My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 275 Activating System Tasks

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After careful selection, Chu Ming first selected ten powerful and fast warriors.

Then, Chu Ming screened these warriors again, and finally five people remained.

Of course, these five people included Chu Ming and Wu Xi.

In other words, Chu Ming only selected three people from the Dawn Legion.

That's really one in a million.

What surprised Chu Ming was that the three of them were all very young.

Two men and one woman, both about fourteen or fifteen years old.

At the same time, Chu Ming made an unexpected discovery during the statistical process. Among the many warriors who broke through the sky in China, warriors under the age of 16 accounted for 80%.

Most of the warriors who break through are between the ages of fourteen and sixteen.

After the age of 20, the number of warriors who break through to the air realm decreases relatively.

After the age of thirty, the number of warriors who can break through shows a sharp decrease.

It can be seen from this that the most suitable age for human beings to practice should be between the ages of fourteen and sixteen.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are young when you start practicing, after all, you will grow up sooner or later.

However, if you miss the golden time of practice, you will miss it in this life.

Therefore, some older people are stuck in the true pulse state, and it is really difficult to continue to break through, and they can only blame their bad luck.

I didn't meet Gu Wu Patriarch at the best age.

"May I have your name?"

Chu Ming came to a tall young man and asked in a concentrated voice.

This person is about 1.8 meters tall, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and there is a little immaturity on his handsome face.

Of course, his handsomeness is nothing compared to Chu Ming.

When the young man heard Chu Ming's question, he immediately responded with a surge of emotion: "Hello, boss, I am Zhang Jianfeng, a soldier of the 49th Army of the Dawn Legion."

Chu Ming nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, it's really gratifying to have such strength at such a young age."

Zhang Jianfeng immediately smiled knowingly, and said: "Thanks to the online guidance of the boss, half a day ago, I was only a martial artist of the eighth rank of the True Pulse Realm."

Chu Ming nodded silently. It seems that Zhang Jianfeng also stepped into the realm of the strong with his own guidance.

While speaking, Chu Ming looked at the second boy again.

This person is not very tall, but the young man looks extraordinarily energetic, and there seems to be a flame-like enthusiasm in his heart.

"Boss, my name is Zhong Chuanxiong, a soldier of the 56th Army of the Dawn Legion."

Before Chu Ming could ask, Zhong Chuanxiong volunteered to speak.

It can be seen that Zhong Chuanxiong is very enthusiastic and gives people a natural sense of intimacy.

Chu Ming smiled and nodded.

Zhong Chuanxiong's strength is also in the early stage of Soaring Realm, his combat effectiveness is not the strongest, but his speed is the fastest.

Chu Ming also couldn't figure out why his two short legs could run so fast.

Of course, now that everyone is in the air, it seems that the length of the legs doesn't matter too much.

Could it be because the other party's body is popular?

Chu Ming looked at Zhong Chuanxiong's big round face and thought it was very possible.

Perhaps it is because the opponent's head structure has less resistance to wind, so it has an advantage in speed.

Well, that's the only way to analyze it.

Finally, Chu Ming's eyes fell on a girl with clear eyes.

The girl has fair skin, red lips and white teeth, and a pair of beautiful eyebrows that are slightly curved, giving people a harmless and plain feeling.

The girl looked a little nervous, she looked at Chu Ming anxiously, and said softly: "Boss, I am Liang Yunqi, a soldier of the Eighteenth Army of the Dawn Army."

Hearing Liang Yunqi's words, Chu Ming nodded slightly, and said, "Don't be nervous, we will go to another world together in the future, this kind of personality is not acceptable."

Liang Yunqi was stunned immediately, with a trace of anxiety on her pretty face, and hurriedly responded: "No, I'm very courageous."

"Well, I hope to go to the foreign battlefield,

I can see your guts! "

Chu Ming responded with a smile, and immediately said to everyone: "Everyone has introduced each other, and it's time to do something serious. Come, follow me to another world."

While speaking, Chu Ming winked at Wu Xi, and immediately sprinted towards the passageway of the West Zombie Alien World.

Wu Xi moved the fastest and followed immediately.

Zhang Jianfeng, Zhong Chuanxiong, and Liang Yunqi were also excited, and immediately chased in the direction of Chu Ming and Wu Xi.

The five of them were extremely fast, and soon passed through the long alien passage and entered the golden grassland.

When I first came here, I saw a huge building.

Defensive fortress.

Under the continuous struggle of China's infrastructure madmen, the area of ​​the defensive fortress is getting bigger and bigger, and now it has become a huge monster.

As the Dawn Legion retreated to Earth, the defensive fortress looked empty.

Except for the thousands of people who stayed here, the defensive fortress can be described as an empty city.

Of course, this is only temporary.

After three days, the Dawn Legion soldiers who returned to Earth will return here.

At that time, at least 200 million Chinese warriors will come together. At that time, the huge defensive fortress may not be able to hold so many warriors.

Chu Ming led the crowd to fly over the defensive fortress without stopping.

Because Chu Ming knew that there was not much time left for him.

This time, Chu Ming wanted to lead everyone deep into the Holy Beast Continent. It was best to cross directly and sneak into the Half-Human Continent from another direction.

When he got there, Chu Ming had to complete his most important task.

If there is no accident, after the next mission is activated, the mission content must be to kill a million enemies in the sky.

You can't find so many high-flying experts in normal places, and it can only be achieved on foreign battlefields.

If all goes well, everyone can arrive at the battlefield in another world in half a day.

When the time comes, those who make a big vote will return immediately, and no one should know that they did it by themselves.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they know they did it.

After all, the people on Earth are so strong, and Huaxia alone has more than 200 million fighters in the Tengkong Realm.

Moreover, this number may become more as the practice time increases.

In short, after Chu Ming finished this vote, he will rise completely.

"How about I activate the system task first?"

Chu Ming muttered to himself.

Since system tasks are time-limited, in order to save time, Chu Ming usually arrives at the task location before activating the task.

In this way, he can leave enough time to complete the task.

But now, Chu Ming was inexplicably worried.

Because the reason why he wanted to go to the battlefield between the Holy Beast Continent and the Half-Human Continent was based on his understanding of the ancient martial arts system, and speculated on the next system task.

If I guess wrong, wouldn't I be blinded?

Therefore, Chu Ming decided to look at the system tasks first, so as not to cause an oolong.

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