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Chapter 281: A Shocking Palm

In the high sky, the sword energy howled.

Chu Ming's sword energy flickered all over his body, and he rushed directly in the direction where the orc army was evacuating.

To be precise, Chu Ming rushed towards the direction where there are the most powerful people in the Soaring Realm.

There are not only half-orc army, but also orc army. The stalemate between them has just ended, and the two fighters have not yet completely separated.

Chu Ming traveled hundreds of millions of miles to come here, not really intending to form an alliance with the orcs.

At the end of the day, he just wants to get his job done.

If the orcs cooperate, then good, he will reach an established alliance with the orcs, and only hunt and kill the half-orcs when completing the task.

But I didn't expect that the orcs would sit on the sidelines, and the four holy beasts wanted to reap the benefits of fishing.

So I'm sorry, Chu Ming went crazy and killed everyone.

The main purpose of Chu Ming's coming here is to complete his million-killing mission. As long as the mission can be completed, it doesn't matter whether the orcs he kills are half-orcs.

The people on earth have grown up, and the 200 million vacating realms are enough to look down on this world, so there is no need for me to compromise with the other party.

Moreover, if the people on earth want to compete for hegemony in the Chihuang Continent, they will encounter the orcs and half-orcs sooner or later.

Since this battle is inevitable, why not come earlier.

Anyway, now the earth people have no fear!

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

Chu Ming slapped his big hand, and bursts of dragon chant resounded, and dragon shadows gleaming with golden light leaped between the sky and the earth, smashing all the enemies they passed along the way.

As Chu Ming's strength skyrocketed, so did the power of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

With one slap, at least 3,000 orcs were killed.

Not far away, members of the werewolf tribe roared wildly.

"Look, it's Long Ying, the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast has made a move!"

The werewolves roared wildly. They were terrified by the dragon shadow. At this time, they quickly left the battlefield and fled towards the distance at an accelerated speed.

Orcs have never seen Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms,

They saw a dragon-shaped phantom from a long distance away, and thought it was the Qinglong holy beast who made a move.

Not only have the half-orcs never seen such a scene, but neither have members of the orc race.

They were planning to evacuate, but when they suddenly saw the phantom of a dragon, they all showed great joy.

"It turned out to be the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast who made the move."

You know, the Qinglong holy beast is the head of the four holy beasts, and its attack is enough to prove the attitude of the beast clan.

As a result, the members of the orc clan who originally planned to evacuate rushed towards the dragon-shaped phantom, especially the strong ones among the orc clan.

There is no way, who doesn't want to gain a good impression in front of the top leader!

All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of alien beasts in the air realm rushed towards the half-orc army. They surrounded the half-orc army from all directions, and quickly blocked the opponent's way of escaping.

The half-orc legion who originally planned to flee from the battlefield noticed this scene, and could only curse in their hearts, and had to stay and continue fighting.

There is no way, if you don't stay and fight fiercely, all the half-orc legions will be eaten away by the orcs.

What's more, the half-human king is still fighting, and the king is there, so it doesn't seem to be the case if he runs away.

In case of liquidation after the event, the terrible consequences would make one shudder to think about.

As a result, the half-orc legion no longer fled, once again proving to challenge the strong orcs, and a large-scale battle broke out again.

Chu Ming really didn't expect that the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which he casually played, would have such an effect.

It's really wrong.

Suddenly, a sharp force came from behind, and a terrifying killing intent enveloped the world.

Chu Ming's eyes froze immediately, and he knew without looking that the ultimate move of the Half-Human King had arrived again.


Chu Ming roared in his heart, golden light shone between his brows, and his aura directly locked onto a werewolf thousands of meters away.

It was a huge werewolf warrior over three meters in size, dressed in gray chain mail, and holding a blood-stained broadsword in his hand.

The werewolf warrior was raising his big knife high, ready to slash at a member of the orc clan who was in the sky, looking fierce.

In an instant, the light and shadow in front of Chu Ming's eyes flowed, and he directly switched places with the werewolf.

At the same time, the werewolf warrior's face was stunned, and he was stunned on the spot.

"what happened?"

The werewolf warrior suddenly appeared at the place where Chu Ming was originally, with the sword still held high in his hand, but the orc enemies in front of him were gone.

Before the werewolf warrior could react, a thick heavy hammer hit the air, the terrifying aura crushed the void, and smashed fiercely at the werewolf warrior's head with unparalleled momentum.

"This is the king's heavy hammer!"

The werewolf warrior instantly recognized his king's weapon, but his head was in a daze.

Why did I appear here?

Why did the king hit his head with the heavy hammer?

In the end what happened?

No one answered the werewolf warrior's words, only a fatal blow awaited him.


With a loud noise, the werewolf warrior's body exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

From the beginning to the end, the werewolf warrior didn't have time to let out any screams.

On the opposite side, the Half-Human King shook his huge bull head, recalled his heavy hammer casually, and could not help but sneer in his heart.

"This king thought the other party was such a difficult guy, but it turned out to be so vulnerable!"

With the blow just now, the Half-Human King clearly felt that he had hit the target, and his mood immediately became more relaxed.

It has to be said that the Hammer of the Half-Human King is really too big, big enough to block the figure of the werewolf warrior.

That is to say, the half-human king knew that he had hit the target, but he didn't know what the target was, because all the sight was blocked by the hammer.

Therefore, the half-human king didn't see Chu Ming's transformation, but thought he had hit the target.

Just when the half-human king showed contempt, a big energy hand suddenly appeared in the sky, and that terrifying momentum wave broke out again.

At this moment, Chu Ming stood at the center of the battle between the orc army and the half-orc army, directly mobilizing three thousand years of skill, and summoned a super huge wild prisoner palm.

The power of this palm is far greater than before, and the range it covers is also very huge, spanning tens of miles.

In other words, Chu Ming's palm directly covered most of the battlefield.

"not good!"

At this moment, the Half-Human King realized something was wrong, Chu Ming was not dead at all.

Sure enough, the shadow of a human teenager in the distance was rushing towards him.

"A little bit of cold light shines!"

Chu Ming held the Youlong Zhantian Sword and stabbed directly at the Half-Human King. The piercing murderous intent had enveloped everything and almost pierced the sky.

Sensing the other party's shocking murderous intent, the half-human king suddenly showed a look of shock.

Before he had time to think about it, the half-human king had no choice but to retreat violently, trying to stay away from Chu Ming's sword light attack.

The murderous intent in Chu Ming's eyes did not diminish, but he was relieved in his heart.

If the Half-Human King stays here, most of the power of the Great Wild Prisoner's Palm will be stopped by him, and the attack power will be greatly reduced.

At this time, he forced the opponent back, so the power of the Great Desolate Prisoner's Heavenly Palm will all fall on the orcs and half-orcs below.

Perhaps after this palm, his mission can be completed.

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