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Chapter 208 Ten Holy Beasts

The bright moon was in the sky, and the bright moonlight fell on the earth, shining on the golden platform in the sanctuary.

This is the core of the Holy Beast Continent, and it is also the most sacred place for all races.

The trees are thick, towering into the clouds, and the huge canopy covers the sky and the sun.

The flowers and plants are extraordinarily tall, and any ordinary grass is several meters high, much taller than the big trees outside.

The aura in the sanctuary is particularly strong, and the creatures here are all huge in size, especially the members of the orc clan living here, each of which can exceed more than ten meters in size.

The members of the nine-tailed fox clan who left here before are actually one of the smallest races in the sanctuary.

The orc body training technique is tyrannical, and generally has an extremely strong physique.

For members of the orc clan, as long as they are strong enough, they can sweep everything.

Of course, the orcs also have skills, and the energy they need to release their innate skills is their accumulated skills.

On this day, the atmosphere in the sanctuary was extraordinarily solemn.

The holy beasts of the ten directions appeared at the same time, standing high on the golden platform, looking coldly at the flat white stone ground ahead.

On the ground of Baishi, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster from the barren forest prostrated himself on the ground, his huge body trembling with fright, collapsed on the ground and dared not move.

The majesty of the holy beast was boundless and terrifying, and a trace of kingly aura exuded from his body alone scared the Southern Wilderness Beast King.

You know, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is the Beastmaster of the Soaring Realm, but he couldn't even raise his head in front of the holy beasts of the ten directions.

Ever since the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan was wiped out, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster was terrified by Chu Ming's monstrous combat power.

The first thing it wanted to do was to send reinforcements to the sanctuary.

You know, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan came from the Sanctuary, and now that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is destroyed, the Sanctuary will definitely send troops to rescue them.

But after arriving in the sanctuary, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster discovered that things were completely different from what it thought.

It originally thought that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan had a high status in the sanctuary, but only after it came did it realize that they were insignificant at all.

It is not too outstanding in the Beast Race.

To be precise, the status of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan can only be regarded as low-middle.

To the despair of the Beastmaster of the Southern Wilderness, when it came to the Sanctuary to report the news, it coincided with the return of the ten-party holy beast war.

So, there is this scene in front of you.

On the golden stage, a huge white tiger with a size of more than 100 meters roared, and the cold evil spirit almost eroded the entire area.

The White Tiger Sacred Beast stared fiercely at the Southern Wilderness Beast King, and asked coldly: "There are regulations in the Sanctuary, and the frontier beast clans are not allowed to enter the Sanctuary without an order, do you know?"

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe out. He clamped his legs tightly and blocked his tail with all his strength, for fear that he would urinate here accidentally.

If he urinates in front of the holy beast, he will be guilty of death.

However, in order to be able to survive, it must muster courage.

The Southern Wilderness Beast King tried his best to raise his head. He didn't dare to see the White Tiger Holy Beast, and his eyes could only fall on the golden platform at most.

The Nanhuang Beast King said tremblingly: "Master Holy Beast, some time ago, my Taotie clan was attacked by the human race, and all my brothers were killed by the human race.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King learned of this and took his people to the southwest to rescue us.

However, the human race there was too strong and killed all the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

I came to Sanctuary this time to ask for help.

I hope Lord Sacred Beast will send someone to help wipe out the human race in the southwest frontier and restore the territory of my gluttonous clan.

Lord Holy Beast, ten thousand years! "

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster bowed his head immediately after finishing his speech, and his huge head was directly planted on the white stone ground. His two tentacles trembled slightly, revealing the panic in his heart without any concealment.

The white tiger holy beast stared at it majesticly, and asked coldly: "Human race? There is no human race in the southwest?"

Next to the white tiger holy beast, the rest of the nine holy beasts all showed surprise.

For a long time, the human race has all lived in the half-human continent, and it has never been heard that there is a human territory in the holy beast continent.

That being the case, what are you waiting for, and directly send an army of orcs to wipe out the territory of the human race!

Hearing the White Tiger Holy Beast's question, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster hastily responded: "Yes, the human race, but the human race there is a bit strange.

They are all upright races, there are a lot of them, and they all look the same.

Oh, no, there seem to be two types, male and female.

Their bodies are very weak, but they have various innate martial skills.

Also, they have a technological civilization, and their technological weapons are also very powerful.


Listening to the words of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, all the holy beasts of the ten directions fell into silence.

Humans who walk upright?

Completely different from the half-orcs?

In other words, this is a new race?

After learning this, the White Tiger Sacred Beast smiled.

It raised its head high and looked towards the southwest desert, a sharp and fierce light appeared in the fierce tiger's eyes.

If it is a new race, devouring them, maybe you can get the other party's innate martial arts.

A huge ferocious bird suddenly raised its head, stared at the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster below with fiery eyes, and asked, "How is this race's combat effectiveness?"

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster looked up at the fierce bird who was speaking, and was suddenly trembling with fright.

Vulture Holy Beast.

"Lord Holy Beast, the average combat power of the human race there is very low, but there is one person who is very strong, and all my brothers and members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan were killed by that person.

It was a young man of the human race, people called him the Patriarch of Gu Wu, and his strength was absolutely terrifying.

Of course, in front of Lord Saint Beast, he is just an ant. "

Hearing the words of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, the vulture holy beast raised its huge head high, its sharp beak radiated cold light, and its eyes gleamed with endless killing intent.

"If you say that, I'm interested to go and have a look."

The vulture holy beast neighed, and gently spread its huge wings.

Although the desert in the southwest is far away, for the vulture holy beast, it takes half a day to go back and forth.

Next to it, a mysterious tortoise as huge as a mountain raised its head, and said in a rough voice: "Everyone, don't worry, wait for the gluttonous holy beast to return, and listen to its opinion."

Hearing the words of the Xuangui holy beast, all the great holy beasts nodded in agreement.

After all, the Southwest Frontier is the fiefdom of the gluttonous holy beast, and the people who were killed were also his sub-races, so it should make the decision.

Therefore, the holy beasts of the ten directions stopped talking about this matter, and began to discuss the war between the holy beast continent and the half-human continent.

This battle has been fought for too long, and both sides have suffered heavy losses.

The genocide war is coming, and both sides are making close preparations, ready to launch a war with all their strength at any time.

This battle is very important. If anyone loses, they may be wiped out from the Chihuang Continent.

It was at this time that the spies of the half-orcs in the sanctuary quietly spread the news about the people on earth.

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