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Chapter 215: A New Round of Breakthrough

On the low hill covered with bushes, several figures lay sprawled on the ground, writhing in pain.

Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi and Qi Shenglong are three old guys, their mouths are swollen like they have two sausages in their mouths, which is very exaggerated.

Among the three, it was Wu Yazi who ate the most red fruit, and was the most poisoned at this time, and he groaned in pain.

The effect of these fruits is similar to that of super peppers. It tastes very sweet, but the aftertaste is extremely spicy.

To be precise, it is a kind of excruciating pain.

Beside, the Lightning Sect master leaned forward and back with a smile.

"You bastards, if you give me one to eat, you are still not willing, haha, I am so ridiculous!"

Hearing the ridicule from the Lightning Sect Master, Feng Wuqing pouted his sausage mouth and retorted: "You old bastard, we just saved you and forgot so soon, I think you are the one who is ruthless."


The lightning sect master didn't care what the other party said, just kept laughing.

Smiling and laughing, the toxin of the transparent frog came up again, and his complexion became greener than before.

The Lightning Sect Master was taken aback. He almost laughed out loud just now. Without the suppression of his skills, the toxins in his body exploded again soon.

Next, the Lightning Sect Master didn't dare to think wildly anymore, and began to carefully mobilize the power in his body to suppress the toxin, trying to force the toxin out of his body bit by bit.

This time, the entire short mountain was quiet.

The practice of cultivation, the poisoning of poisoning, the scene has an indescribable harmony.

Outside the crowd, Chu Ming sat cross-legged quietly, and the power in his body was soaring leisurely.

With the practice of the sixth level of the body refining technique of gods and demons, Chu Ming's strength has risen, and he is sprinting towards the sixth level of the true pulse state.

During the practice, Chu Ming felt a strong sense of hunger several times.

However, Chu Ming prepared well, as soon as he sensed the feeling of hunger, he would eat the fruit he had prepared in advance.

Chu Ming's fruits were exchanged from the system mall, all of them were treasures, and each one contained abundant energy.

Chu Ming has been verified many times, and it is very practical to use fruit to supplement energy without any side effects.

Therefore, with the help of various precious materials and fruits, Chu Ming's strength continued to improve, and soon climbed to the peak of the sixth grade of Zhenmai, constantly hitting the bottleneck of the seventh grade of Zhenmai.

Each impact is like soul washing again and again.

That heart-wrenching feeling seemed to reshape the soul many times.

I don't know how many times of collisions, and I don't know how many fruits I ate. Chu Ming finally made the final breakthrough before the sun went down.


There was a dull loud noise from Chu Ming's body, which startled everyone immediately.

Everyone looked at Chu Ming in amazement, not knowing what happened.

At this moment, everyone was horrified to find that a gust of spiritual energy suddenly blew up around them.

Countless auras gathered rapidly towards this place from all directions, and more and more auras gathered, gradually condensing into whirlwinds, and finally formed a huge vortex of auras.

In the sky, the wind was surging, and the spiritual energy within a radius of hundreds of miles was attracted and frantically gathered towards this place.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock, looking at the huge spiritual vortex that appeared in the sky.

Before everyone could exclaim in surprise, Chu Ming, who had been resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

His whole body was shaken, and he suddenly let out a long howl, and then opened his mouth to inhale, and the whirlpool of spiritual energy in the sky surged towards his mouth.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone realized that the whirl of aura in the sky was actually caused by Chu Ming during his practice.

"too strong!"

"What is the state of the boss? Why can he attract so much spiritual energy?"

"If I remember correctly, the boss should be a warrior of the sixth grade of the True Vein Realm, and he should be breaking through the bottleneck of the seventh grade of the True Vein Realm at this time."

"Seventh grade of True Vein Realm? What kind of international joke are you making? These warriors of the Energy Soaring Realm can't handle it!"

"What I say is true, don't believe it."

"I believe you a ghost, you are a very bad old man!"

"Get out, aren't you a bad old man too?"

While scolding each other every day, everyone looked up at the aura vortex above Chu Ming's head, envious in their hearts.

No matter what realm Chu Ming is breaking through, everyone knows one thing anyway, that is a super powerful realm.

Time passed slowly, and about half an hour later, the spiritual vortex in the sky began to dissipate slowly, and Chu Ming's strength also successfully broke through to the seventh rank of True Vessel Realm.

Opening his mouth and letting out a mouthful of turbid air, Chu Ming's body surged with energy, and he slowly stood up.

After practicing the sixth level of the body refining technique of gods and demons, Chu Ming's strength finally stepped into the seventh rank of the true pulse state.

The body refining technique of gods and demons is extremely powerful. Although Chu Ming's realm is only the seventh rank of the True Pulse Realm, it is really very simple to beat the strong ones in the Tengkong Realm.

Every cell in Chu Ming's body is filled with endless and surging power, which is far beyond what ordinary warriors can match.

Chu Ming even had some doubts, would he be able to train into the body of a god and demon after he mastered the body refining technique of gods and demons?

Of course, it's too early to think about it now, he has to continue to practice and constantly improve his strength.

Therefore, after Chu Ming successfully broke through, he directly entered the system task bar without any hesitation.

【Ding! It is detected that the strength of the host has reached the seventh grade of True Vein Realm, and the system task is activated. 】

【Mission activation...】

【Ding! Mission activated successfully! 】

[Task: Please kill 10,000 flying beasts within 7 days. 】

[Task Reward: The seventh floor of God Demon Body Refining Technique. 】

[Remaining mission time: 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes. 】

[Current mission progress: 010000. 】

Seeing the latest task refreshed in the task system bar, Chu Ming couldn't help feeling hot in his heart.

For this task, even if it takes seven days, it won't take seven hours.

"You wait for me here, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Chu Ming didn't even have time to say hello to everyone. The Youlong Zhantian sword flashed, and immediately carried Chu Ming towards the endless water.

Seeing the direction in which Chu Ming was going away, everyone suddenly showed puzzled expressions.

Boss is going to Mizusawa again?

Where and what is he doing?

Soon, everyone knew what Chu Ming was doing in Shuize.

In the sky, a super-huge energy big handprint has emerged, and it smashed towards the ground with an incomparable momentum, carrying the brilliant power of the sky.

In an instant, there was an earth-shattering impact sound, and everyone was startled by this terrifying force.

Everyone couldn't help muttering in their hearts, how much hatred does Chu Ming have with those transparent frogs, and he went to kill the transparent frogs just after he left the level?

The corner of Lightning Sect Master's mouth twitched. Before that, he always thought that Chu Ming killed the transparent frog to avenge himself.

Now it seems that he is obviously thinking too much.

At this moment, a stream of light shot from a distance, landed directly on the position where Chu Ming had practiced before, and sat down cross-legged again.

It was Chu Ming who came. Just now, he directly used the Tathagata Palm to kill all the transparent frogs hidden in the water.

In this way, his task was completed in an instant, and a new round of breakthroughs was about to begin.

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