My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 279 The Half-Human King Makes a Move

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The earth trembled and the wind and clouds stirred.

Chu Ming's energy majestic handprint became the most dazzling existence in the world, and after one blow, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

Faced with such a terrifying attack, the half-pig man roared wildly, and the bristles on his back shot out continuously, attacking the energy majestic handprint in the sky with unparalleled ferocity.

However, the gap between the two sides was too great, and the half-pig man's bristles were not enough to shake Chu Ming's energy majestic handprint.

In the end, all the half-pig warriors died under the hands of Chu Ming.

The ground was still trembling, and the terrible consequences of Chu Ming's blow were far from over.

Countless sand and dust flew up from the ground, turning into a terrifying sandstorm, sweeping across the entire Sacred Beast Continent in an instant.

Due to the defeat of the orc army, the current battlefield actually belongs to the territory of the Holy Beast Continent.

Behind Chu Ming, Wu Xi and the others looked at the huge blood-stained crater in front of them, and the horror in their eyes was no less than that of the members of the orc clan.

Chu Ming's strength is so strong that he can really run rampant in the world.

In the high sky, Chu Ming stood in the air, staring piercingly into the distance, and stared at a powerful existence across the air.

Just when the palm was slapped just now, Chu Ming had already noticed the terrifying existence.

Half-human king, a super strong man from the tauren tribe.

You know, the half-human king can fight against the existence of the four holy beasts with his own strength, and his strength may have already stepped into the extraordinary.

With Chu Ming's current strength, he needs to make a lot of preparations in advance to fight the four holy beasts alone, especially in terms of skills, which can be exchanged directly at the system mall.

But the half-human king can do this with his own strength, which shows that the opponent's strength is really strong.

If Chu Ming meets the opponent, he may not be able to defeat the opponent.

Behind Chu Ming, the four holy beasts looked into the distance at the same time.

Obviously, they also found the trace of the half-human king, and every holy beast was ready to fight.

On the ground, the army of half-orcs was beginning to retreat, and all offensives collapsed.

There was no way, Chu Ming wiped out more than one million half-pig warriors with one palm, and caused heavy damage to the half-orc army. They lost the ability to continue fighting for a short time.

Seeing the retreating orc army, Chu Ming couldn't help but frown.

"No way, although I killed more than one million half-pigs with a single palm just now, there are only a few hundred thousand half-pigs above the Sky Realm, which is still 900,000 short of my million mission goal."

Chu Ming pondered secretly in his heart, his eyes gradually became sharper.

The mission time is only three days, and it took half a day to rush on the road just now. If you can't take this opportunity to kill more orcs, your mission is very likely to fail.

Once the task fails, he will no longer be able to obtain the last level of the god-and-devil body training technique. At that time, his strength will be stuck at the ninth level of the true pulse state, and he will not be able to step into the air state.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, and at this moment the only thing to do is to work hard.

Just when Chu Ming was about to make a move, he suddenly thought of the orc army not far away.

Well, it can be used.

So, Chu Ming turned around, looked in the direction of the four holy beasts, and said directly: "Masters of the holy beasts, our king asked us to come and take the lead. The human army will arrive soon. Why don't we drive the half-orc army out of the sacred beasts first?" How about Animal Part Continent?"

Hearing Chu Ming's sound transmission, the four great holy beasts all understood.

So it is!

The Four Great Sacred Beasts had seen Chu Ming before and knew that he was the captain of the human scouts.

It seems that the King of Humanity sent them here to take the lead, and he also wanted to know the battle situation in advance.

This is the Holy Beast Continent, and it is in the interests of the Holy Beast Continent to drive out the half-orc army.

Therefore, the Four Great Sacred Beasts agreed without any discussion.

Immediately, the four holy beasts rectified the orc army and launched a counter-kill against the half-orc army.

Chu Ming's eyes narrowed, and he said to Wu Xi and the others behind him: "Don't stay too far away from me,

Just watch me make a move, no one should act rashly, there will be a fierce battle later. "

Before he finished speaking, Chu Ming rushed towards the retreating direction of the half-orc army.

Wu Xi, Zhang Jianfeng, Zhong Chuanxiong, and Liang Yunqi looked at each other. They restrained their minds when they originally wanted to make a move, and followed Chu Ming cautiously.

On the ground, the half-orc army that was fleeing at this time came from the snake-human race.

This is a group of powerful warriors with human heads and snake bodies. Some snake people hold bows and arrows, some snake people hold spears, and some snake people hold long knives, each of them is a ruthless character.

But at this time, these snake-human warriors who were once extremely fierce, were panicking like bereaved dogs, and fled desperately towards the direction of the Banhuman continent.

The main reason why Chu Ming has his eyes on them is that among the snake people, there are the most people in the sky.

In order to complete the task, Chu Ming must kill as many enemies as possible.

Therefore, the snake people became the best choice.

"Heaven Slashing Sword Technique!"

Chu Ming put his fingers together and pointed forward a little.

Immediately, the Dragon Zhantian Sword flew out from under his feet, and shot directly towards the snake-human camp.

The sword light was like water, and the snow was as bright as the sky. As soon as Youlong Zhantian sword flew out, it immediately transformed into thousands, making the sky full of sword light, sprinkled in the snake-human camp.

Snake people sensed the opponent's attack and immediately stopped to organize resistance.

Countless snake-human warriors opened their mouths wide, exhaling layers of terrifying cold air.

In an instant, the temperature in the sky dropped sharply, and a large thick green ice layer appeared.

This layer of ice was formed by the breath of ice exhaled by hundreds of thousands of snake-human warriors, and it contained a strong poison. Anyone who touched it would become numb all over.

The highly toxic ice layer has a strong defense, and ordinary people cannot break through it at all.

However, whether the defense is strong or not is only a relative term, and it mainly depends on who it is compared with.

Chu Ming's attack power is sharp, and the defense of the snake people is no match at all.

Under the horrified eyes of hundreds of thousands of snake-human warriors, Chu Ming's sword light easily exploded the huge and thick ice layer, and then stabbed towards them violently.

It has to be said that the snake-human warriors are well-trained, even at this critical moment of life and death, they still do not forget to give feedback.

The snake-human warriors in the back row drew their longbows one after another, and the arrows shot precisely at Chu Ming's sword energy.

With a violent roar, the arrow light and the sword energy clashed fiercely, producing countless dazzling light clusters.

However, although the arrow light of the Snake Human Race is sharp, it is still not the opponent of Chu Ming Youlong Zhantianjian.

After countless light clusters burst, the sword energy set off a bloody wave in the snake-human camp.

Hundreds of thousands of snake-human warriors could not resist Chu Ming's sword energy, and were directly killed by the terrifying sword energy on the spot.

At this time, a shocking murderous aura erupted in vain, and a super huge phantom in the shape of a bull appeared in the sky, smashing towards Chu Ming angrily.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes immediately, and quickly recalled Youlong Zhantianjian.

The Half-Man King has made a move!

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