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Chapter 285 The Evolution of Mount Penglai

A new round of cultivation began, and the strength of the Chinese people once again advanced by leaps and bounds.

When everyone was immersed in the joyous laughter of growing strength, Chu Ming's figure disappeared.

This time, Chu Ming didn't take anyone away, and went to the East China Sea alone to find the location of the three fairy mountains.

Chu Ming sent a message to Wu Xi, telling the other party that he had something to go out, but he didn't say what he was going to do.

Just let Wu Xi pay attention to maintaining the order of the earth, and prevent some people from losing their mentality due to a sudden surge in strength.

In fact, Chu Ming was not too worried. After all, the earth has been under the protection of the Dawn Legion, and there will be no major mistakes.

In this way, Chu Ming can leave with peace of mind.

Under the guidance of the system positioning and navigation, Chu Ming appeared on the East China Sea at an extremely fast speed.

Today's East China Sea has become extremely extraordinary, almost every day is covered with heavy fog.

Of course, this kind of fog should be regarded as aura to be precise.

After all, the concentration of aura is too dense. If the mist is condensed into water droplets, perhaps the aura liquid can be obtained.

Chu Ming's eyes were like lightning, and he looked towards the distance of the sea, and found dozens of aircraft carriers floating quietly on the sea.

This is the aircraft carrier dispatched by Chu Ming's order, and there are many Chinese people practicing on it.

It has to be said that the aura density at sea is much denser than that on land, and the proportion of breakthroughs here is the highest.

Of course, the total amount of aura density is definitely not comparable to that in the mainland of China. The key is that there are fewer people here, and less aura is absorbed.

Therefore, under the premise that the inland aura is greatly consumed, the aura density above the East China Sea appears to be relatively high.

Chu Ming also found that from time to time, someone jumped up from the aircraft carrier and flew directly towards the mainland.

This is someone who has broken through to the Soaring Realm and feels that his practice has reached a certain level, so he decides to leave.

Chu Ming took a few glances, and was about to continue flying in the direction of Sanxian Island.

at this moment,

There was a strong momentum fluctuation from the bottom of the sea, and an octopus with a size of more than a few thousand meters stretched out its long tentacles from the bottom of the sea.

The terrifying suction cups adsorbed to the outside of the aircraft carrier, and then quickly climbed up to the deck, sweeping away the large number of fighter planes parked on the deck.

The Chinese warriors who were meditating on the deck got up one after another, pulled out their long swords, and slashed at the tentacles stretched out on the deck.

Immediately, the sword light roared, and sharp sword energy slashed on the tentacles of the octopus.

Soon, the deck was covered in blood and flesh, and the Chinese warriors repelled the first wave of octopus attacks.

Before people had time to rejoice, more tentacles stretched out from the bottom of the sea and directly clung to the hull of the aircraft carrier. The huge force had already twisted and deformed the entire hull.

Perhaps people's attacks aroused the anger of marine life, and a sea battle broke out in an instant.

In the sky, Chu Ming looked at it for a while and stopped paying attention.

In the future, the struggle between human beings and nature will become more and more fierce, and only the strong can survive.

However, Chu Ming was not very worried about this battle at sea.

After all, there are at least 3,000 vacant-level powerhouses on the aircraft carrier, and the octopus in the sea is only at the peak of the ninth-rank true pulse level.

If we really want to fight, the current human beings are much stronger than the naturally evolved creatures.

The only problem is that if the octopus destroys the carrier, those fighters who are not in the air may be in trouble.

After all, warriors in the True Vein Realm can't fly yet, and without the carrier of an aircraft carrier, they might drown in the sea.

Of course, the aircraft carrier is still very strong, and it should not sink in a short period of time. During this period of time, it is enough for the fighters on it to counterattack or return.

Chu Ming withdrew his gaze and continued to fly in the northeast direction.

According to the system positioning and navigation system, Penglai Mountain, one of the three great fairy mountains, is still 300,000 miles away from here.

This distance is really terrifying.

You know, how big was the East China Sea in the ordinary period?

Now it turns out that it takes another 300,000 miles just to go to Penglai Mountain.

Chu Ming looked at the distance between Fangzhang Island and Yingzhou Island, and found that they were both more than one million miles away.

The length of the equator is only 80,000 miles!

Chu Ming seriously suspects that the East China Sea is no longer the East China Sea it used to be. The space here has been distorted and deformed strangely, making the distance infinitely longer.

Chu Ming set the place of practice at Penglai Xiandao, which is the closest to him.

Mount Penglai is one of the three great fairy mountains and one of the ancestors of the spiritual veins. It is definitely the most correct choice for Chu Ming to break through there.

Although 300,000 miles is a long way, at Chu Ming's current speed, it only takes half a day.

Of course, this is the guidance of the system positioning and navigation system. If there is no system navigation, Chu Ming will definitely be wandering around in this vast sea like a headless chicken.

No matter how far the distance is, as long as the direction is correct, the distance will get closer and closer.

Even if it takes a long time, there will be a day when it will be achieved.

Soon after, Chu Ming saw the shadow of Penglai Xianshan from a distance.

At this moment, Chu Ming's eyes were filled with radiance, and his heart was full of shock.

This is the second time Chu Ming has arrived at Penglai Fairy Mountain.

Obviously, compared with the last time I arrived at Penglai Xianshan, this time has become different from before.

First choice, the area of ​​Penglai Xianshan has become larger.

Now Chu Ming has not yet fully reached Penglai Fairy Mountain, and there are still thousands of miles away.

Penglai Xianshan can be seen from such a distance. On the one hand, Chu Ming’s eyesight has become stronger, and on the other hand, Penglai Xianshan has become bigger.

For example, if someone stands in the northeast and sees the Himalayas, how tall is the Himalayas?

As Chu Ming approached, the shock became more and more intense.

The closer you get, the more intuitive the size of Penglai Mountain becomes.

Especially now, even if Chu Ming is flying in mid-air, he has to look up at this mountain.

At the same time, what Chu Ming was worried about was that this kind of change happened in Penglai Mountain. Does it mean that Fangzhang Mountain and Yingzhou Mountain also had this kind of change?

So what about the five mountains in China?

Has Mount Tai also skyrocketed?

Has Huashan, Songshan, Hengshan, and Hengshan all become extraordinary?

Is Kunlun still the original Kunlun?

A series of questions flooded Chu Ming's mind, and he suddenly realized that the recovery of the earth's spiritual energy did not seem to be as simple as an increase in the density of the spiritual energy.

There must be other influencing factors, but Chu Ming has not yet found the key to the matter.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how the future changes, strength is the top priority!"

"Practice at Penglai Mountain first, and when you break through to the Vaulting Realm, you will be free from fear."

Thinking of this in Chu Ming's mind, he immediately accelerated and rushed towards Penglai Mountain.

No matter what time it is, strength is the most important thing. As long as there is enough strength, human beings will always be invincible.

There's only one thing to come: breakthrough!

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