My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 234: Chu Ming's Chess Piece

On the huge desert, a huge beast was rolling back and forth on the ground.

Severe pain invaded its mind, as if it wanted to explode its head, the horror was boundless.

It is a gluttonous holy beast, one of the top ten holy beasts in Buzhou, and now it is subdued by Chu Ming.

Next to it, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster looked at the gluttonous sacred beast that kept rolling, his muscles trembling in fright, his huge body was like sifting chaff.

You must know that the strength of the gluttonous holy beast is many times stronger than that of the Nanhuang Beastmaster, and the other party has shown such pain, which shows that this kind of encounter must be extremely terrible.

Wu Xi stood beside Chu Ming, looking at the gluttonous holy beast rolling on the ground with astonishment.

To be honest, from the beginning to the end, she didn't see clearly what happened just now.

All she saw was that Chu Ming lightly patted the head of the Taotie holy beast, and the other party fell to the ground and twitched.

After a while, the pain subsided slightly.

The gluttonous holy beast finally got up from the ground.

Compared with the physical pain, the pain in the gluttonous holy beast's soul is too severe, far beyond what it can bear at present.

It was horrified to find that it could not have any disobedient thoughts towards Chu Ming at this time.

For example, it wanted to bite Chu Ming to death.

But this kind of thought has not fully appeared, and its soul has a huge pain.

When it tried to let go of its hostility, the pain in its soul was greatly relieved.

Even when it tried to get close to Chu Ming, it found an indescribable joy in its spirit.

Once this kind of pleasure appeared, it couldn't stop it, and after only a few tries, it fell in love with this feeling.

As a result, the gluttonous holy beast began to get close to Chu Ming, and became more and more submissive.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ming couldn't help but nodded silently.

Products produced by the system must be high-quality goods.

He exchanged the soul spell in the system mall, which was directly imprinted on the spirit of the gluttonous holy beast.

I was going to try it out, but it turned out to be surprisingly good.

"Are you willing to surrender to me?"

Chu Ming asked again.

This time, the reaction of the gluttonous holy beast was completely different from before.

It obediently took two steps forward, crawled devoutly at Chu Ming's feet, and responded, "Master, I am willing to surrender."

Chu Ming nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on his lips.

The soul spell given by the system is surprisingly easy to use. If he takes all the ten sacred beasts in the sanctuary for his own use, wouldn't he be able to run rampant in the world?

Thinking of this, Chu Ming's eyes flashed, and he looked at the Southern Wilderness Beast King not far away.

Chu Ming's eyes were bright, and the depths of his pupils were boiling, giving people a very tyrannical sense of oppression.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster couldn't help but tremble all over, and hurriedly crawled at Chu Ming's feet.

"Master, the little one is willing to surrender!"

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster said in panic.

Just now it witnessed the tragic situation of the gluttonous holy beast.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster knew that with its own strength, it would never be able to withstand the golden rune in Chu Ming's hand.

Seeing the reaction of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, Chu Ming couldn't help laughing.

I have to say that this Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is very slippery.

It is not unreasonable that it can survive until now.

Chu Ming remained calm on the surface, and said coldly: "You have only two choices now, either die or accept the soul curse, which one do you choose?"

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster couldn't help but tremble all over, and was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

Is this still an option?

There is no way out at all!

Under the terrified eyes of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, the golden rune in Chu Ming's hand lit up again.

Soon, gentle energy was embedded in the soul of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster. The whole process was very smooth, and there was no special reaction.

The pain that frightened the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster did not appear.

Instead, it even feels a little cool.

"what happened?"

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster was surprised.

Of course, more surprises.

It is of course the best thing not to go through that terrible pain.

Seeing the reaction of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, Chu Ming had a clear understanding in his heart.

The casting of this soul spell has a lot to do with a single individual, and there are also great differences.

The more respectful you are to Chu Ming, the smoother the process will be. Not only will there be no pain, but you will feel very happy.

If there is hostility towards Chu Ming, the stronger the hostility, the more painful it will be when receiving the soul curse.

It can be seen from this that the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is really an old fritter, he only cares about his own life, and never cares about other things.

Therefore, even if Chu Ming killed all the strange beasts in this area, it did not have too much hostility towards Chu Ming.

"Is this the end?"

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster raised his head quietly, and asked with some doubts.

Chu Ming nodded noncommittally, and said, "It's over, from now on, I can trust you."


Wu Xi witnessed all this and was extremely surprised.

Chu Ming is really too mysterious. Not only is he extremely powerful, but he can also subdue strange beasts.

How did he do that?

Chu Ming waved to the gluttonous holy beast in the distance, and the other party immediately stepped forward, squatting obediently in front of Chu Ming.

In this way, the Taotie Holy Beast and the Nanhuang Beastmaster squatted there side by side, one big and one small, one strong and one weak.

"Master, what instructions do you have?"

The gluttonous holy beast asked.

Chu Ming pondered for a moment, then said: "You go back to the sanctuary now and tell you the high-level people of the holy beast that the people on earth are willing to join hands with the orcs to deal with the half-orcs."

Hearing Chu Ming's words, the gluttonous holy beast's eyes lit up.

This is great news.

The gluttonous holy beast chose to submit to Chu Ming, and what worried him most was that Chu Ming sent him to hunt and kill members of the orc clan.

If that happened, the gluttonous holy beast would be caught in a dilemma.

Now, Chu Ming hopes to join forces with the orcs, which does not conflict with his own values.

Therefore, the gluttonous sacred beast responded immediately: "Please rest assured, master, as long as I am here, the great alliance between the earth people and the beast race will definitely be successful."

Chu Ming nodded and said: "You go back to the sanctuary first, and don't announce to the outside world about the cooperation between the two parties."

"What's the meaning?"

The gluttonous holy beast was a little confused.

Didn't you mean to join forces? Don't let me tell you what the hell it is?

Chu Ming explained: "The people on earth have no plans to go out to fight for the time being. If one day, the orcs want to attack the people on earth, you can stand up and propose a joint venture."


The gluttonous holy beast nodded suspiciously.

To be honest, it couldn't figure out why Chu Ming had such an arrangement.

However, it doesn't need to think too much, just do what Chu Ming said.

In fact, what Chu Ming did was just arranging a backup player, and I don't know if it can be used.

The reason why the half-orc army violently attacked the Holy Beast Continent was to think of invading the earth.

They want to plunder the people on earth, so as to cultivate a more powerful next generation.

If the holy beasts of the orc clan knew this, they might be the first to destroy the earth.

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