My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 225: All the people are armed

Over the canyon, blood rained down like rain.

Chu Ming pointed his fingers together, and it was like a rain of blood in the sky. Those centaur warriors who tried to escape from this place were all beaten to the bone and died on the spot.

When Wu Xi and the others rushed over, a shocking battle had already come to an end.

In fact, the whole battle didn't waste too much time. After Chu Ming successfully broke through to the eighth rank of True Vein Realm, there was no difficulty in sweeping the warriors of Tengkong Realm.

The strength of the body refining technique of gods and demons has already begun to show.

When Chu Ming's body-refining technique of gods and demons has reached the stage of great success, the strength of his body alone will be enough to sweep the entire Chihuang Continent.

"Chu Ming!"

Wu Xi saw Chu Ming's face was extremely ugly, and immediately came to Chu Ming's side.

Zhou Motou, Lightning Sect Master, Wu Yazi, Feng Wuqing, and Qi Shenglong also came to Chu Ming's side. Looking at this tragic battlefield, they felt very shocked.

Chu Ming's strength was too strong, and he quickly dealt with all the enemies, leaving no chance for others to make a move.

Wu Yazi glanced at the bound crowd below, and suddenly his expression changed.

"Elder Wan!"

Wu Yazi saw Wan Shaofeng in the crowd at a glance, and immediately rushed forward.

It wasn't until this moment that he discovered that half of the earthlings who were tied up here were disciples of his Worriless Sword Sect.

The other half are disciples of Shushan Sword Sect.

When Elder Wan Shaofeng saw Wu Yazi's head appeared, he burst into tears.

He had just broken through to the Soaring Realm, and before he had time to experience the thrill of being a strong man, he was captured here by a group of vicious centaur.

If it wasn't for his age and ugly looks, maybe he would have to suffer that kind of tragic experience.

Wan Shaofeng cried loudly and said, "Master Sect Leader, you are finally back. The disciples of our Worriless Sword Sect are miserable. More than a dozen disciples have suffered catastrophe."

Wu Yazi looked at the dead body not far away, hot tears swirled in his eyes.

These immature faces were the people closest to him, and he didn't expect to die like this.

Wan Shaofeng wept and said: "Sir, I am useless. I am already a Soaring Realm fighter, but I don't have the courage to fight them. I..."

"Do not blame you!"

With tears in Wu Yazi's eyes, he interrupted Wan Shaofeng's words.

Looking at the figures of the dozens of young disciples who died here, he choked up and said, "We can only be blamed for not being strong enough. If we become stronger one day, we will definitely make those hateful races pay a heavy price." cost."

At the same time, Lightning Sect Master, Feng Wuqing, Qi Shenglong and others came one after another to help the many disciples tied here to untie the ropes.

No one spoke during the whole process, and the atmosphere seemed extremely depressing.

Although the people who rushed to this place later did not see the tragic scene that happened before, they could judge a lot of information just from the corpses on the ground.

What's more, there is an altar not far away, on which dozens of deformed children are placed, bathing in energy.

Beside the altar, Chu Ming stared coldly at the dozens of deformed children above, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

Chu Ming's mental power is extremely strong, he sensed carefully, these deformed children who have not yet opened their eyes, actually have the power of a martial artist who is not easy to be true.

If they waited for them to pass their infancy, wouldn't they have to vacate directly?

"What a terrible race!"

Chu Ming took a deep breath and felt a strong crisis.

He had learned about the orcs from the ancient martial arts system a long time ago, and knew that their genes were extremely powerful, and they could forcibly reproduce with any race.

However, Chu Ming didn't know that the offspring they bred would be so powerful.

Suddenly, Chu Ming realized something, and in a flash, he came to Wan Shaofeng.

Wan Shaofeng was crying about his tragic experience, when he suddenly saw Chu Ming coming, he was startled.

"After these centaurs raised deformed children, did anyone leave?"

Chu Ming asked in a hurried voice.

The combination of half-orcs and humans will produce a very powerful next generation of combat power. This news must not be leaked.

If the half-human race knew about this, they would definitely try their best to invade the earth and use human beings as a tool for them to cultivate the next generation.

Wan Shaofeng froze for a moment, and soon remembered what happened before.

He hastily responded: "Two hours ago, they had just bred a deformed baby, and then arranged for two centaur to leave.

They each carried a deformed child, and they were still talking about their natural aptitudes, and they had been away for more than two hours. "

"Two hours?!"

Chu Ming frowned, and then sighed softly.

A half-orc in the sky, and a half-horse who is good at running, how far can he run in two hours?

I am afraid that he has already left the Holy Beast Continent, and is approaching the power of the Half-Human Continent.

Chu Ming couldn't catch up no matter what.

In other words, the combination of half-orcs and earthlings to produce a super-powerful next generation will soon spread in the half-human continent.

At that time, the earth will usher in endless killings and challenges.

The top priority is to return to Earth as soon as possible, bring up all the strengths of the people on Earth, and fully prepare for the challenge.

Zhou Motou looked at the dozens of deformed children on the altar, with a trace of disgust in his eyes, he asked Chu Ming: "Boss, how to deal with these freaks?"

Chu Ming squinted his eyes, and said coldly: "Kill them all, cut the weeds and root them out!"

Devil Zhou understood immediately, his momentum suddenly soared, a big black hand appeared out of thin air, and slapped the whole altar fiercely.


After a loud bang, the entire altar was shattered by Demon Zhou, and the half-horse newborns lying on it to receive the energy baptism were all smashed into flesh.

Next, under the leadership of Wu Yazi, the crowd gathered the dead disciples of the various sects, set up graves on the spot in the canyon, and buried their bodies here.

Afterwards, Chu Ming and Wu Xi directly flew up and left the place, heading towards the defensive fortress.

The rest returned to the defensive fortress on the golden grassland together with the Shushan Sword Sect and the Wuyou Sword Sect.

The news has spread, presumably the half-human continent will send an army of half-orcs to kill the earth soon.

Fortunately, there is a holy beast continent between the earth and the half-human continent. It should not be so easy for the half-orc army to pass through the holy beast continent.

For the planet, it's all about opportunity.

"It seems that if I want to make the people on earth stronger, I can only spread the body training technique of gods and demons.

Although it is difficult to practice the body training technique of gods and demons, China has a population of 1.3 billion. Given the big data, there will definitely be many talented people emerging.

Hmm, looks like mine should be updated! "

Chu Ming thought a little bit, in order to fight against the coming crisis, all people's high martial arts is already unstoppable.

In the future, relying on the Dawn Legion alone will not be enough.

In the whole of China, all people must be armed!

If the strength of the True Pulse Realm is not enough, then vacate!

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