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Chapter 207: The Beginningless Xiaoyaojing Children's Edition

After releasing the complete ancient martial arts training technique, Chu Ming stopped paying attention to the situation inside the earth.

Chu Ming is very familiar with the practice of ancient martial arts training.

If there is no accident, the people of Huaxia can practice to the true pulse state.

There are so many Chinese people that they could have accounted for one-fifth of the world.

As the continents were repeatedly looted by alien beasts, the population of the continents dropped sharply.

Huaxia has been safe and sound. With the sharp decline in the global population, the local population of Huaxia accounts for more than one-third of the world.

For Chu Ming, it is enough for more than one billion Chinese people to become warriors in the True Pulse Realm.

With a little training in the future, a large number of soaring-level fighters will definitely be cultivated.

At that time, the people on Earth will be able to look down on the entire Chihuang Continent as a strong clan.

While the powerhouses of the Sacred Beast Continent, the Half-Human Continent and the Barren Continent have not realized the existence of the Earth, the people on Earth should seize the opportunity to practice hard.

It would be interesting if one day the three major continents became ill-willed towards the earth, and when they came to the earth aggressively, they found that they could not beat the earthlings.

Of course, now that the Holy Beast Buzhou has noticed the existence of the earth, maybe one day it will send an army of orcs to attack the earth.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is the best proof.

Therefore, Chu Ming must take all precautions and always wait for the arrival of the enemy.

As for the half-human Buzhou who is also a human race, Chu Ming actually didn't want to contact him in advance.

Half human, half beast, although everyone calls them human race, but in fact they are not the same race at all.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Maybe they are more hostile than the orcs after seeing the earthlings.

Therefore, only self-improvement is the only way out.

"Are you all ready?!"

Chu Ming glanced at the powerful team assembled in front of him, and asked loudly.

Wu Xi, Zhou Motou, Lightning Sect Master, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, and Qi Shenglong were all shocked, and responded in unison: "Get ready!"

Hearing these words, Chu Ming was shocked immediately, pointed to the front, and said, "Follow me!"

Before the words fell, the sword light flashed under Chu Ming's feet, and the whole body turned into a stream of light and shot away towards the distance.

In the dark night, the sword light emitted by Chu Ming's hand was so dazzling.

Behind Chu Ming, Wu Xi, Zhou Motou, Lightning Sect Master, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, and Qi Shenglong soared into the sky one after another. The powerful momentum set off gusts of wind, and the terrifying energy was breathtaking.

The energy leakage made everyone's body shine brightly, like bright stars, taking people's hearts away.

Everyone is a strong person in the sky, and at the same time they burst out their own aura. If the strength is weak, they may be directly shocked into internal injuries.

After watching the team led by Chu Ming leave, those left behind started to take action one after another.

Chu Ming had already made arrangements. During the time he was away, all five defensive fortresses on the earth were firmly guarded, and he was not allowed to go out without orders.

At the same time, the members of the ancient martial arts sect who had just settled in the area around the Golden Grassland also raised their security system to the extreme.

The disciples no longer went out to hunt exotic animals, but concentrated on building fortifications and being ready to defend against the enemy at any time.

At the same time, in the high sky, Chu Ming was flying with the sword light on his feet, and there was a sense of arrogance in his heart.

He has already arranged the defense of the earth, and there will be no strong enemies on the earth in a short time, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the earth for the time being.

The reason why Chu Ming went out with such a strong team was mainly to complete the system tasks.

That's right, before Chu Ming took the initiative to enter the Guwu system and opened the system taskbar.

For Chu Ming, there is only one way to become stronger, and that is to complete system tasks.

The faster the task is completed, the faster he can obtain the skills, and his strength can be improved rapidly.

Although the system suggested that Chu Ming contact the half-human race in advance, Chu Ming knew that the weak race had no diplomacy, and he had to become stronger before he could take the initiative in the future.

The task of the system is very simple, kill a thousand alien beasts in the sky.

There are so many alien beasts in the sky, only in the sanctuary.

The destination that Chu Ming took everyone to was the sanctuary of the Holy Beast Continent.

Now, Chu Ming is a warrior of the fifth rank of True Pulse Realm, his skill has reached three thousand years, and his spiritual power has reached an unfathomable level.

The body training technique of gods and demons is unparalleled. Although Chu Ming is only a fifth-rank warrior of the True Vein Realm, his physical strength has far exceeded that of ordinary Soaring Realm warriors.

With physical strength alone, Chu Ming was already able to compete with the Beastmaster in the Soaring Realm.

In this way, Chu Ming no longer worried about being approached by strange beasts.

It is conceivable that when fighting the beast king in the sanctuary, the opponent thought that Chu Ming was a long-range mage, so he tried his best to get to Chu Ming's side.

If at this time, they found that Chu Ming was a stronger melee fighter, how desperate would be in their hearts.

At the fifth rank of the True Vein Realm, Chu Ming still can't guarantee a complete victory over the Alien Beast of the Soaring Sky Realm.

After all, alien beasts are known for their tyrannical physical bodies, which cannot be compared with ordinary human warriors.

Therefore, Chu Ming must complete the new task as soon as possible to obtain the sixth level of the body refining technique.

When Chu Ming becomes a sixth-rank martial artist of the True Pulse Realm, then he will be considered a real Fearless Soaring Sky Realm Alien Beast.

Everyone flew extremely fast, and within half an hour, they had covered tens of thousands of miles.

In the night sky, the stars are shining brightly. With the help of the directions given by the system and the guidance of the stars, Chu Ming has determined the direction of the sanctuary.

Originally Chu Ming planned to rush to the sanctuary in one go, but he gradually found that as the flight distance increased, the speed of the team behind him began to slow down.

Qi Shenglong from the Seven Heroes Sword Sect was the first to show it. His flying speed gradually slowed down. Although he tried his best, he gradually couldn't keep up.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Yazi of the Wuyou Sword Sect also felt overwhelmed.

Although flying in the air is fast, the speed at which it consumes energy is also very obvious.

Everyone's recovery methods are not very good. Even if they keep running the exercises secretly, the recovery speed is far lower than the consumption speed.

After Chu Ming discovered this situation, he shook his head helplessly and chose to set up camp beside a river in front of him.

Although the team is very strong this time, the disadvantage is obvious, that is, most of the people are too old.

Except for Chu Ming, Wu Xi and Zhou Motou, most of the others were over sixty years old.

Feng Wuqing of Wuji Sword Sect is over seventy this year.

Therefore, most of your skills are accumulated slowly over time. If it is exhausted, it will be difficult to recover without long enough time.

In fact, Devil Zhou is also an old guy, his soul is at least over a hundred years old, but he just lost his young body.

Only Chu Ming and Wu Xi are the real young strongmen on the scene.

Looking at the panting crowd, Chu Ming couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

He took out a book of exercises and handed it to everyone. road:

"Here is a children's version of the Beginning Free and Unfettered Sutra. Take it and practice it, it may help you recover your skills."

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