My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 250 The Terrifying Hexagonal Brass Bell

"Ding, bell, clang..."

The crisp and pleasant copper bell rang, and Chu Ming felt that there seemed to be multiple lights and shadows emerging in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his body lighten, and he fell into a colorful space tunnel.

"This is?"

Chu Ming couldn't help being shocked in his heart. He tried his best to open his eyes and keep his head clear, trying to see the scene around the space tunnel clearly.

The center of his brows glowed, and the divine light in his eyes boiled, and two beams of light burst out from the depths of his pupils, piercing wildly on the oval space-time tunnel around him.

When his eyes pierced behind the space-time tunnel, Chu Ming saw a thrilling scene.

There are countless worlds of all kinds.

There are mountains, rivers, rivers and seas, and continents.

Any node is a great world.

Chu Ming was shocked. He didn't know why he fell into the time tunnel, and he didn't know why he triggered the time tunnel.

"Could it be that this is the secret hidden in the famous mountains and rivers on the earth?"

"Just one Binggang Mountain is hidden in such an astonishing space-time tunnel, so what kind of secrets are hidden in the real famous mountains such as Mount Tai, Mount Hua, and Mount Song?"

"Besides, are there any secrets hidden in the great river?"

"Yangtze River, Yellow River..."

Chu Ming's thoughts turned sharply, and countless thoughts flashed through his heart, and his whole body couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling.

The hidden secrets of the earth, so scary.

Just when Chu Ming was shocked, he felt that his whole body was shaken, as if his mental power had hit a space barrier fiercely.

That is to say, Chu Ming's mental strength is unparalleled. If it were an ordinary person, he might have been knocked out of his wits at this time.

Chu Ming's heart trembled and his mind roared.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself sitting in front of a laptop.

Here is a familiar room,

The oscillating fan with more than a dozen hands down next to it was still creaking and creaking. There was a lot of garbage scattered on the ground. Apart from a single bed, there was no decent furniture.

"This is!"

Chu Ming's eyes flashed, and his whole body was struck by lightning, and he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Familiar computer, familiar environment.

He actually went back to before awakening the ancient martial arts system.

This is the small room that Chu Ming rented before, and there was a faint sound of humming and haha ​​next to him. This feeling is really all too familiar.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a violent knock on the door, and an old man stood outside the door, knocking on the door and shouting loudly: "Are you at home, open the door!"

Hearing the very rhythmic knock on the door, Chu Ming couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

It turned out to be the landlord who came to collect the debt.

This plot is exactly the same as what happened before, even the rhythm of the knock on the door is the same.

He quickly cleared up his mood, got up in a hurry and opened the door, and sure enough, he saw the angry black face of the landlord.

The landlord is actually not very old, that is, he looks about fifty years old, holding a bunch of keys in his hand, and looks not in a good mood.

When Chu Ming saw this familiar face, he showed an expression that was as expected.

It seems that I strayed into the space-time tunnel and transported myself back to before the awakening of the ancient martial arts system.

For some reason, when Chu Ming saw the landlord, his heart felt inexplicably warm.

In fact, the landlord is a kind man, otherwise, he would not have allowed himself to be in arrears with the rent for so long, and would have allowed himself to continue living here.

Of course, the landlord is not short of this money, just look at the large bunch of keys in his hand.

"You haven't paid two months' rent, kid. You have to settle it today, or I'll pack up and get out!"

The loud voice made the small room tremble, but Chu Ming smiled and responded, "Don't worry, I will give it to you soon."

"Don't talk nonsense with me, you said the same thing last month, I tell you, up to three days, if you still don't pay the rent after three days, I'll call the police and arrest you!"

The landlord's eyes widened and his voice yelled loudly.

Chu Ming responded with a smile: "I know, you won't call the police to arrest me."

The landlady was stunned, and immediately said with surprise on his face: "Fuck, are you going to be a rascal?"

Chu Ming nodded with a smile, and said, "Anyway, you just put your mind at ease."

The landlady showed an unreasonable expression, and immediately stopped talking nonsense with Chu Ming, and walked away directly.

Residents of the rental house next door poked their heads out to see the excitement, and shook their heads as they watched Chu Ming.

"Hey, the young people nowadays are really dying. They don't lack arms or legs. Why can't they support themselves?"

"I heard that he is a rich second generation. Dad was arrested and all his family property was sealed up. With his thin arms and legs, he probably can't do much work."

"If you want me to say, you deserve it. You are ignorant and incompetent on weekdays. Now it's all right, and you will soon be living on the streets."

"Let's go, what is there to see, it's rare and strange."

The melon-eaters who watched the excitement commented on it, and planned to leave one after another.

Hearing the harsh taunts from the crowd, Chu Ming's eyes could not help becoming sharper.

Maybe it's because I'm used to hearing compliments, but hearing other people's ridicule at this time, I feel so harsh.


Chu Ming snorted coldly at the resident next door, and immediately walked towards him with big strides.

The woman who was eating sunflower seeds was startled by Chu Ming, and immediately took two steps back.

Seeing this situation, her man immediately stepped forward and stood in front of the woman.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

The man was tall and burly. He folded his arms around his shoulders and stared at Chu Ming unkindly.

Do you really think that you are still the rich second generation?

You are now a bottom crawler!

Chu Ming stared at the man coldly, and said in a cold voice: "What did you just say? Say something again if you have the ability?"

The man laughed and said, "I said you are a waste, is there a problem?"

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes immediately, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and responded: "Very well, I like honest people like you."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Ming immediately raised his finger, and with his light tap, a dazzling white light burst out.

One yang finger was activated, and instantly blasted the head of the man opposite him.


Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the man's body fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone was stunned for three seconds, and then there was a burst of screams.

The people who had been watching closed their doors one after another, and took out their mobile phones at the same time, preparing to call the police.

"If you want to run, how can it be so easy!"

Chu Ming snorted coldly, and the palm prints on his hands screamed, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms turned into a golden dragon, blasting all the doors open.

The residents inside are all mortal bodies, how could they withstand such an attack.

For a moment, blood flowed like a river, and there were no living creatures on the entire floor.


Chu Ming took a deep breath, and the red-eyed he gradually calmed down.

No, I traveled to before the awakening of the ancient martial arts system, why can I still use Yiyang Finger and Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?

At this time, I haven't practiced yet.

"No, there is a problem!"

"It's all fake, everything here is fake!"

"The person is fake, the blood is fake, and the room is fake!"

"I'm under an illusion!"

Chu Ming was startled suddenly, his brows glowed, and his mental power exploded like a sea of ​​smoke.

He shook his body violently, forcibly broke the illusion, and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Ding, bell, clang..."

Looking at the hexagonal copper bell in the dark passage, Chu Ming couldn't help sweating, and goose bumps all over his body.

How dangerous, this hexagonal copper bell is so terrifying!

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