My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 280 Fierce battle against the half-human king

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The weather suddenly turned gloomy.

The sandstorm that was originally bombarded by Chu Ming also froze between the sky and the earth strangely at this time.

The pressure between the sky and the earth increased greatly, and the water vapor in the air was forcibly compressed, making the entire battlefield look like it was surrounded by clouds and mist, as if it was in a cumulonimbus cloud.

When the half-human king moved, the heaven and earth turned pale.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and whispered to Wu Xi, Zhang Jianfeng, Zhong Chuanxiong, and Liang Yunqi behind him:

"I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle in the future. You should retreat three thousand miles. If the situation is not good, just flee here."

Hearing Chu Ming's words, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Wu Xi immediately said: "Chu Ming, we are here to help you, now there is danger, how can we escape directly."

Zhang Jianfeng also said: "Yes, we are all ready to fight the enemy desperately. So far, we have not had time to make a move."

Zhong Chuanxiong and Liang Yunqi nodded at the same time, the boss was in trouble, how could they retreat directly?

Chu Ming said in a calm voice: "Don't worry, even if I'm no match for the opponent, I'm sure I'll retreat. Besides, the Four Great Sacred Beasts are not vegetarians, and the half-human king may not be our opponent."

"There are still opportunities for you to take action in the future. If I and the four holy beasts stop the half-human king, you can come and help the orcs attack the half-orcs. If we are forced to retreat, you should leave here quickly."

"This is an order!"

After hearing Chu Ming's order, it was difficult for everyone to persist.

In fact, everyone knew that Chu Ming didn't ask everyone to come here to help kill the enemy, otherwise he wouldn't have specially selected people who ran fast instead of those with high combat effectiveness.

In fact, everyone came here more as a show for the orcs.

Let the orcs see the determination of the earth people to form an alliance with them.

Of course, the real reason was that Chu Ming wanted to complete the final task.

No one can see through this, so it is impossible for them to guess the real reason.

Wu Xi's pretty face was full of sorrow, and she whispered: "Then be careful."

Before she finished speaking, Wu Xi flew away immediately, and retreated three thousand miles according to Chu Ming's request.

Zhang Jianfeng, Zhong Chuanxiong, and Liang Yunqi also obeyed Chu Ming's order, and followed Wu Xi at this time, quickly leaving the central battlefield.

At the same time, the huge bull shadow in the sky became bigger and bigger, and the half-human king's anger had climbed to the extreme.

The half-human king has a huge body, the body of a bull head, and the weapon is a heavy hammer, exuding a strong terrifying aura.

Seeing the four humans fleeing, the half-human king did not stop them.

Because he knew that his real enemy was the young man holding a long sword in front of him.

In fact, the half-human king was also very frightened.

What shocked me was not Chu Ming's strength, but the opponent's martial arts with strong lethality.

First came the Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, then the Great Desolation Prisoner's Heavenly Palm, followed by the Heaven Slashing Sword Technique.

After a few tricks, the orc army suffered heavy losses.

The stronger the strength displayed by human beings, the stronger the desire of the half-human king to conquer human beings.

He seems to have found out why the offspring produced by the combination of half-orcs and earthlings are so strong. It turns out that the root lies in the earthlings.

The half-human king doesn't have the ancient bloodline of the Qinglong holy beast, and he doesn't know about the innate sacrament.

But it can be seen from the facts that the species of earthlings is very valuable for conquest.

For half-orcs, this is of strategic significance.

Chu Ming held the Youlong Zhantian sword, and the beginningless Xiaoyaojing in his body was constantly running, and the aura that had been consumed before soon became full again.

At the same time, Chu Ming directly concentrated five thousand years of skill on the Youlong Zhantian Sword. Facing the powerful half-human king, he did not dare to take it lightly.

Not far away, after seeing the half-human king, the four holy beasts did not rush up immediately.

Xuanwu Holy Beast said: "The half-human king has appeared, we should join hands with that earthling boy to destroy the half-human king."

The Suzaku Holy Beast shook his head and said: "The Half-Human King is too strong, if there is no accident, his half foot has already stepped into the extraordinary realm, even if we join forces with that earth boy, it is impossible to kill him. "

The White Tiger Sacred Beast said: "That young man on earth is very powerful. We have also experienced it before. If we join forces with him, even if we can't kill the half-human king, we should be able to severely damage the half-human king."

"It makes sense, but there is our army of orcs below. Once a battle of our level breaks out, many members of the orcs may suffer."

"Don't forget, this is the land of our Holy Beast Continent. The boy from the earth just slapped it down and destroyed so much of our land!"

The four holy beasts were in a complicated mood, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

In the end, the White Tiger Holy Beast, Suzaku Holy Beast and Xuanwu Holy Beast all looked at the Qinglong Holy Beast at the same time. At this time, only the opinion of the elder brother Qinglong Holy Beast is the most important.

"Brother Qinglong, what should we do?"

The white tiger holy beast asked in a condensed voice.

Suzaku and Xuanwu looked at the Qinglong holy beast at the same time, waiting for the other party's reply.

The Azure Dragon Sacred Beast stared at the two figures confronting each other in front of it, and replied after a moment of pondering: "Leave them alone for the time being, let them fight first, and it would be great if we can both lose."

Hearing the words of the Qinglong holy beast, the other three holy beasts all nodded secretly.

Yes, this is the best solution.

The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit, and the four holy beasts will watch from the sidelines this time.

On the battlefield, Chu Ming has already made complete preparations, and his five thousand years of skill has been prepared.

At this time, Chu Ming knew that the four holy beasts could not be counted on. If the other party was willing to make a move, they would have come here long ago, and they would not wait until now.

Chu Ming looked at his system task bar, and the goal of the million flying enemies was only completed less than 20%.

In order to complete the task, it seems that some orc members will be killed by mistake later.

Chu Ming glanced back at the Four Great Sacred Beasts, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you want to see me fight with the opponent and lose both?"

"If I can't even see this little trick, I'm too sorry for my nine-year compulsory education!"

Chu Ming snorted coldly, and immediately rushed towards the huge phantom of the half-human king.

The Youlong Zhantian Sword in his hand suddenly lifted up, a thousand years of kung fu without the crazy output of capital, and instantly cut out a shocking sword energy that surpassed thousands of feet.

The half-human king uttered a loud roar, ready to fight with all his strength, swung the super heavy hammer in his hand suddenly, and a blazing black light collided with Chu Ming's sword energy fiercely.

The shocking battle was about to break out, and with the terrifying sound of explosions, the Half-Human King was about to launch a counterattack against Chu Ming.

Just when he was about to make a move, the half-human king couldn't help being stunned, and the huge bull's head looked towards Chu Ming's figure.

He was horrified to find that the other party quickly moved away from this place after slashing with a sword, and chased in the direction where the orc army was retreating.

Seeing this scene, the Half-Human King's face suddenly changed.

No, the other party wants to kill his own people!

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