My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 237 The battle is about to break out

Alien meat food is extremely popular on Earth, not only because of cultivation, but mainly because of its delicious taste.

Meat food rich in aura is delicious no matter how you eat it.

Top-notch ingredients often only need simple cooking to fully display the original aroma of the food.

Earthlings definitely have an amazing talent in eating.

In fact, no matter whether they were alien beasts or half-orcs, they all misunderstood the earthlings.

The real talent of the people on earth is to eat.

Moreover, there are various ways of eating, all kinds of attention, the same strange beast, different parts of the eating method are completely different.

It's not like a beast or a half-orc, who eats it raw without even washing it.

How unhygienic.

With fewer and fewer high-level alien beasts, the troubles of the earth people gradually came.

However, this trouble will soon be over.

Because the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster brought a large number of strange beasts to give them away!

In the golden grassland, in the defensive fortress, Chu Ming couldn't help frowning as he looked at the overwhelming herd of strange beasts in the distance.

Among the team of more than 100,000 strange beasts, there are lizards, scorpions, pythons, and some strange cold-blooded animals.

Where did the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster find this group of alien beasts?

Chu Ming's mental strength is so strong that he immediately figured out the cause and effect.

It seems that it was deliberately arranged by the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster. He was worried that the defensive fortress would be breached, so he chose some strange beasts who were not good at fighting in the grassland.

Chu Ming appreciated this kindness.

But, are these strange beasts really edible?

Can lizards eat it?

Are scorpions poisonous?

The boa constrictor is not bad, it should be edible.

Other strange beasts look horned and fluted,

Just like a chameleon, it's disgusting to look at, shouldn't you eat it?

Chu Ming really wanted to beat the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster to death.

The other party is really smart and self-assessed, and Chu Ming doesn't like the strange beasts he brought in.

The gluttonous subspecies is very good. After peeling the skin, the meat is very delicious.

Moreover, this is the hometown of the gluttonous subspecies, and their descendants are everywhere.

There are so many delicious alien beasts not coming to give them away, why do they have to run so far and make some messy things?

"Ready to fight!"

Chu Ming said coldly to Xu Mingliang.

In this battle, Chu Ming is not ready to make a move.

The Dawn Legion has been training for so long, if they can't even deal with a 100,000-level beast horde, then they should simply disband.

You know, with Chu Ming's slap, more than 100,000 beasts were killed.

If the Dawn Legion can't stop this wave of beasts, there is really no need to exist.

All the major strongholds have been withdrawn, all in the defensive fortress.

In other words, all the strong people in the sky are in the defensive fortress.

Chu Tiankuo, Cheng Ergang, Yu Chengfu and others are gearing up. As the leaders of the Shuguang Legion, they finally have the opportunity to go to the battlefield.

To be honest, guarding the defensive fortress here every day, in addition to practicing or practicing, is really going crazy.

"Hey, finally there are strange beasts coming to attack the city, let me try the power of the cloud-dispelling palm that I have recently practiced!"

Chu Tiankuo said with a smile, there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes, and a strong fighting spirit kept rising.

Cheng Ergang laughed loudly and said: "Haha, my Fengshen legs are almost done, let's see how I kick the heads of these strange beasts."

Yu Chengfu laughed dryly, and said: "I have already mastered my Frost Fist. After a while, this old man will turn this world into a scene of thousands of miles of ice."

The three of them were gearing up, excited.

The main reason is that the three of them got the super martial arts from Chu Ming, so they all wanted to show off their skills.

At this moment, Chu Ming stepped forward and said to the three of them: "Three grandpas, you don't need to fight this time, and leave it to the young people of the Shuguang Legion."

Chu Tiankuo: "???"

Cheng Ergang: "???"

Yu Chengfu: "???"

Many small question marks appeared in the heads of the three of them at the same time.

After waiting for so long, I finally got a chance to fight, but I didn't let him do it?

Chu Tiankuo's old face turned sideways, his eyes glared, and he said displeasedly: "What's the situation, do you think Grandpa is old and useless?"

"No, it's just giving young people a chance to exercise.

You have experienced hundreds of battles and are invincible. You have long been recognized as the God of War.

This time the herd of alien beasts only has 100,000 heads, if you always make a move, it will be done in minutes.

At that time, there will be no chance for the Dawn Legion to train. "

Hearing Chu Ming's explanation, the three of them nodded silently at the same time.

If this is the case, you can leave this opportunity to young people.

"Okay, let them go and do it. If there is danger, we will naturally take action."

Chu Tiankuo smiled boldly and said to Chu Ming.

But Yu Chengfu laughed dryly, and said: "With Chu Ming here, even if there is danger, it's not your turn to take action, an old fellow."

"That's not necessarily true, we are also immortal!"

Cheng Ergang laughed loudly.

After a brief chat, everyone laughed a few times, and the depression of not being able to play disappeared with the laughter.

Chu Ming bid farewell to the three grandfathers, and then gave orders to everyone in the Guwu Sect.

This battle can only be fought by the Dawn Legion, and no one else can intervene.

Of course, the Dawn Legion also received this order, and the pressure on the soldiers suddenly increased.

Xu Mingliang came in front of the First Dawn Army, and his cold eyes swept over everyone.

"Soldiers, this is the first battle that our Dawn Legion has experienced before defending the fortress, so we must show the momentum of our No. 1 Legion in the world.

This time, the number of beast hordes is 100,000, while the number of our Dawn First Legion is 300,000.

We have more than three times the combat power of the enemy, and the strength of a single player is far greater than that of the enemy.

Therefore, we want to destroy the herd of beasts with the force of thunder.

Show off our military prestige! "

Xu Mingliang's voice was loud, and a strong fighting spirit boiled in his heart, and the endless iron-blood aura swept across all directions like a torrent.

The aura of the soldiers was all shaken, and a strong murderous aura suddenly surged into the sky.

"Show off our military power!"

"Show off our military power!"

"Show off our military power!"

Amidst the shouts of mountains and tsunami, 300,000 Dawn warriors climbed onto the city wall, lined up on the huge city wall, and prepared to face the coming beast horde.

The Dawn Legion currently has more than 3 million soldiers, and the remaining 2.7 million soldiers can only wave their flags and shout, and have no chance to fight for the time being.

The city wall is only that big, and it is just right for an army of 300,000 to go up.

If all three million people go up, it is estimated that the soldiers will affect each other, making it difficult to display their true combat power.

Seeing the soldiers climbing up the city wall one after another, Chu Ming couldn't help but nodded silently.

He also thought that Xu Mingliang would get hot-headed and lead the army to fight out.

With a human physique, there is really no advantage in facing those huge beasts head-on.

Fortunately, the kid hasn't lost his mind yet.

In this way, with the tall city wall as a barrier, the soldiers can minimize casualties.

At this moment, the ground began to shake violently.

The alien herd is here.

A fierce battle is about to break out!

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