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Chapter 227: One Palm Shocks the World

People who are practicing have been reminded by Chu Ming, and they also know the meaning of practicing.

It turns out that the earth is about to face a huge crisis, which is a disaster that belongs to all mankind.

The ancestor of Guwu disclosed such important exercises to the world in order to let everyone resist the powerful enemy together.

After knowing the cause and effect, people's practice became less impetuous, and they began to practice step by step according to the method taught by Chu Ming.

It is worth mentioning that the cultivation of the True Vein Realm is different from that of the Body Refining Realm. Every time the True Vein Realm rises to a higher level, a lot of energy will be consumed.

The food on earth can no longer meet this consumption.

If you want to become stronger as soon as possible, you can only use exotic animal ingredients.

Thus, a brand new profession emerged.


That's right, this is a profession that specializes in hunting in other worlds. After they hunt and kill alien beasts, they bring them to the earth and sell them at a high price, so as to get rich rewards.

Many people went to other worlds in person, trying to go out and fight with alien beasts.

Gradually, the combat experience of the Huaxia people became richer, and the fight against strange beasts made their strength grow faster.

Since the powerful alien beasts near the space passages were slaughtered by the Dawn Legion, only low-level alien beasts lived there nearby, making the outside of the major passages around the world a place for people to test.

The defensive fortresses outside the space passages around the world have become more and more prosperous and lively.

Many businessmen came here especially to buy the strange beasts brought back by the hunters directly in the defensive fortress.

Gradually, the business slowly developed and became larger and larger.

As for those returnees from various countries who were unable to practice, they gradually evolved into logistics personnel on the earth at this time, and began to engage in various industries to serve the Chinese people.

On the golden grassland, after Chu Ming released the practice book, he left alone.

He is going to a place, a place where he can quickly improve his strength.

The last time they went out, Chu Ming and others entered a tropical rainforest.

There encountered swarms of beetles, the number of which was endless.

It was a spirit devourer from the Soaring Realm, with astonishing defense power and terrifying attack power. After seeing it, ordinary warriors could only run for their lives.

Chu Ming decided to vote.

If all the ghost eaters can be killed there, the remaining system tasks can probably be completed.

Chu Ming stepped on the Dragon Slashing Sword and flew extremely fast among the clouds that were neither high nor low.

While controlling the direction of Youlong Zhantianjian, Chu Ming entered the ancient martial arts system, opened the system task bar, and prepared to start a new task.

【Ding! It is detected that the strength of the host has reached the eighth grade of True Pulse Realm, which meets the system task conditions, and the system task has been activated. 】

[Task: Please kill 100,000 flying beasts within 7 days. 】

[Mission completed: Reward the eighth level of the body training technique of gods and demons. 】

[Failure penalty: None]

[Remaining task time: 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes. 】

[Current task progress: 0100000]

Looking at the system taskbar, Chu Ming felt neither sad nor happy, and his mood seemed quite calm.

The system task was similar to what he had imagined, and Chu Ming even guessed the matter of killing one hundred thousand alien beasts in the sky.

Otherwise, Chu Ming would not rush to the tropical rainforest where there are countless ghost-eating weeds.

The gust of wind blows through thousands of miles of clouds, and the imperial sword breaks through the chaotic world of mortals.

Chu Ming stepped on the Dragon Slashing Heavenly Sword, shuttled between the vast clouds, his speed became faster and faster, and finally his body was completely swallowed by the flames.

Like a meteor, it shot toward the northeast of the Holy Beast Continent.

That night, Chu Ming rushed to the sky above the tropical rainforest.

He didn't go down, but hid in the high-altitude clouds and mists and adjusted his breath silently.

The Beginningless Happy Channel in his body was running wildly, and the power in Chu Ming's body quickly climbed to the limit.

The next moment, a super huge energy big handprint appeared out of thin air, directly locked on the tropical rainforest within a radius of a hundred miles, and brazenly photographed it with the power of destroying the world.

A devastating scene was staged in this tropical rainforest. Those frightening ghost eaters died before they realized the danger.

The vast and boundless tropical rainforest disappeared, replaced by a huge five-fingered lake.

Chu Ming directly used the Great Desolate Prisoner's Palm, and shot all the hundreds of miles of the entire tropical rainforest into the ground, turning the homeland of the ghost eater into a dead place.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, rewarding 1,520,000 points of merit. 】

[The eighth level of the God Demon Body Refining Technique has been issued, please check it. 】

As Chu Ming expected, with this blow, at least 150,000 spirit eaters were killed, and the task was completed in an instant.

The species of ghost-eating weeters is extremely domineering, as long as it is where they live, other creatures have no chance to survive.

In this way, when Chu Ming shot with all his strength, he didn't have to worry about hurting innocent people.

After a successful blow, Chu Ming stepped on the Youlongqing lightsaber and left the place.

This place is not very far from the sanctuary of the holy beast continent. The blow just now was so loud that it would definitely attract the attention of the strong in the sanctuary.

Therefore, Chu Ming should stay away from this place as soon as possible, and don't be targeted by the powerful holy beasts in the sanctuary.

Sure enough, when Chu Ming's Great Wild Prisoner's Palm fell, countless powerful holy beasts opened their eyes one after another in the sanctuary millions of miles away.

A pitch-black black dragon opened its terrifying dragon eyes, and said in a majestic voice: "What happened? Half-humans invaded our hinterland?"

Hearing this, a huge white tiger slowly raised its head, and responded indifferently: "Not long ago, 100,000 half-horsemen broke into our Sacred Beast Continent, and I personally killed them all. "

Canglong nodded lightly, hot dragon flames rolled between his mouth and nose.

"My injury has not fully recovered, and it is not suitable to go out now, please go again and go to the source of the spiritual energy explosion to have a look, what happened there?"

The White Tiger Sacred Beast said in a deep voice: "That's exactly what I mean. You continue to recuperate here and wait for news from me."

Before the words fell, the white tiger holy beast floated up from the sanctuary, and it flew towards the place where the violent energy surged, stepping on the starlight.

At the same time, on the half-human continent far away on the other side of the Chihuang continent, a news that made the half-orcs crazy spread.

"In the wasteland in the southwest of the Holy Beast Continent, the Centaur team discovered a special small world in which a kind of upright walking human lived.

After field tests, the combination of the half-horse human race and the erect human race can produce offspring with heaven-level aptitude.

The two centaur warriors brought back two newborn babies. His Excellency the King has tested them himself and confirmed that they are heaven-level aptitudes.

The king is dispatching troops and generals. After the matters on the Buzhou battlefield are settled, he will deploy a large army to break through the southern part of the Holy Beast Continent, and directly include the Homo erectus into the territory of the Half-Human Continent. "

As soon as the news came out, the entire Half-Human Continent erupted.

Countless half-orcs petitioned one after another, expressing their willingness to join the expeditionary force and attack the earth.

They all rush to go to the earth, because only when the main body is present, can they have the opportunity to combine with the upright human race, thus producing powerful descendants with their own blood.

If you go late, you may be robbed by other orcs.

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