Continent, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel a little worried.

If the information given by the Guwu system is true, then the future situation of the people on earth will be very dangerous.

Compared with the orcs in the Holy Beast Continent, the people on Earth started too late.

Chu Ming can still deal with hundreds of beast kings from the flying state coming here.

If tens of thousands of flying-level beast kings with hundreds of thousands of backgrounds come here, even Chu Ming has the ancient martial arts system, and he will not be able to compete with them.

At that time, there is only one dead end.

"Next, what should I do?"

Chu Ming asked the system again.

[Ding, if the host wants to ask about the way out of the people on Earth, he needs to consume reputation points: 3352 points, do you want to ask? 】

Chu Ming didn't hesitate at all, and immediately responded in his heart: "Yes!"

Following a series of system prompts, Gu Wu's system has completed the deduction of reputation points, and the next answer is:

[If the host wants to survive the crisis, he needs to make allies in advance. 】

[Half-orcs and earthlings have blood similarities, which can be cited as strong reinforcements. 】

[However, if you want to enter the Banhuman Continent, you need to cross the sanctuary, which is extremely dangerous. 】

【The host please take care of yourself. 】

Hearing the system's reply, Chu Ming couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

From this point of view, the system wants to contact the half-orcs in the half-human continent in advance.

However, it is not easy to cross the sanctuary of the orcs. Once the members of the orcs find their tracks, it will be very troublesome to escape.

Therefore, before Chu Ming went to the Banhuman Continent, he had to raise his own strength first.

Otherwise, even in the half-human continent, the half-orcs may look down on themselves because of their low strength.

Don't ask for help at that time, maybe you will be slapped there by the other party.

Chu Ming took a deep breath, feeling that it was unreliable to ask for foreign aid.

Even if the half-orcs came and helped the earthlings kill the alien beasts, would the earthlings be safe?

I'm afraid not. At that time, the orcs might become the new enemies of mankind.

Therefore, only self-improvement is the only way out.

"System, is there any other way? For example, let me become stronger as soon as possible? Or make all human beings stronger?"

Hearing Chu Ming's question, the system responded immediately.

[The host asked three questions.

The first question, yes. Deduct 227 reputation points.

The second question, if you want to become stronger, please complete the system tasks as soon as possible, the faster you complete the tasks, the faster you will become stronger. 826 prestige points are deducted.

The third question, after the popularization of the ancient martial arts training technique, the host can try to release the gods and demons training technique in the same way, maybe there will be unexpected results! Deduct 1254 reputation points. 】

After getting this answer, Chu Ming's eyes gradually lit up.

That is to say, after the Chinese people have completed the ancient martial art of body training, they can also continue to practice the body training of gods and demons?

At this moment, Chu Ming's heart suddenly became clear, and he finally figured out the matter.

The Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique can turn a warrior from zero into a strong one in the True Vessel Realm, while the God Demon Body Refining Technique can allow a warrior to step from the True Vein Realm to the Void Realm.

If all the people in China become strong in the sky, when the orc army from the sanctuary comes to the earth, there will be a group of super powerful beings waiting for them.

At that time, the members of the orc clan might regret provoking the earthlings.

The more Chu Ming thought about it, the more excited he became, and he felt that he had to put it into action as soon as possible.

You must know that Chu Ming has only obtained the fifth-level body training technique of gods and demons. If he wants to obtain the following exercises, he must continue to do system tasks.

Chu Ming looked at the sky, the sun was setting, and it was already evening.

If it was before, Chu Ming would never start the system task in the evening.

Because the missions have a countdown, they can be started at any time, and it is inconvenient to move in the evening. If the mission is started in the evening, a long period of time will be wasted.

Therefore, in the past, Chu Ming would only start the system tasks in the early morning of the next day.

This way no time is wasted.

But now, Chu Ming obviously couldn't wait any longer.

Who says you can't do tasks at night?

As long as you are strong enough, you can do tasks at any time.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming immediately got into the Guwu system and opened the system task bar.

[Ding, it is detected that the strength of the host has reached the peak of the fifth-rank True Vein Realm, and the new system task is activated! 】

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