My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 274 Wu Xi's Worries

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After all, Chu Ming is the Patriarch of Guwu. As the name suggests, his strength and realm should have the appearance and demeanor of the Patriarch.

Although Chu Ming's strength is very strong, the four holy beasts who are so strong that they are at the peak of the soaring state are afraid of him.

However, Chu Ming's real realm is only the ninth grade of True Pulse Realm.

In other words, in terms of cultivation realm alone, there are already more than 200 million people in China who are ahead of Chu Ming.

This is absolutely unbearable!

"Now there are 200 million strong people in the sky in China. From then on, I don't have to worry about foreign enemies invading. I can go out and do missions with confidence."

Thinking of this, Chu Ming suddenly got up and walked out of his room.

When Wu Xi heard the movement, she immediately ended her practice and walked out of the room. The two met in the living room.

In the online guidance and teaching just now, warriors like Wu Xi who were originally in the sky realm also followed suit.

They were pleasantly surprised to find that after dredging the meridians according to the method taught by Chu Ming, although the realm did not increase, the strength was greatly improved.

Everyone found that the aura moves more smoothly in the body, the time required for the same move to be used is shorter, and the power is more pure.

Wu Xi is also very beneficial, so he has been meditating and practicing until he heard Chu Ming coming out of the room, and then followed him out.

It was still early, and Chu Ming stood in front of the window, looking at the sun hanging high, silently counting the time in his heart.

"What are you thinking?"

Wu Xi stood opposite Chu Ming and asked softly.

After today's sound transmission teaching, Wu Xi's admiration for Chu Ming became more obvious.

Chu Ming became more and more mysterious in Wu Xi's mind. She really couldn't imagine how many magical powers Chu Ming still hadn't used.

Hearing Wu Xi's words, Chu Ming said softly: "It's still early in the day, I plan to go to another world, if all goes well, I can come back before dawn tomorrow morning."

"I will go with you!"

When Wu Xi heard that Chu Ming was planning to go out, she immediately took a step forward and volunteered.

Chu Ming gently touched Wu Xi's head, and said with a smile: "Forget it, my action this time is a bit dangerous, so you should not follow."

Hearing Chu Ming say that the action was dangerous, Wu Xi suddenly looked dangerous.

"If you are in danger, you should take me with you. I can share weal and woe with you."

Wu Xi said decisively, with a serious look on her pretty face.

Chu Ming shook his head with a smile, and said, "I don't know if I should say something or not."

Wu Xi was stunned, and said: "Speak!"

Chu Ming laughed dryly and said, "I think it might be a burden for you to follow me."

Wu Xi: "???"

Kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs, please be a human being!

Wu Xi rolled her eyes at Chu Ming, and said dissatisfiedly: "I want to help you, but I didn't expect you to be so heartless."

Chu Ming: "..."

Chu Ming just wanted to explain a few words, but Wu Xi said first: "Chu Ming, you have to know that you have a very special status now, and you can't have anything to do with anyone."

Seeing Wu Xi's serious appearance, Chu Ming immediately smiled relaxedly, and said, "Don't worry, we have more than 200 million vacant realm fighters in Huaxia, so don't worry."

"That's why I'm worried!"

While speaking, Wu Xi's complexion became serious.

She took a step forward, walked in front of Chu Ming, and said solemnly: "Huaxia people have never been afraid of foreign enemies. When foreign enemies can't pose a threat to Huaxia, internal strife is the most terrifying."

Hearing this, the smile on Chu Ming's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes became cold.

Wu Xi continued: "Now because of your existence, everyone regards you as the supreme king and strictly abides by the rules set by the Shuguang organization."

"But have you ever thought about what the world would be like if you were gone?"

"First I ask you,

Where should the Dawning Organization go? "

"Now, all the members of the Dawn Organization have been vacated, and everyone's strength has grown in a blowout. If you are not here, who will control this terrifying force?"

"Similarly, there are 200 million people in Huaxia who successfully broke through to the sky. They are not members of the Shuguang Organization or the Huaxia Corps. They were just ordinary citizens."

"Now they have such terrible power, if you are gone, who will restrain them?"

"The hot weapons of the mortal period are nothing in front of the warriors in the sky. If you are gone, how should Huaxia restrain them?"

"Some people have broken through to the sky, some are still in the true pulse state, and some are even ordinary people who cannot practice. With such a huge gap in strength, if there is a situation of relying on the strong to bully the weak, what should this world do?"

A series of questions came out of Wu Xi's mouth, hitting Chu Ming's heart like a heavy hammer.

Before Wu Xi asked, Chu Ming hadn't realized that such a big hidden danger would be left after the practice of the whole people.

He only wanted to improve the strength of the people on earth as soon as possible, but he didn't think about how to govern the earth.

Now that Chu Ming exists, no one dares to come up with strange ideas.

If Chu Ming is gone, these people who have gained great power may do some uncontrollable things.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming frowned tightly, he really didn't think of this level.

However, this situation has not yet appeared. As long as the people on earth know that there are still powerful foreign enemies, they will show unprecedented unity.

Therefore, this time, when going to the foreign world battlefield, all warriors in the sky realm must go to the foreign world to have a look.

To let everyone see the wider world.

People on Earth should look at the entire Chihuang Continent, where there is an endless and vast territory waiting to be conquered, there is no need to toss each other in this small land of the earth.

Therefore, three days later, Chu Ming planned to take 200 million Chinese people to the Buzhou battlefield.

Regardless of whether we can really start a war, we must at least let everyone know the difficulties of the world.

At the same time, the entire process of the battle must be broadcast live, so that warriors on Earth who failed to participate in the battle can take a good look at the outside world.

Let everyone's eyes focus on the outside world, and you must not have the idea of ​​​​infighting.

However, Chu Ming couldn't help sighing when he thought of the wonderful expression changes when the orcs or half-orcs saw the earth's 200 million vacant realm army.

Hey, it won't scare them, will it?

Thinking of this, Chu Ming immediately smiled knowingly, and said, "In this case, then call a few more people and go to another world with me."

Chu Ming felt that what Wu Xi said was very reasonable. His current status was rather special, and it was really not suitable for him to take risks lightly.

However, when it comes to completing the final system mission, adventure is a given.

Therefore, it is necessary to call more helpers.

After pondering for a long time, Chu Ming finally decided to select the ten strongest young people from the Dawn Legion to go out to the other world with him.

These ten strong men must have one characteristic, that is, they can run fast.

Well, what Chu Ming is going to do next is a bit big, and it might be cold if he runs slowly.

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