My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 282: Great Earthquake in Another World, Volcanic Eruption!

Above the nine heavens, the wind is surging.

The familiar energy storm broke out again.

But this time, the storm came stronger than ever.

Chu Ming has no scruples at all.

Whether it is the orc army or the half-orc army, in the eyes of Chu Ming, they are all tasks.

After cutting this wave of leeks, I will stay away from the core of the battle and find a quiet place to make the final breakthrough. Wouldn't it be nice.

In the distance, the four holy beasts who had been on the sidelines all showed horror.

The Azure Dragon Sacred Beast suddenly raised its haughty dragon head, and said with fear on its face: "No, that human boy used that trick again!"

Not long ago, the Four Great Sacred Beasts had just seen Chu Ming cast the Great Desolate Prisoner's Palm. Even the strongest Sacred Beasts felt unparalleled palpitations at that power.

Now the opponent used this palm again, and it was even more powerful than before.

The most important thing is that there are not only half-orc legions below, but also their orc army.

The White Tiger Holy Beast suddenly burst into endless white light, and endless starlight appeared on the surface of its body. It took a few steps and looked piercingly at the huge palm print in the sky.

"Is that kid crazy? There are still our orc warriors down here!"

The White Tiger Sacred Beast was in a heavy heart, and wanted to make a move at this time, but was worried that he would not be able to stop it.

The sacred beast of Suzaku waved its wings, and endless flames began to burn in the void.

"I think that kid must have done it on purpose. He wanted to kill all our orc warriors and half-orc warriors."

From the beginning to the end, the sacred beast of Suzaku was hostile to the people on earth.

Seeing Chu Ming's behavior now, his heart suddenly became murderous.

Xuanwu Holy Beast said: "Perhaps, the other party is just dissatisfied with our behavior."

As the Xuanwu holy beast opened its mouth, the Qinglong holy beast, White tiger holy beast, and Suzaku holy beast all turned their heads to look at it, with a little coldness in their eyes.

The Azure Dragon Sacred Beast snorted coldly: "Dissatisfied with our behavior? What did we do? Did we do anything wrong?"

The White Tiger Sacred Beast and the Suzaku Sacred Beast also stared at the Xuanwu Sacred Beast with bad eyes,

The mood seems to be bad.

The Xuanwu holy beast shrank its neck in fright, feeling infinitely wronged in its heart.

That's right, if the other party had just started fighting with the Half-Human King, and everyone could have gone to help, the current situation would definitely not have happened.

At this time, the opponent is obviously indiscriminate between the enemy and the enemy, and he must have been provoked by the inaction of the previous four holy beasts.

The sacred light in the dragon eyes of the Qinglong holy beast came to the side of the Xuanwu holy beast in a flash, and said in a low voice: "Your light of protection should be able to block the opponent's attack. Whether our clansmen can survive or not depends on you." I count on you!"

Hearing the words of the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast, the Xuanwu Sacred Beast couldn't help being startled.

"What's the meaning?"

"Let me go over and bear it?"

"What the hell, why don't you go?"

Although Xuanwu Holy Beast doesn't usually argue with other Holy Beasts, it doesn't mean that it has a good temper.

To be precise, the Xuanwu Holy Beast is much older than the Qinglong Holy Beast. It can live for such a long time, and it definitely has the ability to be proud of.

The White Tiger Sacred Beast also urged: "Hurry up and go there, or it will be too late."

The Suzaku sacred beast whispered: "Have you forgotten your strengths? Your defense is so strong. Don't worry, your turtle shell is hard enough. The opponent's attack can't break your defense."

Seeing that the three great holy beasts made him stand up to the thunder, the Xuanwu holy beast was a little annoyed.

However, after living for so long, the Xuanwu Holy Beast has long since become an old fritter. At this time, he nodded calmly and said, "Okay, I will go right away."

While speaking, the Xuanwu holy beast began to stretch out its four big claws, and slowly crawled towards the direction where the huge palm print fell.

Xuanwu Sacred Beast sneered in his heart: "My advantages are obvious, but my shortcomings are also prominent. If I can't keep up with the speed, what can I do?"

Seeing the Xuanwu sacred beast slowly slowing down, the Qinglong sacred beast, the White tiger sacred beast, and the Suzaku sacred beast all looked unhappy and were in a very unhappy mood.

But they have nothing to do. Even the Qinglong holy beast with super attack power, it is very difficult to break through the defense of the Xuanwu holy beast.

Besides, the Four Great Sacred Beasts must remain united, because only the Four Great Sacred Beasts can fight against the Half-Human King together.

If the four holy beasts fall apart and the half-human king comes to attack, they will not be opponents.

In the distance, Chu Ming saw a huge black turtle flying towards this place, and he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

You know, his current opponent is the Half-Human King. If he faces the Four Great Sacred Beasts again, he will only have to lose.

Therefore, Chu Ming did not attack the Xuanwu holy beast, but turned around directly and flew towards other directions on the battlefield at high speed.

"Hurry up and return to the defensive fortress!"

Chu Ming sent a voice transmission through the air to Wu Xi and the others who had fled thousands of miles away, telling them to escape from this place in advance.

Then, Chu Ming rushed out of the coverage of the Great Desolate Prisoner's Palm, and slapped his palms on the battlefield indiscriminately one after another.

"Buddha's Palm!"

Chu Ming let out a roar, and dense palm prints appeared in the sky, smashing towards the ground from all directions.

Compared with the Great Desolate Prisoner's Palm, the power of the Tathagata God's Palm is relatively weak.

But the advantage of Tathagata God Palm is also obvious, that is, the preparation time for casting is relatively small, which can satisfy Chu Ming's continuous attacks.

So Chu Ming flew all the way, leaving a row of dense palm prints along the way.

Whether it is the Great Desolate Prisoner's Palm or the Tathagata God's Palm, they all have the characteristic of locking energy.

In other words, as long as the enemies covered by the palm prints are unable to break free from the shackles of the palm print energy, they will not be able to escape from the range attacked by the palm prints.

As a result, millions of troops were shrouded in the palm of terror one after another.




The continuous roar sounded, and the entire Saint Beast Continent began to tremble violently.

The army of orcs and half-orcs who were shrouded below all died at this time, and none of them could escape.

The successive attacks of strong palm prints caused the Holy Beast Buzhou to shake violently.

As if the earth's crust couldn't bear this kind of blow, it began to slowly shift.

In the process of this displacement, an unprecedented earthquake in another world broke out.

Suddenly, a fiery breath appeared, a strong smell of sulfur radiated everywhere, and there were bursts of roaring from the ground.

At this moment, all the living beasts were terrified and crawled to the ground, not knowing what happened.

Even the Four Great Sacred Beasts and the Half-Human King were no exception. At this moment, they all looked into the distance in fear, where there were clouds of black smoke coming out of the ground.

The roaring sound from the ground became more and more intense, until at a certain moment, a blazing fire burst into the sky, and the billowing magma splashed around with a fiery breath.

Chu Ming, who was running away, couldn't help looking back, and immediately showed a look of shock.

I'm so crazy, the volcano erupted!

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