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Chapter 229 The Sorrowful Past of the Holy Beast Continent

On this day, the sky was extremely gloomy, and thick dark clouds covered the sun, making the world extremely oppressive.

Under the suffocating oppression of all spirits, the Chihuang Continent ushered in the darkest day in history.

Countless half-orcs were dispatched together, holding sharp weapons, and set foot on the continent of the Holy Beast Continent.

Light rain fell in the sky, cold and damp, just like the mood of the soldiers on both sides of the battlefield.

The endless members of the orc clan gathered towards the border of the Holy Beast Continent continuously, going forward one after another, rushing to the front line.

The battle between the orcs and the half-orcs has lasted for thousands of years, and each battlefield is at the junction of the holy beast continent and the half-human continent.

But this time, the half-orcs invaded the territory of the Holy Beast Continent for the first time.

This shock was no small matter, and it represented great significance.

The territory was invaded, which was the first time in nearly a thousand years.

Countless orc members recalled that scene back then, and a strong sense of shame welled up in their hearts.

A thousand years ago, there were no half-orcs or half-human continents in the entire Chihuang continent.

The huge Chihuang Continent is only divided into two parts, one part is the beast race with enlightened wisdom, and the other part is the ancient fierce beasts who have not developed spiritual wisdom.

Knowing that one day, a meteorite fell in the middle of the Chihuang Continent, and a brand new species appeared in the Chihuang Continent.

This is an extremely terrifying existence. They have extremely powerful genes that can combine with any species to produce new offspring.

Fortunately, the first batch of creatures that came to the Scarlet Desolation Continent from the meteorite died soon because they did not adapt to the climate.

However, during the time they were alive, they had relationships with countless alien beasts on the Chihuang Continent, and produced a large number of offspring.

That was the first generation of Orcs.

The half-orcs inherited the powerful genes of the mysterious meteorite life, and there is no such thing as reproductive isolation in them.

In the following time, they continued to have relationships with the native animals on the Scarlet Desolation Continent, and the number of half-orcs increased.

Until it aroused the vigilance of the strong in the sanctuary,

The first battle took place between the two sides.

What shocked the members of the orc clan was that this newly formed group actually possessed the innate martial arts skills of all races.

That is to say, when they combine with ten thousand beasts, the offspring produced each time can retain the innate martial skills of the previous generation to the greatest extent.

As a result, the group of half-orcs has a variety of innate martial arts skills, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of ordinary orc members.

In the first battle between the orcs and the half-orcs, the half-orcs withstood the attack of the orcs.

Next, the half-orcs developed wildly, even trying to get their hands on the entire Scarlet Desolation Continent.

The strong man in the sanctuary acted decisively and decisively gave up most of the territory, blocking the half-orcs from Kunshan.

Moreover, the orcs have deployed a large army of orcs in Kunshan, guarding against each other at all times, and keeping an eye on each other's actions.

Fortunately, after the orcs gained a large amount of territory, they did not continue to attack the orcs.

Since then, the Banhuman Continent and the Holy Beast Continent have appeared on the Chihuang Continent.

Of course, there is another place that no one dares to touch, and that is the area where the ancient beasts lived.

It was divided into the third largest continent, and neither the orcs nor the half-humans dared to go there.

Since then, the battle between the orcs and the half-orcs has never stopped, and has continued for thousands of years.

Until the half-orcs set foot on the territory of the holy beast continent, the members of the orc clan completely ignited the hatred in their hearts.

If the footsteps of the half-orcs cannot be stopped, from now on, there will be no more orcs in the Scarlet Desolation Continent.

At this moment, the ferocity of the blood of the orc clan was fully aroused, and countless holy beasts rushed out one after another, all rushing to the front line, blocking the companion half-orc clan at all costs.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qiongqi, Nuying, Yingyu, Taotie...

All the powerful holy beasts were dispatched to move out the strongest background of the orc race, and directly suppressed all the half-orc army that broke into the holy beast continent.

The half-orc army was hit hard, and in desperation they withdrew from the Holy Beast Continent one after another, returned to the border battlefield, opened up their formation, and formed an army of tens of millions.

All of a sudden, the two sides were at war with each other, launching an unprecedented and powerful confrontation.

At the same time, on a barren mountain outside the barren forest, a powerful spiritual explosion is taking place.

The entire Holy Beast Continent was surging, and countless auras were attracted and pulled from all directions to the barren forest, forming a super aura whirlpool.

If there are satellite pictures, it can be clearly seen that above the barren forest, a white energy cyclone is slowly rotating, and the concentration is getting higher and higher.

Such a big battle is enough to arouse the vigilance of powerful holy beasts in the sanctuary.

Fortunately, all the holy beasts had rushed to the frontier battlefield, so when this big spiritual explosion happened, no powerful beast clan members noticed.

Of course, there are countless strange beasts in the Holy Beast Continent, and there must be countless low-level strange beasts who have discovered this strange change.

But for low-level beasts, they didn't know what happened.

At this time, there is really nothing to do except crawling on the ground and shivering.

Under the huge vortex of spiritual energy, a figure was sitting cross-legged, his figure was as solid as a rock, as stable as Mount Tai.

This person is Chu Ming.

The eighth level of the body refining technique of gods and demons is unparalleled in power, and Chu Ming has made great strides all the way, and his strength has continued to improve.

But now, Chu Ming is even more vigorous, ready to hit the bottleneck of the ninth grade of True Vessel Realm.

If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely be terrified.

The ninth grade of True Vein Realm can actually cause such a big commotion.

You must know that when other warriors broke through the high-level realm of the Soaring Realm, the commotion caused by it was not even one percent of what it was at this time.

The power of the body refining technique of gods and demons has been vividly reflected.

When Chu Ming was at the eighth rank of True Vein Realm, he was already able to completely abuse the strong centaur in the Soaring Sky Realm.

If Chu Ming breaks through to the ninth rank of True Pulse Realm, it is estimated that he can suppress the powerhouse of the holy beast level by flipping his hands.

The aura vortex in the sky is constantly fermenting, and Chu Ming is also constantly trying to find the opportunity to break through.

As time passed, Chu Ming's aura became more and more powerful, and the aura vortex in the sky became more terrifying.

The next moment, Chu Ming opened his closed eyes in vain, and the blazing light boiled in his eyes.

"Break it!"

With a roar, Chu Ming gathered all his strength and launched an extremely violent attack on the bottleneck.


A special sonic boom exploded in Chu Ming's body, and the bottleneck that had troubled him for a long time was finally broken away at this moment.

A new world seemed to have opened up in Chu Ming's body, and the vast power finally had a new storage place.

It was at this moment that the aura vortex that had condensed for a long time in the sky finally found an outlet and poured down directly.

Bathed in the vortex of spiritual energy, Chu Ming took a deep breath, the breath in his body surged wildly, and a destructive force was constantly brewing in his body.

Finally, Chu Ming broke through!

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