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Chapter 216 The Centaur Squad Arrives

In the south of the Holy Beast Continent, an army of 100,000 half-horsemen swept across.

The horseshoe trampled on it, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the entire Saint Beast Continent was agitated.

In the sanctuary, the white tiger holy beast was furious, and a roar echoed for thirty thousand miles.

The south of the Holy Beast Buzhou is the territory of the White Tiger Holy Beast. The half-horse army bypassed the Buzhou battlefield and rushed directly into its territory. How can we not make it angry!

Then, with the order of the holy beast of the white tiger, a hundred thousand alien beasts of the tiger clan surged out, and returned to the south of Buzhou, the holy beast, from the battlefield of Buzhou.

The half-horse army was not afraid of this, and rushed forward brazenly.

A fierce battle broke out in the south of the Holy Beast Continent in an instant.

Attracted by such a massive battle, no one noticed that a team of ten centaurs quickly moved away, heading quietly towards the southwestern border of the Chihuang Continent.

After three days and three nights of long-distance travel, this centaur team finally arrived at the southwest side of the Chihuang Continent, outside a vast forest.

This is a barren forest land, which was once the territory of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster.

Of course, it is also the territory of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster now, but the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster fled to the sanctuary, and there are no beastmaster-level beasts here for the time being.

Ten centaurs drove straight in, and they were going to cross the barren forest, and their final destination was the golden grassland.

They are all centaurs, and they look like wild horses from a distance. When you walk in, they still have human torsos and hands, which looks weird.

This time, they came here secretly, not wanting to attract the attention of the sanctuary beasts, so they were very careful along the way and did not cause too much trouble.

Among the centaur team, a centaur warrior wearing a gold badge rushed to the front. His powerful energy was extremely terrifying, and his huge horse hoof felt like it could smash the galaxy with one foot.

He is Crouch, and also the captain of the entire team, a peak powerhouse in the Sky Realm.

After Captain Crouch came to the barren forest, he immediately stopped the team.

At this moment, Crouch was carrying a big bronze ax on his shoulder, and his sharp eyes looked towards the central area of ​​the Southern Wilderness Forest, as if he had noticed something.

"Captain Crouch,

What did you find? "

Beside Crouch, a slightly smaller centaur asked.

His name is Slane, and he is also a strong man in the sky.

To be precise, in the entire team, all the centaur are all strong in the sky.

Captain Crouch stared coldly at the central area of ​​the barren woodland, and said in a rough voice: "In front of this barren woodland, I feel a very strange atmosphere."


Slane frowned, some did not understand what the captain said.

Captain Crouch nodded and said: "Yes, they are strangers. There are a group of creatures there. They have strange auras and should not belong to this world. Perhaps they are the targets we are looking for."

Hearing this, Slane immediately showed great joy.

Because, the purpose of their trip is to find human beings who came from another world.

The orcs in the sanctuary call it a secret realm of humans, but the half-humans know that it is not a secret realm of half-humans at all, but another world.

In any case, the emergence of new humans is a good thing for the half-humans.

The reason why the half-human race is strong is mainly because the various races intermarry and reproduce a large number of offspring.

The descendants inherit the innate supernatural powers of the previous generation. The more races there are, the richer the innate supernatural powers will be, and the entire half-human race will become stronger.

If another purebred human joins in at this time, then the entire group of half-humans can multiply at least twice as much.

At that time, the half-human race will become extremely powerful, and it will not be a dream to annex the Holy Beast Continent by then.

"Go, meet them in the past for a while, remember, don't act rashly, and act according to my wink."

Captain Crouch gave a warning to the many centaurs, and immediately plundered the human base in the barren forest.

Slane and the many centaur warriors cheered, and immediately ran away following Captain Crouch.

At the same time, in the barren woodland, among the human strongholds.

It is said to be a stronghold of human beings, but it is not really a stronghold. This is just the gate of the Shushan Sword Sect and the Wuji Sword Sect.

In order to protect the golden grassland, Chu Ming moved all the major ancient martial arts sects to the surrounding area.

Whether it is the barren woodland or the forest of ten thousand beasts, as well as the Wanku ancient cave and the dry sea and mountain desert, there are ancient martial arts sects stationed there.

The main purpose is to build the first line of defense for the defensive fort on the golden grassland.

Shushan Sword Sect and Wuji Sword Sect live next to each other, not far from each other.

There are also several small sects around, and the distance is not very far.

The main purpose of this deployment is for security.

If one day the beast tide strikes, everyone will not be without the power to protect themselves.

With the full cooperation of everyone, there is also a battle.

Of course, there must be certain advantages for the various sects to be stationed in such a dangerous place.

Not to mention that the aura here is denser than other places, but they couldn't refuse the practice method Chu Ming gave.

They were originally practitioners, and when they got the exercises given by Chu Ming, their practice speed was simply rapid.

In addition, there is plenty of aura here, and when you are hungry, you can go out to catch strange animals and roast them. The speed of practice is dozens of times faster than on earth.

Feng Wuqing of the Wuji Sword Sect followed Chu Ming out, and now the Wuji Sword Sect has Elder Wan Shaofeng in charge.

Elder Wan Shaofeng was originally a ninth-rank martial artist of the True Pulse Realm. During this period of time, he has obtained the practice skills given by Chu Ming, and he has sufficient spiritual energy and rich beast food resources, and his strength has improved.

Now, Elder Wan Shaofeng is already the second vacant realm warrior after Feng Wuqing's head.

Elder Wan Shaofeng only knew what it meant to be strong when his strength reached the Soaring Realm.

Flying into the air is a kind of metamorphosis, when the energy in the warrior's body can resist gravity, it can be regarded as a real happy and happy.

During this time, Elder Wan Shaofeng was very comfortable.

When he just stepped into the sky, he had already called the people in the surrounding sects.

Of course, on the surface, he cared about the practice of the various sects, and then pretended to inadvertently leak the news of his breakthrough, and then accepted the praise and admiration sent by the people.

According to Elder Wan Shaofeng's thinking, if it's not such a desolate place, and it's such a big thing to break through to the Vapor Realm, you should build a big ladder.

Nowadays, Elder Wan Shaofeng would stand on the newly built attic every day, look into the distance with hale and hearty eyes, and meditate in his heart: "I really want to pretend!"

When the disciples of Wuji Sword Sect saw Elder Wan Shaofeng climbed onto the high platform again, all of them showed strange expressions.

In fact, not only the disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect, but even the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect and some small sects not far away couldn't stand it any longer.

Everyone said in their hearts: "We all know that you are always the boss of the sky, so you don't need to show off!"

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