My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 283 Team Round

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On the battlefield in the southeastern border of the Holy Beast Continent, an unprecedented large volcano appeared and began to erupt violently.

The crust of the Chihuang Continent is very stable, and natural disasters such as volcanoes and earthquakes rarely occur.

Doesn't happen doesn't mean it didn't happen.

To be precise, since there have been no volcanic earthquakes in this world, once the crust moves, the release of the pressure in the center of the earth is quite terrifying.

Therefore, when Chu Ming's palm prints hit the ground one after another, the earth's crust could no longer bear the pressure.

The earth-shattering volcano erupted.

People on Earth are all too familiar with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

But for the orcs and half-orcs in the Scarlet Desolation Continent, that is a mysterious and terrifying thing.

In the eyes of the orcs and half-orcs, this is the anger of the mountain god.

So, when the volcano erupted, all the orc warriors and half-orc warriors didn't think of running away, but knelt on the ground and worshiped devoutly.

Even the four great holy beasts and the half-human king did not leave, and all lowered their noble heads.

In the distance, Chu Ming was flying at a very high speed with the Dragon-Zhantian Sword on his feet, and soon left the battlefield.

In Chu Ming's view, he would definitely be chased by the half-human king or the four holy beasts after killing so many half-orcs and strong orcs one after another.

But unexpectedly, none of them caught up.

"This volcano is really powerful, much more spectacular than the ones on Earth."

Chu Ming looked back, even though he had flown far away, he could still see the soaring flames.

So scary!

While flying with the sword, Chu Ming entered the task bar of the ancient martial arts system to check his task status.

[Task progress: 10000001000000, the task has been completed. 】

[Congratulations to the completion of the host task, the reward for the ninth level of the body refining technique of gods and demons. 】

[The task reward has been issued, the host will check it in time! 】

Seeing the message that the task was completed, Chu Ming was overjoyed.

He did not hesitate to offend the Holy Beast Continent and the Half-Human Continent, and finally completed the final mission.

Although the process is more tortuous, but the result is still good.

Chu Ming felt that this place was not safe, and the final breakthrough must be very noisy, so he wanted to find a safe place to make the breakthrough.

Before breaking through, Chu Ming had to bring Wu Xi and the others back to Earth.

Chu Ming's mental power was exceptionally strong. At that time, Chu Ming sent a voice transmission to Wu Xi and others, telling them to leave this place early.

In fact, Wu Xi and the others were worried about Chu Ming's safety and did not go too far.

Chu Ming circled around on purpose, originally planning to throw off the pursuers and then join Wu Xi and the others, but he really didn't expect that the enemy didn't pursue him at all.

So, after performing without a real object, Chu Ming returned to the right path by himself, and soon met Wu Xi and others who were waiting on the way.

"Chu Ming!"

Seeing Chu Ming's return, Wu Xi was the first to rush up, her pretty face full of concern.

Zhang Jianfeng, Zhong Chuanxiong, and Liang Yunqi also greeted him immediately, but their relationship with Chu Ming was not that close, so it was difficult to say anything at this time.

Chu Ming's breath was steady, and the power in his body was still as thick as an abyss, as if it would never dry up.

His eyes were as bright as stars, and his blazing aura was already boiling.

Obviously, Chu Ming fought heartily in that battle just now, and until now, his blood is still boiling, and his fighting spirit has not diminished.

Compared with Chu Ming, Wu Xi, Zhang Jianfeng, Zhong Chuanxiong, and Liang Yunqi seemed a little lonely.

Just like before, the four of them traveled hundreds of millions of miles to come here, but they still didn't make a single move.

Regarding this matter, in fact, everyone has complained in private.

That is, as long as they go out with the boss to perform tasks, no one has a chance to make a move.

This time, the four originally wanted to break the rumor, but they didn't expect it to be the same as before.

Therefore, the four of them had no chance to make a move from beginning to end.

Chu Ming saw everyone's expressions,

Immediately asked with some doubts: "What's the situation, why don't you look happy, are you unhappy to see me come back unscathed?"

Hearing Chu Ming's words, everyone was shocked.

You don't think so.

Zhang Jianfeng immediately said: "No, the main reason is that we have been in the Holy Beast Buzhou for so long, and we have never had a chance to make a move. Now we are going back, and everyone feels a little melancholy."

Zhong Chuanxiong nodded and said: "Yes, everyone came here to hone their combat effectiveness and gain some combat experience for themselves, but unfortunately there is no chance."

Liang Yunqi blinked pitifully, and said in a crisp voice: "There are many strange beasts down there, why don't we go down to have a good time?"

Looking at Liang Yunqi's big watery eyes, Chu Ming really couldn't complain.

On the surface, Liang Yunqi looked like a cute and cute girl, but what she was about to do was so bloody.

You really can't tell what you look like.

Except for Wu Xi, everyone else looked at Chu Ming expectantly, hoping to get permission.

It seems that everyone is really suffocated.

That's right, when they entered the foreign world, they were ready to fight with all their strength, but they were really unwilling to go back like this.

Therefore, Chu Ming looked at Wu Xi and asked, "Wu Xi, what's your opinion? There are many strange beasts down here. Do you want to go down and practice your hands?"

Chu Ming's pretty face was slightly cold, as if she was not very happy.

She glanced at the strange beast below, and said in a cold voice: "I don't think this is a good idea.

What we have to do now is to return to the earth as soon as possible. Originally, the enemy didn't know which way we were going.

If we do a quick kill first, they'll know we're back to Earth from here.

So, I think it's better not to act rashly.

Leave in a low-key manner and develop quietly.

If the two sides really go to war in the future, a battle must be fought. "

Hearing Wu Xi's words, everyone couldn't help but nodded silently.

I have to say, what Wu Xi said made sense.

To be honest, even Chu Ming didn't realize this.

To be precise, Chu Ming doesn't care much about these details anymore.

He has already completed the final task, and he has obtained the ninth level of the body refining technique of gods and demons, so he no longer has to worry about the safety of the earth.

Of course, Chu Ming knew that it was not time to float away. After all, he had just obtained the exercises and hadn't practiced them yet.

Therefore, Chu Ming adopted Wu Xi's opinion, and said to everyone: "I think what Wu Xi said makes sense, what do you think?"

Zhang Jianfeng, Zhong Chuanxiong, and Liang Yunqi nodded at the same time, agreeing with Wu Xi's statement.

So, Chu Ming waved his hand at everyone and said: "In this case, we will return to Earth immediately, don't worry, there will be opportunities for you to take action in the future."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Ming rushed towards the direction of the golden grassland. The sword light under his feet was shining, and his figure was like a streamer.

Wu Xi, Zhang Jianfeng, Zhong Chuanxiong, and Liang Yunqi each soared in momentum, and the figure following Chu Ming quickly moved away from this place.

As the sun set, five figures were reflected in the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

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