My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 226 Ancient Martial Arts Collection

Chu Ming and his party returned to the Huaxia defense fortress, and the people's panic hearts finally calmed down.

The first thing Chu Ming did when he returned to the defensive fortress was to update.

Following "Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique", "God and Demon Body Refining Technique" is online again.

However, Chu Ming did not open a new book alone, but opened the second volume on the basis of the ancient martial arts training book.

"System, can I exchange the electronic version of exercises directly?"

Chu Ming entered the ancient martial arts system and asked the system a question.

Hearing Chu Ming's question, the system responded immediately:

[The unlocked exercises can be exchanged for an electronic version, and each word consumes 1000 reputation points. 】

Hearing the mechanical system reply sound, Chu Ming couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that the system exercises can be directly exchanged for an electronic version, which saves typing every single word.

The point is, the value of the exercises is a bit high, it's worth a penny.

If at the beginning, Chu Ming definitely couldn't afford the reputation value of one thousand points per word.

But now, Chu Ming's reputation points are too much to use up, so he doesn't need to care about these at all.

Just when Chu Ming wanted to exchange for the body refining technique of gods and demons, he suddenly realized a problem.

That is, the body refining technique of gods and demons is too difficult to practice.

Even if Chu Ming has all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, it is very difficult to practice.

Moreover, the Divine Demon Body Refining Technique has high requirements for aptitude, but it is almost impossible for those with less aptitude to practice successfully.

Therefore, if you want to improve the combat effectiveness of the people on earth in a short period of time, the body refining technique of gods and demons is not the best choice.

"System, are there any other cultivation methods in the air realm? The ones that are simple and easy to practice."

Hearing Chu Ming's inquiry, the system responded immediately:

[There are many cultivation methods in the sky realm. According to Huaxia's blood physique, the easiest one to practice is the Yijin body training technique. Do I need to exchange it? 】

"Body-yielding technique?"

Chu Ming raised his eyebrows,

Soon a smile appeared.

It really is a conscience system, and it can even recommend exercises based on blood, um, five-star praise.

"Exchange for Yijin Body Refining Technique!"

Chu Ming shouted directly in his heart, and exchanged for a book of Yi Jin Body Refining Technique.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging the Yijin body training technique, which consumes 200 million reputation points. The exercises have been released, do I need to exchange them for an electronic version? 】

"Exchange it into an electronic version!" Chu Ming continued.

[Ding, the electronic version of Yijin Refining Body Training was successfully exchanged, each word consumes 1 reputation point, and a total of 20,000 reputation points are consumed. 】

Soon, Chu Ming had an extra USB flash drive in his hand.

There is a line of electronic numbers on the USB flash drive, with a three-minute countdown.

In other words, after three minutes, the USB flash drive will disappear, and the electronic content inside will also disappear along with it.

Therefore, Chu Ming didn't dare to waste time, turned on the computer in a hurry, and copied the contents of the USB flash drive to the computer desktop.

At the moment when Chu Ming finished copying, the USB flash drive disappeared automatically.

In other words, when Chu Ming got the electronic version of the exercises, the USB flash drive would disappear directly.

If Chu Ming didn't copy the electronic version of the exercises in time, this USB flash drive can be stored for up to three minutes.

Three minutes later, if Chu Ming failed to copy it in time, it would only be Chu Ming's own loss.

"Tsk tsk, there is a thousand prestige points for each character of God Demon Body Refining Art, and one word for Yi Jin Body Refining Art. The difference between the two is actually a thousand times."

Chu Ming couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he also took a higher look at the body refining technique of gods and demons.

You must know that the current Chu Ming has only practiced the body-refining technique of gods and demons to the seventh floor, and his combat power is far higher than that of ordinary high-flying realm experts.

This alone is enough to prove the extraordinaryness of the body refining technique of gods and demons.

Of course, the one that is suitable is the best. For the Chinese people, Yijin Lianshu is more suitable for practice.

Therefore, Chu Ming copied the Yijin body training technique on the computer desktop, and published each layer of exercises in the second volume of the book one after another.

"Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique".

The content of the first volume is the ten-level exercises of the ancient martial arts.

The content of the second volume is the ten-level exercises of Yijin Lianshu.

In order to comprehensively improve the combat effectiveness of the Chinese people, Chu Ming opened the third volume: Martial Arts and Skills.

There are palm techniques, leg techniques, sword techniques, saber techniques, spear techniques, breathing techniques, internal skills and mental techniques in martial arts...

In short, a comprehensive and powerful collection of ancient martial arts has taken shape.

On Earth, people work and live as usual.

Since obtaining the ten-layer ancient martial arts body training technique, people's lifestyles have undergone tremendous changes.

The strength of the Chinese people has basically obtained the true pulse state, and the huge increase in strength has brought about tremendous changes in all walks of life.

For example, the shared bicycle industry has completely hit the street.

The speed at which any person walks is enough to be called lightning fast. Who would ride a bicycle in their spare time?

The speed is too slow.

At the same time, electric bicycles have also hit the street, for the same reason, they are still too slow.

Judging from the current increase in people's strength, it won't take long for motorcycles to cool down.

After all, riding a motorcycle requires walking along the road, sometimes only one street away, and a long detour.

However, the warriors in the True Vein Realm are extremely agile, sometimes jumping directly across the roof at a frighteningly fast speed.

In addition, the weight loss industry is completely lonely.

The improvement of strength requires the body to provide a lot of energy, and it is even more difficult for weak people to break through.

Now is the era when everyone gains weight, and no one is so stupid as to take weight-loss pills.

In addition, the construction industry has also undergone tremendous changes. Some small cranes, cranes and other engineering vehicles have disappeared, because most people are much stronger than small cranes and other equipment.

Of course, the thing that has changed the most is the weapon.

In front of the warriors of the true veins, the firearms are not as good as before, and ordinary bullets can no longer penetrate the skin and muscles of the warriors of the true veins.

Fortunately, the whole world is under the control of the Shuguang organization, but no one dares to break the law at this juncture.

On this day, the sun was still shining brightly, and the update of the ancient martial art of body training once again caused an uproar on the entire earth.

The update method of the ancestor of ancient martial arts this time is completely different from the past, so many cultivation methods have been updated at one time.

Not only practice skills, but also martial arts skills.

People immediately put down the work at hand and started practicing immediately.

At this time, no one is worried about being encrypted, and everyone does not need to make too many preparations and practice online directly.

For a time, the entire earth entered into a frenzy of cultivation.

People without Chinese blood can only watch dryly at this moment, wanting to cry without tears.

Although they have become Huaxia people in name, compared with the real Huaxia people, the gap in treatment is too big.

People who are cultivating have seen this sentence:

"Invaders from another world are coming, in order to protect our homeland, please practice hard and fight against foreign enemies together!"

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