My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 224 Terrifying Chu Ming

In mid-air, the sword energy was like a rainbow, slashing at Captain Crouch one after another.

Amidst screams, Crouch fell to the ground, blood gushed out from his body, and his two front legs had been cut into several sections.

All this happened very quickly, and when many centaur warriors reacted, Captain Crouch was already lying on the ground and humming.

"team leader!"

Slane was taken aback, and immediately rushed towards the fallen Captain Crouch.

The other centaur warriors all raised their big axes, staring at Chu Ming fiercely, ready to fight with all their might.

Slane was terrified in his heart, frightened by Chu Ming's strength.

You know, Captain Crouch is the strongest among all the centaur, and the opponent was so easily cut into such a miserable state by the opponent, which shows that the strength gap between the two sides is very large.

"He must have done it on purpose!"

Slane's eyes flickered, and his vigilance had been raised to the highest level.

Through the fierce confrontation just now, he has clearly felt the strength of Chu Ming.

The opponent was fully capable of beheading Captain Crouch, but the opponent did not do so.

It seemed that the other party did this on purpose, as if it would be too cheap to kill Crouch directly.


Yes, it is revenge!

Slane felt intense hostility from Chu Ming. Seeing the tragic scene of human beings here, the hatred in his heart had climbed to the extreme.

Therefore, it is best not to fight recklessly with the other party at this time, and the most important thing is to find a way to get out.

"Bastard, how dare you hurt Captain Crouch, you want to die!"

A majestic centaur warrior soared into the sky, the big ax in his hand exuded a strong black light, and the bright brilliance shone all over his body, the power of the peak of the soaring realm had climbed to the extreme.

He wanted to rush in front of Chu Ming and trample Chu Ming into meat sauce.

Chu Ming's eyes were cold,

The murderous aura all over his body was almost condensed into substance.

Facing the menacing centaur warrior rushing towards him, Chu Ming raised his sword and swung his fingers abruptly, and the Youlong Zhantian Sword suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance.


The high-pitched sword chants shook the heavens and the earth, and the brilliant sword light bloomed like skylight, splitting the sky in an instant.

At this moment, everyone closed their eyes subconsciously, unable to look directly at the piercing sword energy.

Immediately afterwards, a blood glow bloomed in the sky.


There was a loud noise, and the huge centaur warrior was cut in half by Chu Ming's sword, and his huge body slid silently to the sides. The terrifying scene was breathtaking.

"Boom, boom!"

The centaur's corpse fell heavily on the ground, hitting the minds of all the centaur like a heavy hammer.

At the same time, all the earthlings bound here showed excited expressions.

They knew that Patriarch Gu Wu was powerful, but they never thought that he would be so powerful.

The half-horse man, who was unrivaled in the eyes of everyone, was easily chopped up like a Chinese cabbage in front of Patriarch Gu Wu.

Slane was terrified in his heart, his big eyes stared like copper bells, and his eyes fixed on the sword in Chu Ming's hand.

"There's something wrong with his sword!"

Slane stared at the long sword in Chu Ming's hand in amazement, as if he understood something.

As a core member of the half-horse race, he has naturally heard some rumors.

Some races are not strong, but they have unparalleled refining techniques.

The weapons they refine are extremely powerful and can infinitely increase the combat effectiveness of warriors.

After thinking about all this, there was disdain in Slane's eyes, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his big rough face.

"My friend, I see that the long sword in your hand is very sharp, do you have the guts to put down the sword in your hand?"

Hearing the other party's words, Chu Ming sneered.

He didn't answer, and rushed towards Klein in a flash.

Seeing this scene, Klein's expression changed drastically. He retreated hastily, and then shouted at the many centaur warriors:

"His strength is not strong, find a way to grab the long sword in his hand!"

Hearing Klein's shout, many centaur warriors rushed forward and launched a fierce attack on Chu Ming.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes into a line, and the Youlong Zhantian sword turned like flying, and the sword energy shot out continuously, stopping many centaur warriors.

The moment Chu Ming slashed out with his sword, many centaur warriors rushed forward, entangled with Youlong Zhantianjian.

At the same time, Slane finally seized the opportunity and quickly approached Chu Ming's body.

At this moment, Slane showed a ferocious smile.

The purpose of all the centaur fighters attacking with all their strength is to create an opportunity to attack at this moment.

Chu Ming slashed out with this sword, and couldn't withdraw the sword for a short time.

In other words, when Slane launched an attack on Chu Ming next, Chu Ming would not be able to use the Youlong Zhantian Sword in the future.

"Haha, you are dead!"

Slane let out a grin, swung his big ax and slashed at Chu Ming angrily.

Chu Ming sneered.

It seems that the opponent mistakenly believed that the reason why his attack power was strong was entirely because of the Youlong Zhantian Sword.

The Youlong Zhantian Sword is indeed very sharp, after all, it is a weapon synthesized by the system store.

However, it would be a big mistake to ignore Chu Ming's own strength because of the sharpness of the long sword.

Therefore, when Slane rushed in front of Chu Ming, Chu Ming suddenly showed a bright smile.

Seeing this smile, Slane frowned suddenly, a little confused.

It's too late to take back the long sword that the opponent relies on for survival, why is the opponent laughing?

Of course, no one answered his question, and what greeted him was a huge fist.

"Fire Sun Fist!"

At this moment, a blazing flame burst out above Chu Ming's fist, as if the sun had exploded, extremely bright.

Under the dazzling light, Slane subconsciously wanted to close his eyes.

He resisted the sharp pain in his eyes, and forcibly twisted his body back.

"not good!"

Slane was terrified in his heart, his whole body was instantly wrapped by a terrifying fist shadow, and the intense pressure immediately swallowed everything.


There was a loud noise, and the dazzling fist struck Slane fiercely.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Slane's body was instantly exploded, blood and flesh flew all over the sky, and several thick long legs flew down in four directions.


All the centaur warriors were frightened silly.

Did you say that the strength is not strong?

Didn't it mean that the opponent is only powerful with the sword in his hand?

What happened to that punch just now?

Many centaur warriors were terrified, and they turned around and ran away one after another, no longer caring about anything else.

Both the captain and the vice-captain are dead. They are so strong that they are no match for the earthlings. If they don't run, they will die.

Chu Ming became more and more imposing, and the anger in his heart could only be washed away by the blood of the enemy.

Now that I know how to escape, I'm afraid it's too late.

Chu Ming stretched out his hand a little, his violent skills don't need the crazy output of capital.

"One positive finger!"

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