In the sky, there were sonic booms.

The speed of Chu Ming and others was pushed to the extreme, and they had already broken through the sound barrier, knocking the air into a series of explosions.

Their speed is really too fast, and the high-speed friction between the body and the air produces a lot of flames. If it is not for the defensive light shield formed by the power outside the body, the skin may be burned.

With Chu Ming's current tyrannical mental strength, even at a distance of nearly a thousand miles, he can easily locate the target he wants to find.

Coupled with the tracking and navigation given by the system, Chu Ming easily found where the enemy was.

Just like the news from the Ministry of Intelligence, the enemy is indeed a half-human, half-horse monster, which should be a half-horse from the Centaur continent.

About Banrenbuzhou, Chu Ming already knew about it under the prompt of the Guwu system.

Originally, he didn't have much impression of the Banhuman Continent, neither hostile nor friendly.

But now, the other party obviously annoyed Chu Ming.

It was far away, but Chu Ming had clearly discovered that there were dozens of human corpses there, and the death conditions were extremely cruel.

No need to think about it, it must have been done by a centaur.

Knowing all this, the murderous intent in Chu Ming's heart continued to grow.

Especially when he sensed that the other party was about to attack again, the anger in his heart had nowhere to vent.


A little bit of cold light!

The sword energy howled and rose against the wind.

Chu Ming stabbed out with a sword, and the terrifying sword energy locked on the centaur who was trying to commit murder from an infinite distance, without hiding the killing intent in his heart at all.

On the ground, Captain Crouch stared coldly at the sky.

He is a strong man at the peak of the Soaring Realm, with extremely strong eyesight, he has already seen the identity of the comer clearly.

It's human, earthlings!


Captain Crouch stepped on the ground with his two front legs,

The two retreated and raised high, kicking suddenly towards the sky.

Immediately, a huge horseshoe print appeared out of thin air, facing the terrifying sword energy in the sky with brilliance.

In the blink of an eye, two completely different energies collided brazenly. Where the two collided, the sword energy shattered, the horseshoe print exploded, and a terrifying energy shock wave formed in the sky.

It was at this time that Chu Ming plundered from a distance, appearing above the canyon with an extremely tragic aura.

On the ground, the surviving people looked up one after another. When they saw Chu Ming's figure, they all showed excited expressions, and their eyes full of ashes glowed again.

"Patriarch Guwu!"

"The Patriarch Gu Wu is here!"

Everyone was ecstatic, and a strong desire to survive emerged from the bottom of their desperate hearts.

Chu Ming was panting like a cow, and there seemed to be thunder echoing in his chest during his breath. His bright eyes had become as cold as water, and he was staring at the corpses all over the ground.

Every body of the deceased was covered with a lot of blood, there was a huge gash in the stomach, the skin was shriveled, and there was no blood.

Chu Ming didn't know what they experienced before they died, but he was certain that they must have died in great pain.

At the same time, Chu Ming saw a temporary altar not far away, on which dozens of newly born freaks were placed, and the blood on their bodies was not cleaned.

No need to think about it, the deaths of those people must have something to do with these freaks.

At this moment, Chu Ming had a kind of understanding in his heart, he seemed to know how these people died.

Chu Ming has seen a movie before, which tells the story of alien alien species invading the earth, and those alien species lay eggs in the human body, using the human body as a furnace for nurturing offspring.

Everything that is happening now is very similar to those alien species.

For humans, half-orcs are aliens.

They are even more cruel and terrifying than alien beasts.

Chu Ming's heart burst into murderous intent, staring coldly at the ten centaur below, and said in a cold voice: "You guys, damn it!"

Captain Crouch looked at Chu Ming vigilantly, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

The strength of the comers is very strong, far surpassing the ordinary humans who were tied here by them.

Captain Crouch suddenly thought that when they first came to the Golden Grassland, their king had repeatedly instructed them to determine the reality of the people on Earth and not to act blindly.

Therefore, when Captain Crouch first arrived here, he acted very cautiously and did not aggressively attack humans.

However, when they found that the overall strength of the people on Earth was not very strong, that kind of awe gradually disappeared, replaced by a kind of joy of discovering treasures.

He really didn't expect that there were such strong people among the earthlings.

What Captain Crouch wants to know most now is how many earthlings as strong as Chu Ming are there?

"Hi, we are centaur warriors from Centaur continent, nice to meet you."

Crouch felt tremendous pressure from Chu Ming, so he took the initiative to show weakness and wanted to ease the tension between the two parties.

However, Crouch didn't know that since he killed the first earthling, the two sides have been in an endless situation.

Standing in the void, Chu Ming stepped on the Dragon Slashing Heavenly Sword, and his tyrannical spiritual power flowed down like a tide, forming a spiritual barrier between heaven and earth.

This spiritual barrier stands between the surviving humans and the centaur warriors.

These centaurs are all strong in the sky. Chu Ming worried that the next battle would affect the earthlings present, so he set up spiritual barriers in advance.

This is the protection of the people on earth, and it is also a deterrent to the centaur warriors.

Finally, the spiritual barriers were set up, and Chu Ming no longer had to worry about the future.

He stomped on the Youlong Qingguang Sword and swept down from the sky. With a high-pitched sword chant, the Youlong Zhantian Sword turned into a shocking neon, and slashed towards Crouch angrily.

Crouch's complexion suddenly changed, his momentum was berserk, brown energy was constantly rippling on the surface of his body, and a huge six-pointed star array formed around his body.

The next moment, Crouch's figure suddenly turned over, and his huge horseshoe stomped fiercely towards Chu Ming.


A piercing impact sounded, and Crouch's iron hoof collided head-on with Chu Ming's sword energy again.

Horseshoe trampling is the innate skill of the centaur tribe, and it is extremely powerful, especially with Captain Crouch, who has been making great achievements repeatedly.

But this time, his horseshoe trampling failed.

The sharp sword energy was endless, and its sharpness surpassed everything. It easily cut through Crouch's horseshoe, and cut along the opponent's hind legs.


There was a tragic scream, and Chu Ming cut Crouch's hind legs upside down until the heels of the legs burst open.

Immediately, blood spattered, Crouch's two hind legs were gone, and the blood poured down like a waterfall.

Chu Ming cut off the opponent's two hind legs with one blow, and the movement did not stop, and continued to slash with his sword.

Crouch turned pale with fright. He endured the severe pain in his lower body, propped his front legs on the ground, and faced Chu Ming with a huge ax in his hand.

The Youlong Zhantian sword cut iron like mud, easily smashed the opponent's giant axe, and cut off Crouch's two arms at the same root.

Crouch screamed again and again, as a peak powerhouse in the sky, he had never suffered such a serious injury.

Chu Ming's eyes were cold, his air was as frosty, and his terrifying murderous intent did not weaken at all.


Chu Ming snorted coldly, and the Youlong Zhantian Sword immediately burst out a series of sword energy, and precisely cut on his two front legs.

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