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Chapter 264 Arrange a Misunderstanding

Regarding Reiki recovery, it actually started a long time ago.

However, before the spiritual energy on the earth came from another world, all the spiritual energy came from the other world.

It is different now, it is the aura of the earth itself that is beginning to recover.

As Chu Ming reconnected the three mountains and five mountains with Kunlun, China entered a new era.

For modern humans, it is both a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that everyone no longer has to worry about lack of energy during practice.

As long as there are suitable exercises, everyone's strength can continue to improve.

The downside is that the recovery of spiritual energy will inevitably impact the lives of ordinary people.

In particular, the change of living environment will be the first challenge faced by human beings.

Reiki recovery not only changed human beings, but also changed the ecological environment of the entire earth.

The original grassland may become a sinister place overgrown with thorns.

The original forest may also become a wild place where wild animals run rampant.

The original deep mountains and old forests are more likely to become restricted areas for humans.

In other words, after the revival of spiritual energy, human thermal weapons will become more and more useless.

The earth may return to its original state, and everything will become the era of competition for primitive force.

In the early morning, when people open the windows and see the world outside which has been occupied by crazy green plants, they are all a little dazed.

However, human beings have never been creatures that sit still. Many people immediately cheered up and began to reorganize their world.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, human beings must learn to adapt, and regain their foothold in this era of spiritual recovery.

At the same time, in the foreign world, the golden grassland, and the human defense fortress.

After Chu Ming received the call, he brought Wu Xi back here immediately.

When the two returned to the defensive fortress, Chu Tiankuo was waiting here with many experts from the Sky Realm.

When everyone saw Chu Ming coming back, they all surrounded him anxiously.

Chu Tiankuo said, "Chu Ming, you're finally back. Just now, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster came to send a message. He has something very urgent to tell you."

Beside Chu Tiankuo, Yu Chengfu, Cheng Ergang, Lightning Sect Master, Zhou Motou and others all came forward with determination in their eyes.

Hearing Chu Tiankuo's words, Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

The center of his brows glowed, and the majestic spiritual power was rippling in all directions like a tide, and the mental wave was like energy ripples, spreading across the entire golden grassland in an instant.

In just an instant, Chu Ming locked onto the figure of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster.


Chu Ming sent a direct spiritual voice transmission, and gave instructions to the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster who was suspicious of the beast in the distance.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, who had been downcast, suddenly became energetic when he heard this voice.

It stood up suddenly, bursting with energy, and galloped towards the golden grassland defense fortress at the fastest speed.

In less than a minute, the figure of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster appeared here.

This time, no one made a move on it.

Now, everyone in the entire Shuguang Organization knows that the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is the mount that Chu Ming recovered.

After the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster came here, he bowed down directly from a distance, and it was like throwing himself on the ground.

Chu Ming frowned, showing displeasure.

What the hell is this guy doing?

Didn't you see it so respectful before when no one was around?

Is this a show in front of everyone?

Of course, Chu Ming didn't bother to pay attention to the inner thoughts of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster. At this moment, he asked directly: "Tell me everything you know in detail, and don't miss any details."

In fact, Chu Ming already knew the general situation when he received the call.

However, the details are not very clear.

For example, what are the four holy beasts here for?

Are you here to recruit?

Or to fight?

In short, the purpose of the Four Great Sacred Beasts is very important. Chu Ming doesn't know whether it is an enemy or a friend for the time being.

The strength of the four holy beasts is very strong, if the other party is really looking for trouble, it is indeed more difficult to deal with.

The difficulty is that there are four opponents.

Chu Ming's strength should already be higher than any of the four holy beasts, but it may be a bit troublesome to face the four holy beasts at the same time.

The point is, if it is really a battle, as long as any holy beast leaves the battle, it can easily destroy the earth.

After all, apart from Chu Ming himself, there is no strong man in the entire human camp who can compete with one of the four holy beasts.

So, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster told the story of the gluttonous holy beast's sound transmission, without daring to mix any thoughts of his own.

At this time, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is just a machine, a phonograph.

Listening to the report of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, Chu Ming couldn't help but nodded silently.

The other party should be making peace.

Well, there should be no hostility for the time being.

Chu Ming looked at the sky. Now that the sky is already bright, I believe that the four holy beasts will come here in a short time.

Chu Ming glanced at the Soldiers of the Aurora Legion who were practicing here, and after pondering for a long time, he said, "Xu Mingliang, immediately return to Earth with the Aurora Legion and station them on the battlefield in West Zombie."

Hearing Chu Ming's words, Xu Mingliang couldn't help being taken aback.

However, what Chu Ming said was an order. Although he was puzzled, he didn't dare to ask, and immediately responded firmly: "Yes!"

Chu Tiankuo was a little confused, and asked, "What's going on, will there be a battle here next? The Dawn Legion's stay can play a little role."

Chu Ming responded with a smile: "Don't worry, the visitors are friends rather than enemies. I let the Dawn Legion return to Earth, mainly to let them go back to practice."

Chu Tiankuo smiled wryly and said: "As we all know, the concentration of aura here is far greater than that of the earth, so we built a defensive fortress and let the soldiers practice here, in order to help them grow as soon as possible.

Now returning to the earth, without the help of the rich aura here, I am afraid that the warriors will find it difficult to practice. "

Hearing Chu Tiankuo's words, Wu Xi immediately took a step forward, and said obediently: "Grandpa, don't worry, the earth is not the same as it was before; the density of spiritual energy is much stronger than here, and when the soldiers go back, they will be ready to go." knew."

Hearing Wu Xi's grandfather, Chu Tiankuo immediately showed a gratified smile.

Although there are still many puzzles in his heart, he is too embarrassed to continue to ask. At this time, he can only sigh with emotion and say: "If that's the case, then that's great!"

Chu Ming said to everyone: "The disciples of the various sects should also return to the earth. The fighters in the sky realm will stay, and everyone else will go back."

Facing Chu Ming's arrangement, everyone obeyed unconditionally.

Although Chu Ming said it was easy on the surface, claiming that the visitor was a friend rather than an enemy, but the real situation is still difficult to say.

In fact, Chu Ming knew that after the Four Great Sacred Beasts came here, they would definitely measure the combat effectiveness of the human camp immediately.

If they see so many low-level fighters here, they will definitely have a contemptuous attitude towards humans, and the situation will be difficult to say.

That being the case, it is better to transfer the warriors below the sky level back to Earth first.

Of course, Chu Ming knew that the most important thing was to look at himself.

Next, he wants to arrange a misunderstanding.

Before the four holy beasts expressed their intentions, Chu Ming wanted to regard their arrival as foreign invasion.

Then one person took a strong shot against the four holy beasts, terrifying them with one move.

When they see Chu Ming's strength, they will naturally not despise humans.

When it's over, say, "What?

Are you from the League of Friendship?

Why didn't you say it earlier! "

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