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Chapter 238 Alien Beast Siege

On the golden prairie, the golden turf was opened one after another.

One hundred thousand desert behemoths crawled across the golden grassland, turning over the entire golden grassland like cultivators one by one.

Once upon a time, people on earth spent a lot of manpower and material resources in order to cultivate fields in the golden grassland.

But now, the effect of turning the ground is far inferior to that of a hundred thousand desert behemoths.

The desert monitor lizard and the desert python don't matter, the key is that the poisonous-tailed giant scorpion, desert centipede, desert burrower and other exotic beasts directly reclaimed the huge golden grassland into fertile land.

Standing on the high city wall, Chu Ming's eyes are bright, like stars, and it feels like a door to a new world has been opened.

"Wonderful, why didn't I think of that."

Chu Ming was really inspired, and after thinking about it carefully, many things can really be handed over to strange beasts.

Professional things should be handed over to professional beasts.

Chu Ming's eyes were bright, and the depths of his pupils were boiling with divine light.

He has already started preparing for the next step.

That is, during this period of time, the First Dawn Army had already started to fight the army of alien beasts.

On the city wall, 300,000 Soldiers of the Dawn Legion drew their longbows, pointed their sharp arrows at the target, and while pouring their own powerful skills, they accurately shot towards tens of miles away.

A distance of tens of miles is only a matter of minutes for a beast in the true vein state.

This distance is also the best time for the Dawn Legion to attack the alien herd.

Countless arrows fell from the sky, and because the arrows were blessed with the skill of the Dawn Warrior, each arrow was extremely sharp and had a strong ability to penetrate.




The sharp arrows passed through the body, precisely piercing through the bodies of a large number of strange beasts.

At such a long distance, it is already very good to be able to hit the target.

Want to hit the nail on the head with one blow,

That's a question of probability.

The bodies of the strange beasts are exceptionally strong, and the size of the arrows in front of them is similar to embroidery needles.

Therefore, even if a large number of arrows hit the beast, it did not cause fatal damage to the beast.

Of course, some strange beasts were unlucky, and were hit by arrows in fatal places such as throats, and died on the spot.

After all, this is a minority.

Most of the strange beasts did not suffer much damage, but the physical pain aroused their ferocity.

Therefore, their impact becomes more violent.

After just a few rounds of salvo, the army of one hundred thousand alien beasts had already rushed under the defensive fortress.

The height of the walls of the defensive fortress is about fifty meters, which is nothing to the beasts in the true vein.

After a simple jump, many strange beasts jumped onto the city wall one after another, and started close-range hand-to-hand combat with the soldiers of the dawn.

The Dawn warriors abandoned their longbows one after another, drew out their standard swords, and fought together with the group of alien beasts.

The fiery blade illuminated the sky, and slashed fiercely at the body of the strange beast.

Not to be outdone, the strange beasts unleashed their innate martial skills one after another, launching fatal attacks on the human warriors blocking the way.

Both sides are warriors and alien beasts in the true pulse state, and the battle was evenly matched for a while.

On the ground, tens of thousands of desert monitor lizards erupted together.

They shook their heads and tails, and their bodies were covered in earth-colored halos.

The strong limbs trampled on the ground violently, and the fierce forelimbs kept slapping the walls of the defensive fortress.

The defensive fortress was more than ten meters thick, but under the violent slap of the desert monitor lizard, cracks appeared.

The entire city wall became trembling, and the incomparably strong defensive fortress showed signs of collapsing.

The giant slap is the natural martial skill of the desert monitor lizard. The slapping force of their forelimbs is extremely terrifying, and each slap can mobilize the strength of the whole body to the maximum.

The power generated by the slapping of tens of thousands of desert monitor lizards at the same time is absolutely terrifying.

Fortunately, this is only a desert monitor lizard from the True Vein Realm. If a desert monitor lizard from the Void Realm came here, the defensive fortress might collapse with a single slap.

At the same time, the poisonous-tailed giant scorpion posed a great threat to the lives of the soldiers of the dawn.

Their huge tails can be thrown far away, and their sharp poisonous hooks hang firmly on the city wall, and then with a strong hook, their huge bodies are thrown onto the city wall.

During the battle, some giant hooks with poisonous tails hit the Dawn Warrior's body.

Although the warriors were extremely powerful, they were still unstoppable under such a powerful attack.

Therefore, many Dawn warriors died under the attack of the poisonous-tailed giant scorpion.

At the same time that the poisonous-tailed giant scorpion attacked the city wall, the desert python also launched a shocking offensive.

You know, every desert python is over a hundred meters in size, and a fifty-meter-high city wall is nothing to them.

Often when they raise their heads, they have already surpassed the height of the walls of the defensive fortress.

As for exotic beasts such as desert centipedes and chameleons, their sharp claws can easily pierce through hard walls, and they can crawl freely on the city walls.

What's more, they drilled directly into the ground, trying in vain to get into the defensive fortress from the bottom.

Fortunately, the foundation of the defensive fort is deep enough, so there is no need to worry about attacks from the ground for a short time.

On the city wall, Xu Mingliang roared like thunder, leading the soldiers of the Shuguang Legion to continuously swing their knives and attack the invading enemy frantically.

If it weren't for the solid walls like the defensive fortress, the Dawn Legion would have already been dispersed by the opponent.

In this battle, Xu Mingliang saw the gap between human fighters and the alien beast army.

The charge of the Alien Beast Legion had no rules at all, it was just a constant onslaught.

And this way of fighting is what the human legion fears the most.

You know, in the deep-rooted thinking of human beings, war must have tactics. If a battle plan is not formulated before the start of a war, everyone from top to bottom will panic.

But the alien beast's style of play just completely defeated the human's tactics.

Because no matter what kind of tactics humans formulate, they will always go forward and launch fierce attacks, regardless of whether there is a way out.

In this way, when formulating a combat strategy, it must be ensured that the frontal troops can block the impact of the alien beast.

However, according to the strange beast's style of play, since it can block the opponent's attack, it is better to head-on and fight back directly.

Therefore, in general, there is no need to formulate a battle plan for a battle with a strange beast. As long as the strength is strong enough, it will be over.

If the strength is not enough, even if there is a perfect countermeasure, it will be difficult to defeat the Alien Beast Army.

On the battlefield, Xu Mingliang saw a large number of Shuguang fighters fall, and was immediately anxious.

Recalling Chu Ming's battle with the alien beasts before, he seemed to understand something gradually.

When Chu Ming fought directly with the group of alien beasts, he always rushed ahead of the battle alone to kill the group of alien beasts.

When the strange beast saw the fierce Chu Ming, they were all frightened, so they fled in a hurry.

The dawn fighters used this to fight back with all their strength and achieved great success.

It can be seen from this that the alien beast group is not afraid of strategic siege, but only afraid of the real strong.

Only a warrior who is strong enough can shake the spirit of the alien beast group.

That being the case, then I can only act as the super God of War.

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

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