My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 265 Sniping the Holy Beast

On the golden grassland, Chu Ming and his party are quietly moving forward.

When they came near the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, Chu Ming signaled everyone to stop.

This is the sniper battlefield chosen by Chu Ming.

Under Chu Ming's arrangement, all the others hid in the Golden Grassland, while he himself led Demon Zhou and Lightning Sect Master to form a patrol team, pretending to patrol over the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

This time, Chu Ming had to keep his sense of proportion.

He wants to create an illusion of misunderstanding, and after attacking the four holy beasts, don't trigger a war between the races.

The reason why Devil Zhou and Lightning Sect Master were chosen was that their strengths were considered relatively high among the many powerhouses.

At that time, Chu Ming must not make a move alone, otherwise flaws will be exposed.

It is logical for the three of them to shoot at the same time.

Although Xu Mingliang's strength is also very strong, especially the move of Wanjian Guizong, which has been practiced to the extreme by him.

However, Wan Jian Gui Zong is more suitable for group attacks, and it is incomparably domineering when killing enemies in a large area, but it is still not as good as Tianmo Shengong and Lightning Five Whip when used in single-body confrontation.

Of course, Chu Tiankuo and others are also very strong. The reason why Chu Ming didn't bring them together to stop the four holy beasts was because this battle might be dangerous.

Well, I understand everything I know, so I don't want to talk nonsense, so I choose Demon Zhou and Lightning Sect Master.

Wu Xi, Xiao Ya, Fan Mengmeng and others were on the south side of the Golden Grassland. They walked together and pretended to be patrolling.

At the same time, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, Qi Shenglong and others also formed a patrol team, wandering around the central area of ​​the Golden Grassland.

Shao Chen, Han Fangkun, Lu Zhiming, Yang Guangqiang and others were also patrolling on the north side of the Golden Grassland.

As for Chu Tiankuo, Cheng Ergang, Yu Chengfu, Yue Youcai, Jia Yunpeng, Lu Zhantu and others, they were all wandering in the golden grassland at this time, keeping a close distance from Chu Ming and others who were at the front.

Everyone can ensure that when the battle starts, everyone can be there as quickly as possible.

Chu Ming stepped on the Dragon Slashing Heavenly Sword, and his figure shuttled over the tall tree canopy.

He doesn't have to deliberately hide his figure,

What he is doing now is just a show for the four holy beasts.

Zhou Motou and Lightning Sect Master quietly followed Chu Ming, and everyone felt a cold sweat in their hearts.

The next thing they have to face is the Four Great Sacred Beasts. It doesn't matter if Chu Mingyi is brave, but the two of them panicked a lot.

But there was no way, Chu Ming chose them, and they had no choice but to follow.

As for resentment, there is none.

In this world, who dares to resent Chu Ming will definitely seek death by himself.

Both are smart people, and they will not narrow their paths.

At this moment, Chu Ming, who was flying slowly in front, suddenly said, "Attention everyone, the four holy beasts have already arrived. With their speed, they will arrive in three minutes. Then you will play by ear."

Hearing Chu Ming's words, Devil Zhou and Lightning Sect Master couldn't help but tremble, and everyone's mental power was highly concentrated.

They tried their best to look forward, pushing their spiritual sense to the extreme, but they didn't find any clues.

After searching hard for a long time, the two finally gave up.

I have to admit that the gap between the two and Chu Ming is too great.

After about three minutes, both of them were shocked at the same time.

Sure enough, it appeared.

In the sky, a dark dragon passed across. It was huge, and a lot of clouds and mist gathered around it. If its strength had not reached a certain level, its figure would not be seen at all.

Ordinary warriors looked up at the sky, only to see a cloud in the end.

Sure enough, creatures like dragons are definitely masters at turning clouds and rain.

Beside the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast, a huge white tiger stepped through the air.

The white tiger holy beast exudes holy light all over its body, as if there are stars dotted around it, even in the scorching sun, it still cannot cover up the light around it.

To say that the most dazzling one is undoubtedly the sacred beast Suzaku.

Suzaku spread its wings and the fire burned for thirty thousand miles.

I saw that the sky when the four holy beasts came was completely covered by red clouds, which were unburned embers.

At this moment, there seemed to be an extra sun in the sky. With the arrival of the Vermillion Bird sacred beast, the temperature in the entire space rose a lot.

Fortunately, the sacred beast of the Vermilion Bird deliberately restrained the power of its own flames, otherwise the place where the sacred beast of the Vermilion Bird passed would be turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Next to the many holy beasts that attracted attention, a mysterious tortoise the size of a mountain came crushing the void.

The Xuanwu Holy Beast is really too big, stepping on the void, it seems that every foot can collapse the void.

The four holy beasts all have extremely powerful auras, and the strength of each holy beast has reached the peak of the sky-flying state, and half of their feet have stepped into an extremely mysterious state.

They know that as long as they break through the last step, they will break the shackles of life and reach an extraordinary state.

Suddenly, the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast, which was soaring through the clouds and fog, paused suddenly, and moved its four golden claws at the same time, gently pushing away the clouds and mists in front of it.

"There are a few powerful auras ahead, they should be Earthlings!"

The Qinglong holy beast said to the other three holy beasts beside him.

It opened its eyes wide and saw a three-person team flying slowly above the woods in the distance. It looked like human scouts, patrolling.

The White Tiger Sacred Beast, Suzaku Sacred Beast, and Xuanwu Sacred Beast also spotted the three figures over there, and each nodded in response.

Xuanwu holy beast said with emotion: "I really envy the species of human beings. They are born with holy bodies. Their bodies that conform to the way of heaven are the easiest to break through the shackles and break through to the extraordinary realm."

The White Tiger Sacred Beast nodded and said: "Yes, although we have a strong physical body, this physical body also restricts our development, making us stuck at the peak of the sky for endless years, and we have not been able to break through until now."

The Azure Dragon Sacred Beast said sadly: "This is also the reason why so many strong orcs have to forcibly transform themselves in their old age."

The Suzaku Holy Beast said coldly: "Transformation is not easy. If you have the perseverance to transform successfully, it is better to persist and rely on the body to break through."

The Azure Dragon Sacred Beast nodded and said: "The path is chosen by oneself, no one knows which path is correct, we can't deny others just because we chose **Breakthrough.

If they can really successfully transform into form, the probability of breaking through to the Transcendent Realm is still very high. "

While chatting, the four holy beasts did not slow down, and continued to gallop towards the direction of the human defense fortress.

From their point of view, even if the human scouts see the visit of the Four Great Sacred Beasts, they will report back as soon as possible.

Therefore, they didn't take the three figures in front of them to heart at all.

At the same time, Chu Ming quietly stared at the four huge figures in the sky, his fighting spirit has soared to the extreme.

The power in his body was surging, and his combat power was crazily surging. The divine light in his bright eyes was boiling, and he fixed his eyes on the blue dragon sacred beast in the front.

"Are you ready?"

Chu Ming asked softly to the two people behind him.

The Lightning Sect Master and Zhou Motou nodded at the same time, but their expressions were a little strange, and they were already a little blue from fright.

There is no way, the aura emanating from the four holy beasts is too strong. If Chu Ming were not here, the two of them would have run away long ago.

Chu Ming squinted his eyes, and his combat power was like a volcano that had been suppressed for many years, erupting at this moment.

The sword light under his feet was shining brightly, endless sharpness soared into the sky, and the terrifying fighting spirit was already overwhelming.

"Do it!"\u003c/div\u003e

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