For Saint Beast Continent, the existence of Earthlings is a huge threat.

The half-orcs are already so strong now, if they combine with the earthlings to produce more powerful offspring, things will become even more difficult.

Therefore, after hearing the news, the holy beast of the orc race is very likely to attack the earthlings.

As long as the earthlings are wiped out in advance, the possibility of orcs becoming stronger can be reduced.

Therefore, Chu Ming placed a pawn in advance to avoid this kind of thing from happening.

After everything was arranged, the gluttonous holy beast left.

The tentacles of the gluttonous holy beast have a very strong ability to spread information, as long as it concentrates the energy of the whole body on the tentacles on the forehead, it can direct and spread a long distance.

And the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is the point where this signal is received.

With the help of these two alien beasts, the earthlings have placed a strong eyeliner between the orcs and the half-orcs, and can keep abreast of the dynamics of the Chihuang Continent.

"Master, what about me?"

Seeing the gluttonous sacred beast leave, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster immediately leaned forward and asked with a wide grin.

Chu Ming said calmly: "You have to stay and help me deal with the problem of the surrounding strange beasts."


The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster's eyes darkened, and he had a realization in his heart that from this moment on, he was already a prisoner.

Of course, being alive is better than anything else.

"You think the task is very simple, that is to organize the surrounding alien beasts to attack the golden grassland in a rhythmic manner.

That's right, it is the defensive fortress built by the earthlings.

A beast tide must be launched every three days, and the number cannot be less than 100,000 strange beasts.

I don't care what method you use, I need your beast tide. "

Hearing Chu Ming's mission, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster really wanted to cry.

It has already understood that Chu Ming is planning to arrange a whetstone for the earthlings.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster had seen that defensive fortress before,

Not to mention the strong defense there, the three million Dawn Legion soldiers stationed there alone are not something that the current group of alien beasts can contend with.

Of course, the current Southern Wilderness Beastmaster has completely obeyed Chu Ming's orders, and there is no slightest disobedience in his heart.

Although he was a little flustered, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster took his orders and left.

Looking at the back of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, Chu Ming felt very happy.

This trip was absolutely worthwhile. Not only did it solve the hidden dangers of the powerful fighting corps of the Orcs, but it also gave the Dawn Warriors a chance to hone their skills.

Most importantly, as the number of people on Earth hunting and killing alien beasts has increased recently, it has become difficult to find groups of alien beasts around.

If people on earth want to cultivate, the meat of alien animals is the best supplement.

Now that the strange beasts are becoming more and more difficult to find, they had to be delivered to the door by themselves.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster has no other skills. It should be possible to incite those low-level alien beasts to attack the earth's defense fortress.

Anyway, he is also a majestic Beastmaster.

It's just a bit cowardly.

"Let's go back too!"

Chu Ming spoke to Wu Xi.

Hearing Chu Ming's words, Wu Xi nodded lightly. She smiled like a flower and asked, "Chu Ming, I didn't expect you to be able to tame animals. What abilities do you have that we don't know?"

Hearing this, Chu Ming smiled proudly and said, "I know a lot. I can teach you when the lights are turned off at night."

Wu Xi was stunned for three seconds, and then her face turned red with embarrassment.

It's really dishonest.

Wu Xi's beautiful eyes rolled, she looked at Chu Ming quietly, and asked, "Chu Ming, what do you think is the relationship between us now?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but smile in his heart, and said with a smile, "Why are you asking such a question all of a sudden?"

"Tell me, what is the relationship between us?"

Wu Xi asked with a serious face, her pretty face was full of righteousness.

Chu Ming responded immediately: "You were entrusted to me by Master Gu Yue, he probably wants us to be together!"

Wu Xi's pretty face was full of dignity, and she said solemnly: "Don't worry about what others say, just tell me yourself what is the relationship between us."


Chu Ming scratched his head and said with a dry smile: "Although I have never said some things, in my heart, you are already the only one."

Hearing this answer, Wu Xi immediately showed a smile, and her glamorous face made the whole space brighter.

"Speak straight up if you have something to say, coyly, like a girl."

Wu Xi rolled her eyes at Chu Ming, but she couldn't hide the joy on her brow.

She strode forward and grabbed Chu Ming's hand.

"Look at you, you don't usually take the initiative to hold my hand, tell me the truth, do you still miss other people?"

Looking at Wu Xi's big watery eyes, Chu Ming immediately retorted: "How is it possible, besides you, who else can I miss?"

Wu Xi said solemnly: "Actually, my mind is very open-minded. I think that girl Xiao Ya is pretty good. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a good figure. The key is her strong work ability. She is now the head of the intelligence department. "

Hearing Wu Xi's voice, Chu Ming laughed dryly, not knowing what to say other than laughing.

Xiao Ya is really good, especially those two long legs, which are hard to forget at a glance.

However, I asked the other party to be the head of the intelligence department entirely because of the other party's outstanding work ability, okay?

Well, that must be the case.

Seeing that Chu Ming just smiled and didn't respond, Wu Xi suddenly suggested, "Why don't we go back tonight, how about camping here?"

Chu Ming: "???"

What's the situation, why did Wu Xi suddenly...

Seeing Chu Ming's embarrassed expression, Wu Xi immediately showed such an expression.

So, Wu Xi said sympathetically: "Okay, I know you have something to hide, don't worry, I will keep the secret for you."

Chu Ming; "???"

What the hell is going on?

Wu Xi explained solemnly: "A few days ago when I was defending the fort, I lived in the same dormitory with Xiao Ya, Fan Mengmeng and others. When I heard them talking about you, I still couldn't believe it.

I didn't expect it to be true.

Hey, what a pity! "

This time, Chu Ming was shocked on the spot.

"What did they say about me?"

Chu Ming asked curiously.

Wu Xi looked at Chu Ming with a sympathetic expression, and said in a comforting tone: "They said, you are so powerful. According to the situation of normal people, you have already hugged wives and concubines in groups, but you So far all alone.

In other words, either you don't want to, or you can't.

Through chatting with you, I can know that you still think about it.

So, it just means you can't do it.


Chu Ming: "???!!!"

I'm a big deal, so this is my image in the hearts of the girls?

Chu Ming felt very speechless.

To be honest, he has been busy with his practice and worried about the rise of the earthlings, so he didn't pay attention to these details.

Especially the matter of men and women, Chu Ming didn't care much.

Unexpectedly, his glorious image was damaged.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming immediately pulled Wu Xi into his arms, and said aggressively, "Come on, I'll take you to find a good place to camp, so that you can see and see."

Wu Xi looked a little panicked on the surface, but she was already happy in her heart.

"This elm bump, it seems that if I don't take the initiative, he will never take the first step..."

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