My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 263 Resurrected spirit energy!

This is an unusual night.

People fell asleep as usual, and the whole world was indescribably quiet.

There are also some busy people who work night shifts and keep running around for their lives.

Everything is the same as usual, yet different.

Deng Huachao is a taxi driver. He often travels alone in the streets and alleys of the city.

However, with the advent of the era of national practice, his career became more and more difficult to do.

For example, now, very few people are willing to take a taxi.

In this China where the per capita True Pulse Realm, the running speed of any person is far faster than that of a car.

Of course, running on the street is somewhat unseemly, so many people still prefer to take a taxi.

The number of people is definitely far less than before.

Now, only Deng Huachao is still driving a taxi in the whole city, and everyone else has changed careers.

The reason why Deng Huachao chose to drive a taxi at night was mainly because he didn't want to go back to see the yellow-faced woman at home.

The taxi business is not easy to do, and the income naturally decreases, and the conflict between him and his wife is getting bigger and bigger.

His wife wants Deng Huachao to change jobs, but Deng Huachao has been driving a taxi for more than ten years. He loves his job and doesn't want to give up easily.

Deng Huachao said that as long as he insists on driving taxis, this industry will always exist.

Tonight, as usual, Deng Huachao came to the door of Laosun's soup dumpling shop.

It is early morning now, and it will soon be dawn.

He likes to eat soup dumplings here every day. Eating steaming soup dumplings in his mouth is an unforgettable memory that can never be parted.

"Old Deng, you're a little late today!"

The old grandson moved the table and set it up outside, set up the shed in advance, and made preparations for the arrival of customers.

Deng Huachao parked the taxi beside him, then came to help arrange the stools, and then sat down in the position he was most familiar with.

"Old rules, a cage filled with soup dumplings, a bowl of millet porridge."

While talking, Deng Huachao skillfully took out a head of garlic from the basket next to him, and picked it up automatically.

The old grandson put a cage of soup dumplings on his table with a smile, Tao Kan said: "You boy, come to eat my garlic again, and you ate all the garlic I prepared for the guests."

"Hey, you old bastard, I'm not your guest, am I!"

Deng Huachao took the soup dumpling, put it in his mouth while it was still hot, and bit it lightly, his mouth was full of fragrance, it was delicious and refreshing!

The old grandson said with a smile: "You are considered a hammer guest. You are the first to come and leave every day. The other guests have never seen you."

"Haha, that's your guest too, why not, it hurts to eat your garlic!"

"Yes, the price of garlic has increased recently, and it's almost 30 yuan a catty."

"Who says it's not? The scallions in the supermarket are even more perverted. The last time I went to see it, it was already seventy yuan a catty."

"Hey, in this world, everyone helps to cultivate, and no one farms the land anymore."

"Isn't it? Vegetables are getting more and more expensive now, and the price of food is also rising. Many young people have gone to other worlds, as if to kill strange beasts."

"Can you fill your stomach with strange beasts? Or farming is more reliable."

"I heard that someone opened up wasteland and farmed in the golden grassland in another world. It is said that the rice grown is Lingmi and the vegetables grown are fairy vegetables."

"Returning fairy vegetables, pickles are almost the same."

While the two were chatting, the old grandson brought up the hot millet porridge.

Deng Huachao took a sip, hey, it still smells familiar and comfortable.

"Old Sun, do you feel something is wrong tonight?"

Deng Huachao took a sip of the millet porridge, and then questioned Old Sun.

Old Sun headed back to his steamer, took down the steamed buns and put them away, then put the raw buns in, and continued to steam the buns.

While he was busy, he responded: "What's wrong? Isn't it the same as before?

Since everyone started practicing, fewer and fewer people come here to eat buns.

They said there was no energy in my buns.

What the hell, the buns filled with pure meat, he said that he has no energy, is he deliberately looking for excitement.

Let me tell you, that is, I am old now.

When I was young, I could beat him to death if I met that kind of person. "

"Stop bragging. Also, your steamed stuffed bun is not pure meat. It's okay to fool others, but don't fool me."

Tang Huachao took one bite at a time, and Deng Huachao quickly finished the basket of buns.

He clapped his hands and stood up, and said solemnly: "Old Sun, let me tell you the truth, I think tonight is indeed a bit different."

"What's the difference?"

Seeing Deng Huachao's serious look, the old grandson immediately frowned.

Deng Huachao gently closed his eyes, then took a deep breath, and said, "Air,

The air tonight is exceptionally fresh, and it seems to have a lot more energy than before,

One breath is refreshing, two breaths are invulnerable to all poisons, three breaths are immortal. "

"You can get out of here!"

The old grandson smiled and cursed at Deng Huachao, if he hadn't been busy steaming the buns, he would have rushed over and kicked him.

Deng Huachao walked to the workbench, stretched his waist, took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code to pay, and then looked at the morning glow in the east, and said with emotion: "It will be dawn, and I should call it a day."

The old grandson nodded and said, "Okay, come back tomorrow."

While speaking, Deng Huachao was about to turn around and leave.

At this moment, a ray of sunlight shines on the small booth through the morning glow, and at the same time shines on a peony flower placed next to it.

Under Deng Huachao's and Lao Suntou's surprised eyes, this peony grew rapidly, and it actually produced flower buds at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Both of them were shocked at the same time, and felt hallucinations.

The peony did not stop after the flower buds formed, but continued to grow, and then bloomed directly, blooming a beautiful flower.

"Fuck, what's going on here?"

Deng Huachao's eyes widened in surprise, with an expression of disbelief.

The old grandson was shocked at first, and then showed great joy.

"Peony represents wealth. This peony blooms in such a magical way, which means that I will become rich soon, and I will get rich!"

The old grandson was overjoyed, and immediately shouted to the back room: "Old woman, come and see, our peony is blooming."

Deng Huachao was startled. He turned around and looked to the side, and found that wherever the sunlight went, flowers and plants were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Next to it were a few cucumber seedlings planted by the old grandson. At this time, the sun shone on the cucumber leaves, and its vines began to grow wildly.

Like a devil's claw, it quickly covered the entire vine.

At the same time, on the side of the road and in the wilderness, countless plants grow crazily, and it seems that there is a magical power promoting their continuous evolution.

Deng Huachao took a few breaths again, and seemed to be able to clearly feel that there was sufficient energy in the air.

At this moment, Deng Huachao slapped his thigh suddenly, and exclaimed: "It's the spiritual energy, this is the spiritual energy, the spiritual energy has recovered!"\u003c/div\u003e

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