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Chapter 206: China's Eating Craze

Recently, an astonishing news has spread in China, and the whole world is boiling over.

The ancient martial arts training novel has been updated!

The ancestor of ancient martial arts updated three chapters in a row, updating the eighth, ninth, and tenth layers of ancient martial arts body training together!

As for the previously released eighth-level exercises, Patriarch Gu Wu directly deleted them and re-released new ones.

At the beginning, the people of Huaxia suffered enough in the eighth level of exercises, and they did not know how many times they practiced day and night.

But it failed even once.

Now, the people of Huaxia tried again, and the familiar feeling came again.

After practicing once, I broke through easily.

When the eighth level of cultivation was successful, all the people couldn't help crying with joy.

The feeling of being rewarded after hard work is really gratifying.

Full of emotion.

It has been a hot mess on the Internet, and almost everyone is cheering, and I have finally practiced the eighth level of ancient martial arts.

It was later discovered that everyone has practiced it.

It turned out that it was Gu Wu Patriarch who discovered that everyone was having difficulties in cultivation, so he re-improved the exercises so that everyone could practice them.

Knowing this, everyone was even more moved.

It turned out that Gu Wu Patriarch was so caring, in order to allow everyone to practice miraculously, he actually deleted the original exercises and re-released the latest version of the exercises.

In the boundless gratitude, everyone couldn't restrain their emotions, and expressed their admiration and love for the ancient martial ancestor.

Then, everyone continued to practice in unison.

Because, the ancestor of ancient martial arts has three consecutive chapters, in addition to the eighth level of exercises, there are also ninth and tenth levels.

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There is a kind of understanding in everyone's heart, maybe after practicing the last two levels, everyone can become a warrior in the true pulse state.


Before the opening chapter of the ninth level of exercises, there is a chapter of testimonials released by Gu Wu Patriarch.

The content is very simple, only a few crosses, but it is very important.

"The process of practice is actually a process of accumulating strength. For the next practice, please prepare sufficient food in advance to ensure smooth practice."

Seeing the chapter testimonials of Patriarch Gu Wu, everyone understood the good intentions of Patriarch Guwu.

Patriarch Gu Wu is teaching everyone how to practice!

Nowadays, the Chinese people have worshiped the ancestor of Guwu as a god, and no matter what the ancestor said, he was right.

Since the ancestor asked everyone to prepare food, it must be adequately prepared.

So, almost unanimously, everyone picked up their mobile phones and started ordering takeaway.

The takeaway boy sneered again and again, he still has to practice, and he even sent a hammer for takeaway.

Therefore, the people of Huaxia ordered takeaway as usual, and everyone guessed that when they practiced enough to want to eat, the takeaway should also be delivered.

So I didn't care, and started practicing one after another.

Sure enough, the latest exercise released by Guwu Patriarch this time is the same as before, and it is very easy to practice.

As long as you are not a fool, you can complete the cultivation with a little try.

When people break through their own realm one after another, and their strength rises steadily, that kind of strong hunger begins to spread.

In fact, when they practiced the eighth level of kung fu, everyone was already a little hungry, but the hunger was not very strong.

However, from the eighth floor to the ninth floor, or between the eighth-rank warrior and the ninth-rank warrior, the energy required is more than twice that of before.

The spiritual energy on the earth is thin, and everyone cannot absorb enough power from the environment, so they can only replenish energy through food intake.

When everyone was hungry, I once again thought of the chapter testimonials of Patriarch Guwu.

Yes, food!

To continue practicing, one must eat first to fill one's stomach and replenish enough energy.

Check to see if the takeaway has arrived.

Um? ? ?

What the hell, didn't send it?

To be precise, there should be no orders.

what's the situation?

For a while, the major food delivery platforms encountered a situation. In just half an hour, hundreds of millions of people visited, and the platforms almost exploded.

Next, all the bad reviews appeared, and those who did not receive the takeaway vented their dissatisfaction.

Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, let's spray it first.

However, it seems that bad reviews are not very effective now, and merchants don't care.

Merchants are busy allocating their resources rationally and will not accept orders for the time being.

If you want to cultivate, you need sufficient food resources. Even if ordinary people have food in their homes, they will not have a lot of food. Most of it is accumulated in the hands of merchants.

Therefore, merchants no longer sell them to the outside world, but keep them for their own use.

All of a sudden, the business suddenly became very popular, and countless people begged for food. They hurriedly deleted the bad reviews and changed them to positive ones, and praised them one after another.

It's a pity that it's useless, because apart from the fact that the merchant doesn't want to sell it, the key is that there is no one to give it to.

The delivery boy is also practicing.

No way, everyone was so hungry that they could only go out to find something to eat.

All of a sudden, Huaxia's major stores were full, and the hotels, small stalls, and food stalls were full, and there was a scene of prosperity everywhere.

Some people found that eating the meat of exotic animals has a miraculous effect on replenishing energy during the cultivation process.

It was only at this time that everyone discovered that the more energy-rich the food, the easier it is to meet the needs of spiritual practice.

For a while, people don't care about calories, and they don't lose weight anymore. In order to become stronger, people can do whatever it takes.

What is even more gratifying is that spiritual practice can help you lose weight.

The guy who was originally slightly obese can practice much faster than the thin person.

It turns out that when practicing ancient martial arts, the exercises can automatically burn fat, and the excess fat can be burned to directly supplement the energy needed for practicing the exercises.

As a result, plump people need less energy to replenish, and their cultivation speed is far faster than that of thin people.

All of a sudden, Huaxia began to set off a craze for looking fat as beauty.

No one expected that the appearance of the ancient martial art of body training would gradually change people's aesthetics.

Just as the Chinese people were immersed in the upsurge of cultivation and binge eating, the new people who did not have Chinese blood sighed bitterly.

The reason is simple, they cannot practice ancient martial arts.

Now, the entire earth has belonged to Huaxia, but the bloodline cannot be changed.

People without Chinese blood are still unable to practice the ancient martial art of body training, and can only watch others become stronger.

Although Huaxia advocates equality for everyone, under the huge disparity in strength, it will definitely affect each other's status in the future.

At the same time, in the Huaxia Fortress in another world, a strong murderous atmosphere permeated the air.

Chu Ming is ready to go and has assembled the team for this expedition.

Chu Ming, Wu Xi, Zhou Motou, Lightning Sect Master, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, Qi Shenglong.

There are a total of seven people, all of whom are experts in the Sky Realm.

In addition, Chu Ming also left enough strength to defend the defensive fortress.

The people staying behind were Chu Tiankuo, Yu Chengfu, Cheng Ergang, Xu Mingliang and the entire Shuguang Warrior of the War Department. \u003c/div\u003e

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