My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 251 4 Bronze Nine State Instruments

The passage was still the same passage, Chu Ming stood on the spiral stone ladder, covered in cold sweat.

He was almost lost in the illusion.

There are twelve copper bells hanging here, and a special rune is branded on each copper bell, which looks extremely strange.

Just now, the breeze brought by Chu Ming when he came here shook the copper bell, and the vibration of the copper bell triggered the branded runes on it, and the crisp bell produced contained inexplicable power.

This kind of power can make people fall into illusion.

Chu Ming's saddest days were when he lived in a rented house after he was down and down.

But what Chu Ming didn't expect was that in the illusion, he actually killed all the residents.

Chu Ming knew that the evil in his heart was affected by the illusion.

This discovery is not trivial. You must know that Chu Ming's current strength is extremely powerful. Once his mood is affected, it will be a devastating disaster for the people on earth.

Chu Ming took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

His eyes were like lightning, looking at the countless bones in the abyss below.

It seems that many people entered here by mistake, were lost by the illusion and couldn't extricate themselves, and finally died here.

Fortunately, Chu Ming's mental power is extremely powerful, and after breaking into the illusion, he quickly broke through by force.

It would be a better result if he just died here, but if he lost his mind and broke out, he would become a big devil who did all kinds of evil.

"Who exactly set up the hexagonal copper bell formation here?"

"What is guarding below?"

Chu Ming's whole body was shaken, and a bright energy mask rose up, completely covering Chu Ming's body.

Chu Ming propped up an energy shield directly outside his body, which not only protected himself, but also illuminated the dark space.

Chu Ming thought about it, and felt that it was still a little unsafe, so the center of his eyebrows glowed, and a golden energy mask appeared one after another, merging with the mask formed by his skill.

In this way, Chu Ming's body was surrounded by dual defenses of skill and mental power.

If there is any danger in the future, it is not as good as the phantom formation or other attacks, which cannot affect Chu Ming.

After finishing all this, Chu Ming continued down the quaint stone ladder until he encountered a huge bronze disc on the ground.

This is a round thick ancient plate, with many unknown strange beasts depicted on it, and an image of a person in the middle, as if practicing a special method.

"What is this?"

Chu Ming was puzzled and felt that things were a little tricky.

Although he thought he was well-informed, he had never encountered such a thing.

That being the case, then the ancient martial arts system will be troubled.

"System, what is this disk?"

Hearing Chu Ming's question, the Guwu system immediately responded: "This is the square bronze Kyushu instrument, and 1,000 reputation points will be deducted."

Chu Ming continued to ask: "What is the use of this thing? How to use it?"

The Guwu system responded: "These are two questions. After deducting 2,000 reputation points, pressing the square bronze Kyushu instrument will activate the mechanism in the cave, which records the location of the Kyushu dragon vein."


Chu Ming didn't quite understand.

Kyushu Dragon Vein?

Could it be that there are dragon veins hidden in the land of China?

Is the opportunity for the earthlings to become stronger on these dragon veins?

Chu Ming withdrew from the ancient martial arts system, and fixed his eyes on the huge bronze disc in front of him.

The system said that if you press this disc, you can activate the mechanism in the hole.

It seems that the first step is to press down this square bronze Kyushu instrument.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming immediately took two steps forward, his whole body concentrated, and a huge energy palm print appeared out of thin air.

Chu Ming carefully controlled the strength, and the energy palm print lightly pressed on the square bronze Kyushu instrument, and then pressed down lightly, and the entire huge disc began to sag downward.

Under Chu Ming's surprised eyes, the huge disk was easily pushed down to the ground, until it was level with the primitive ground.

It was at this time that a series of machine friction sounds sounded around.

This is a circular building. As the square bronze Kyushu instrument was pressed into the ground, the circular wall began to retreat slowly.

A part receded, and a part did not move, and the remaining parts formed a strange pattern.

"This is……"

Chu Ming looked around the inside of the stone wall, and was shocked to find that there were groups of sculptures, carving the appearance of nine mountains.

The nine mountains are like nine dragon veins, guarding a vast land together.

"System, is this the famous Chinese mountains and rivers you mentioned earlier?"

Chu Ming continued to ask.


"So, what should I do next?"

"Find them, and then activate the square bronze Kyushu instrument in the mountain. After all the nine mountains are activated, Huaxia will start an era of comprehensive recovery."

After consuming two thousand reputation points again, Chu Ming got two pieces of extremely valuable information.

It turns out that there is a square bronze Kyushu instrument inside each famous mountain, as long as it is pressed, the nine mountains can be connected.

In other words, at that time, the nine dragon veins will be able to recover, and Huaxia will become a holy place for practice.

At that time, the concentration of aura in China may exceed that in Chihuang Continent.

If all this is true, it would not be difficult for the people on Earth to grow up with the practice skills given by Chu Ming, coupled with the rich aura produced by the recovery of local aura.

At this stage of the matter, Chu Ming gradually became clear about what to do next, and he was no longer as confused as before.

"Now that I have pressed the square bronze Kyushu instrument on Binggang Mountain, it should be regarded as activating a mountain, right?"

Chu Ming thought so, but it didn't feel like it.

After all, Binggang Mountain is not ranked in the top ten in China, and theoretically it cannot become one of the nine mountains.

Could it be that the Square Bronze Kyushu Instrument is not limited to the nine mountains?

Shouldn't there be such things in the interior of many mountains?

However, Chu Ming is already a systematic person, why bother to guess here, just ask the system directly.

"System, which nine are the nine mountains that have been assigned?"

Hearing Chu Ming's question, the system immediately responded: "Three mountains, five mountains and Kunlun, the five mountains and Kunlun are easy to find, and the three mountains are hard to come by."

Hearing this, Chu Ming couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Wuyue and Kunlun are easy to find. With his current speed, he can swim all over in no time.

But wouldn't the three mountains be the legendary Penglai, Abbot and Yingzhou?

Those are all legendary things, and they may not exist in reality. How can I find them?

Regardless, let’s start looking for the Five Sacred Mountains first, and go to Mount Tai for the first stop.

Chu Ming made up his mind, and immediately rushed up the stone ladder.

When he passed the hexagonal copper bell array at the entrance, he couldn't help but stop.

"These hexagonal copper bells are good things. If we set up this kind of phantom array in advance when facing the enemy, it might have a miraculous effect."

Thinking of this, Chu Ming's mind moved immediately, and all the hexagonal copper bells could not help but fly up automatically, and slowly flew towards Chu Ming.

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