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Chapter 230 Hunting for All

In the sky, thunder and lightning flashed.

The wind howled, and visions appeared frequently, as if ghosts and gods were whimpering, and immortals were crying.

The air pressure in the whole area plummeted, and thick black clouds covered the sky, as if a storm that had accumulated for infinite years was coming, trying to engulf the land.

At the moment when Chu Ming successfully broke through, it seemed that an invisible big hand appeared in the sky, instantly tearing the dark clouds completely apart.

The sun pierced through the dark clouds, warm energy fell to the ground, and all the pressure shattered.

At this moment, Chu Ming stood up slowly, and a surge of violent energy boiled with him.


With a long howl, earth-shattering and terrifying energy swept across the sky, spreading infinitely throughout the entire Sacred Beast Continent.

Countless strange beasts fell to the ground one after another. They trembled, raised their heads in horror, and kept worshiping the vast heavenly power.

Many holy beasts far away on the border battlefield sensed it at the same time, and turned around in horror, looking at the barren land in the southwest.

"In that direction, Land of Exile?"

The White Tiger Sacred Beast's eyes were gloomy, and infinite doubts arose in his heart.

The other holy beasts turned their heads to look at the gluttonous holy beast one after another. If they guessed correctly, that was his fiefdom, where the subspecies were exiled.

"what happened?"

The gluttonous holy beast was also very puzzled, and infinite vigilance arose in its heart.

To be honest, that place has been abandoned by the gluttonous holy beast, and it is the exile place of the gluttonous subspecies.

Why is there such a strong momentum fluctuation there?

In the end what happened?

"Gaotie, that's your fief, go back and have a look!"

Not far away, a huge black dragon bowed its head and said to Taotie in a concentrated voice.

Even it was extremely afraid of the terrifying aura generated just now.

You know, this momentum is transmitted from a very far away place,

Energy is still so terrifying.

How terrifying would it be if that energy was right in front of us?

The gluttonous holy beast immediately bowed its head when it heard the words of the Qinglong holy beast, and immediately flew towards the southwest border.

At the same time, many strong men in the Banhuman Continent camp also looked at the place where the momentum erupted.

At this moment, all the strong men in the half-orc camp hesitated.

what happened?

How could there be such a powerful existence where the half-orc army was going?

Was the news from Captain Crouch accurate?

Are the Earthlings really just a weak race?

Among the half-orc army, a super strong man with a human body and a bull's head appeared, and said to a half-orc beside him, "How is your contact with Crouch?"

The half-orc responded immediately: "We tried many times, but we have been unable to get in touch with Captain Crouch.

Even Slane, who was in charge of delivering the news, lost contact.

Our preliminary prediction is that they may have suffered an accident. "

The tauren's eyes were gloomy like water, and his aura was as thick as an abyss, which was obviously not peaceful in his heart.

In order to go to the area where the earthlings are, the orc army has suffered heavy losses.

Things have come to this point, absolutely can not give up halfway.

Otherwise, all the losses suffered before will be in vain.

After pondering for a long time, the tauren said loudly: "Send the order to gather the army, and it is bound to break through the defense of the orcs and rush to the golden grassland as soon as possible!"


After receiving the order, many orcs left quickly and began to mobilize the army to organize a new round of attack.

On the opposite side, the orc army stationed here discovered the change of the half-orc army, and immediately organized and mobilized the army.

An unprecedented decisive battle is about to break out.

At the same time, the Golden Grassland, the fortress of human defense.

After Chu Ming returned, he did not withdraw the stronghold stationed outside, but expanded the capacity outside.

After the release of "Yijin Body Refining Technique", all Chinese people started a new round of practice.

The cultivation of the Soaring Realm is no better than that of the Body Refining Realm. The growth of strength at each level requires the absorption of a large amount of energy.

Therefore, energy supply has become the main bottleneck restricting the growth of everyone's strength.

As we all know, the flesh of a strange beast contains abundant energy.

If warriors want to improve their strength quickly, hunting strange beasts is the best choice.

Moreover, in the process of hunting the alien beasts, warriors can also greatly improve their combat effectiveness by fighting with the alien beasts.

In short, the act of hunting exotic beasts soon became popular on Earth.

If it was before, Chu Ming might still have some scruples.

Although he was very powerful at that time, he was not 100% sure to guarantee the safety of human beings, so he would not let people go too far.

But it's different now. Now Chu Ming has practiced the eighth level of the God Demon Body Refining Technique, and his strength has reached the ninth rank of the True Vessel Realm.

With his current physical strength, when he met a strange beast in the sky, he could easily kill him with his physical strength alone.

Moreover, Chu Ming has thousands of years of skill in his body, and there are countless powerful killing skills.

Whether it is a single attack or a group attack, Chu Ming has everything.

Therefore, the current Chu Ming is not afraid of the invasion of alien beasts at all, nor is he afraid of the coveting of half-orcs.

As long as they dare to come, Chu Ming will let them come and go.

The most urgent task now is to train all the people on earth, so that the average combat power of the people on earth is higher than that of orcs and half-orcs.

Only when the people on earth are strong as a whole can they truly gain a foothold in this vast world.

Wu Xi came to Chu Ming's side, her beautiful face was full of doubts, and she asked, "Chu Ming, will there be any problems with so many people coming to this world?"

Chu Ming smiled proudly and said, "Don't worry, there will be no problems, human beings will only become stronger and stronger."

Wu Xi said in a deep voice: "Nowadays, there are more than a dozen strong people in the Tengkong Realm in our Dawn Legion. Their strength is unprecedented, and they should be considered very strong now."

Chu Ming couldn't help laughing, and said: "If you knew what kind of existence our enemy is, I'm afraid you wouldn't say that."

"You mean the centaur?"

"The half-horse is just the tip of the iceberg. What is really powerful is the entire half-orc group and the huge number of orcs."

Hearing this, Wu Xi couldn't help but froze.

To be honest, except for Chu Ming, other people don't know much about Chihuang Continent.

Ordinary people's impression of this continent is still at the level of alien beast invasion.

In fact, the strange beast is just a subspecies of one of the holy beasts, and it was exiled, and its strength has been weakened countless times.

The current Chihuang Continent is extremely terrifying.

However, Chu Ming is strong enough now, no matter how strong his opponent is, he has no fear.

Chu Ming comforted: "Don't worry, we are just short of time now, as long as we are given enough time, the people on Earth can become a super-rich family on this continent."

Wu Xi didn't doubt Chu Ming's words at all, no matter what the other party wanted to do, she would fully support it.

Moreover, Wu Xi also believes that Chu Ming will definitely buy enough time for the people on Earth.

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