My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 217 Human Race and Half-Human Race Clash

On the attic that Wuji Sword Sect had just built, a figure stood proudly.

"It's so cold in the heights, dance to find out the shadows, it's like being in the world!"

Elder Wan Shaofeng let out a long sigh, scanned his surroundings, and prepared to end today's observation and imagination.

However, when he was about to fall off the high platform, he suddenly noticed a slight movement in the distance.

Sensing it carefully, Elder Wan Shaofeng couldn't help but change his face in astonishment!

At this moment, he could clearly feel that dozens of miles away, there were more than a dozen powerful auras, rushing towards this place.

"Not good, enemy attack!"

Wan Shaofeng's complexion changed drastically, and he roared crazily.

All the disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect were shocked when they heard this.

You know, they've been waiting for this moment since day one when they moved here.

This is the front line of human beings exploring other worlds, and accidents may happen at any time, so everyone has been cautiously on guard.

So when everyone heard the enemy attack, they all entered into their own grief and indignation.

"Call the defense fort!"

Elder Wan Shaofeng yelled at his disciples, telling them to pass the news of the enemy's attack to the defensive fortress as soon as possible.

The telephone line was pulled from the Golden Grassland, and there was only one line, which could be used to make landline calls.

There are no satellites in this world, and mobile phones have no signal.

Of course, the dawn fighters are all equipped with a new type of communicator, which is a product built with the help of the tentacles of the alien beast.

However, the number of new communicators is limited, and only the head of each sect has been assigned one, and no one else has.

The problem is that Feng Wuqing, the leader of Wuji Sword Sect, followed Chu Ming to go out on a mission, and of course he took the new communicator away.

In fact, the call speed is quite fast, at least it is enough to send messages to the outside world.

"Elder Wan, what should we do? Run?"

Beside Elder Wan Shaofeng,

A young disciple with delicate features asked in a crying voice.

When everyone moved here, they had an agreement with Chu Ming.

Usually everyone is stationed in the wilderness to guard against dangers from the outside world.

However, once encountering irresistible dangers, such as animal hordes and other terrorist incidents, members of the sect stationed in other places can evacuate.

The premise is to issue an early warning for the defensive fortress as soon as possible.

As long as these conditions are met, it is okay for sect members to escape from the defensive stronghold.

Wan Shaofeng stared at the front solemnly, feeling a little unsure for a while.

The early warning has been done. If he encounters an irresistible enemy, he can evacuate with all his disciples.

The key issue now is that although he perceives that the coming person is very dangerous, he is also full of confidence in himself.

As an elder of the Wuji Sword Sect, he just broke through to the first battle of the Soaring Realm, shouldn't he be running for his life?

If it gets out in the future, where else can I put my old face?

Elder Wan Shaofeng is a very face-saving person, he absolutely cannot allow his practice path to be stained.

He carefully sensed the strange aura coming in front of him, the number was at most a dozen.

There are hundreds of disciples of Wuji Sword Sect here, not to mention there are hundreds of disciples of Shushan Sword Sect around, and there are already seventy or eighty small sect disciples.

With so many people added up, it should be almost enough to deal with the invading enemy.

Also, it is not yet clear whether the visitor is an enemy or a friend.

What if Chu Ming came back with someone!

Time passed slowly, and soon, those dozens of powerful auras revealed their true colors and were exposed to everyone's eyes.

All of a sudden, not only the disciples of the major sects, but also the elder Wan Shaofeng standing on the high platform in the attic was stunned.

What the hell, what species is this?

The upper body of a person grows on the body of a donkey?

Oh, no, it's a horse.

However, whether it is a donkey or a horse, this shape is really legendary.

At this moment, the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect and many members of the smaller sects all came to the Wuji Sword Sect. Hundreds of them joined forces to fight against the invading enemy together.

Standing beside Elder Wan Shaofeng, Wang Qiuyang of the Shushan Sword Sect said with some surprise: "Elder Wan, if you can't tell, you may not believe it. I have played these monsters in the game before."

Wan Shaofeng: "???"

Wang Qiuyang explained: "These guys look very much like the centaur chiefs in the game. Look, not only do they look alike, but they even have the same weapons. They all use axes."

Wan Shaofeng remained calm on the surface, but in fact he really wanted to say: "This old man never plays games!"

Wang Qiuyang continued: "In addition to the dangerous big axes in their hands, their four big hooves are also very terrifying.

They have an innate skill called horseshoe trampling, which is extremely powerful and terrifying.

When I play games, I like to choose this kind of character. When I go out, I bring a jumping knife, and when I see the enemy jumping on it, I just stomp on it. It's so exciting! "

Wan Shaofeng: "???"

Elder Wan Shaofeng gave Wang Qiuyang a squinting look, as if to say, "Can you shut up?"

At this moment, the centaur team had arrived outside the Wuji Sword Sect and stood under the attic.

Captain Crouch took a step forward and shouted loudly: "Hi everyone, are you human too? We are a family. I am here to take you home by order of the King!"

"go home?"

Hearing Captain Crouch's words, everyone was stupefied.

Listening to the meaning of the other party's words, they also call themselves human beings?

Is this also considered human?

Everyone was astonished, but they didn't dare to speak up.

The opponent not only looks strange and scary, but the key point is that the aura is very terrifying, and it is definitely not something that young people like them can resist.

Elder Wan Shaofeng took a step forward and responded, "Where do you all come from? What are you talking about?"

Captain Crouch grinned and said: "This captain has made it very clear just now, I want to take you home."

Elder Wan Shaofeng frowned, and responded: "I'm sorry, we look different, you may have misidentified the person, please go back."

On the ground, when Captain Crouch heard Elder Wan Shaofeng's response, the smile on his face gradually froze.

Next to him, Slane snorted coldly and said, "Captain, what are you doing talking to them so much? Let me test their strength!"

Before the words fell, Slane rushed out immediately, flying with all four hooves, and directly rose into the sky.

Captain Crouch saw this scene and did not stop him, because he had searched the surroundings carefully and found no danger.

The old man above the attic was a little bit stronger, but he was just a slightly stronger ant.

On the attic, Elder Wan Shaofeng saw the other party attacking suddenly, and his momentum erupted immediately, and his ability to vacate the sky suddenly soared.

He held the hilt of the sword, and the sword came out of the sheath with a bang.

He was full of momentum, and just about to swing his sword, a huge shadow came across the sky, and the huge horse's hoof hit him on the head.

Elder Wan Shaofeng's expression changed in astonishment, the opponent's speed was really too fast, even faster than his own sword.

Just as he was about to dodge towards the distance, there was a sudden bang in his mind, and the whole person's eyes suddenly stared, and he didn't know anything.

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